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270 lines (252 loc) · 9.83 KB

File metadata and controls

270 lines (252 loc) · 9.83 KB

API and Configuration



As a standalone library, MediaElement.js can be configured using the following settings.

// allows testing on HTML5, flash, silverlight
// auto: attempts to detect what the browser can do
// auto_plugin: prefer plugins and then attempt native HTML5
// native: forces HTML5 playback
// shim: disallows HTML5, will attempt either Flash or Silverlight
// none: forces fallback view
mode: 'auto',
// remove or reorder to change plugin priority and availability
plugins: ['flash','silverlight','youtube','vimeo'],
// shows debug errors on screen
enablePluginDebug: false,
// use plugin for browsers that have trouble with Basic Authentication on HTTPS sites
httpsBasicAuthSite: false,
// overrides the type specified, useful for dynamic instantiation
type: '',
// path to Flash and Silverlight plugins
pluginPath: mejs.Utility.getScriptPath(['mediaelement.js','mediaelement.min.js','mediaelement-and-player.js','mediaelement-and-player.min.js']),
// name of flash file
flashName: 'flashmediaelement.swf',
// streamer for RTMP streaming
flashStreamer: '',
// set to 'always' for CDN version
flashScriptAccess: 'sameDomain',	
// turns on the smoothing filter in Flash
enablePluginSmoothing: false,
// enabled pseudo-streaming (seek) on .mp4 files
enablePseudoStreaming: false,
// start query parameter sent to server for pseudo-streaming
pseudoStreamingStartQueryParam: 'start',
// name of silverlight file
silverlightName: 'silverlightmediaelement.xap',
// default if the <video width> is not specified
defaultVideoWidth: 480,
// default if the <video height> is not specified
defaultVideoHeight: 270,
// overrides <video width>
pluginWidth: -1,
// overrides <video height>
pluginHeight: -1,
// additional plugin variables in 'key=value' form
pluginVars: [],	
// rate in milliseconds for Flash and Silverlight to fire the timeupdate event
// larger number is less accurate, but less strain on plugin->JavaScript bridge
timerRate: 250,
// initial volume for player
startVolume: 0.8,
// custom error message in case media cannot be played; otherwise, Download File
// link will be displayed
customError: "",
success: function (mediaElement, domObject) { },
error: function () { }


Including the above, MediaElementPlayer object allows the following extra configuration elements.

// url to poster (to fix iOS 3.x)
poster: '',
// When the video is ended, we can show the poster.
showPosterWhenEnded: false,
// default if the <video width> is not specified
defaultVideoWidth: 480,
// default if the <video height> is not specified
defaultVideoHeight: 270,
// if set, overrides <video width>
videoWidth: -1,
// if set, overrides <video height>
videoHeight: -1,
// default if the user doesn't specify
defaultAudioWidth: 400,
// default if the user doesn't specify
defaultAudioHeight: 30,
// default amount to move back when back key is pressed
defaultSeekBackwardInterval: function(media) {
  return (media.duration * 0.05);
// default amount to move forward when forward key is pressed
defaultSeekForwardInterval: function(media) {
	return (media.duration * 0.05);
// default amount to move back when Page Up key is pressed
defaultJumpBackwardInterval: function(media) {
  return (media.duration * 0.20);
// default amount to move forward when Page Down key is pressed
defaultJumpForwardInterval: function(media) {
	return (media.duration * 0.20);
// set dimensions via JS instead of CSS
setDimensions: true,
// width of audio player
audioWidth: -1,
// height of audio player
audioHeight: -1,
// initial volume when the player starts (overrided by user cookie)
startVolume: 0.8,
// useful for <audio> player loops
loop: false,
// rewind to beginning when media ends
autoRewind: true,
// resize to media dimensions
enableAutosize: true,
 * Time format to use. Default: 'mm:ss'
 * Supported units:
 *   h: hour
 *   m: minute
 *   s: second
 *   f: frame count
 * When using 'hh', 'mm', 'ss' or 'ff' we always display 2 digits.
 * If you use 'h', 'm', 's' or 'f' we display 1 digit if possible.
 * Example to display 75 seconds:
 * Format 'mm:ss': 01:15
 * Format 'm:ss': 1:15
 * Format 'm:s': 1:15
timeFormat: '',
// forces the hour marker (##:00:00)
alwaysShowHours: false,
// show framecount in timecode (##:00:00:00)
showTimecodeFrameCount: false,
// used when showTimecodeFrameCount is set to true
framesPerSecond: 25,
// automatically calculate the width of the progress bar based on the sizes of other elements
autosizeProgress : true,
// Hide controls when playing and mouse is not over the video
alwaysShowControls: false,
// Display the video control
hideVideoControlsOnLoad: false,
// Enable click video element to toggle play/pause
clickToPlayPause: true,
// force iPad's native controls
iPadUseNativeControls: false,
// force iPhone's native controls
iPhoneUseNativeControls: false,
// force Android's native controls
AndroidUseNativeControls: false,
// features to show
features: ['playpause','current','progress','duration','tracks','volume','fullscreen'],
// only for dynamic
isVideo: true,
// stretching modes (auto, fill, responsive, none)
stretching: 'auto',
// turns keyboard support on and off for this instance
enableKeyboard: true,
// whenthis player starts, it will pause other players
pauseOtherPlayers: true,
// array of keyboard actions such as play pause
// Accepts array of objects in format: {keys: [1,2,3...], action: function(player, media) { ... }}
keyActions: [...]
// Start point to detect changes on media time duration
duration: -1,
// Separator between the current time and the total duration of media being played
timeAndDurationSeparator: '<span> | </span>',
// Touch devices (specially mobile devices) have different way to handle volume, 
// so no need to display it
hideVolumeOnTouchDevices: true,
// Position of volume slider on audio element
audioVolume: 'horizontal',
// Position of volume slider on video element
videoVolume: 'vertical',
// Flag to activate detection of Pointer events when on fullscreen mode
usePluginFullScreen: true,
// Enable speeding media; accounts for strings or objects like
// [{name: 'Slow', value: '0.75'}, {name: 'Normal', value: '1.00'}, ...]
speeds: ['2.00', '1.50', '1.25', '1.00', '0.75'],
// Initial speed of media
defaultSpeed: '1.00',	
// Character used to stop speeding media
speedChar: 'x',
// Automatically turn on a <track>
startLanguage: '',
// By default, no WAI-ARIA live region - don't make a
// screen reader speak captions over an audio track.
tracksAriaLive: false,
// Option to remove the [cc] button when no <track kind="subtitles"> are present
hideCaptionsButtonWhenEmpty: true,
// If true and we only have one track, change captions to popup
toggleCaptionsButtonWhenOnlyOne: false,
// #id or .class
slidesSelector: '',
// Milliseconds to skip back media
skipBackInterval: 30,
// Enable tooltip that shows time in progress bar
enableProgressTooltip: true,
// Specify the color of marker
markerColor: '#E9BC3D',
// Specify marker times in seconds 
markers: [],
// Callback function invoked when a marker position is reached
markerCallback: function(media, time) {}
// Customizable text elements
// NOTE: They won't be translated if set through here, unless the proper translation is added
playText: '',
pauseText: '',
tracksText: '',
postrollCloseText: '',
muteText: '',
allyVolumeControlText: '',
fullscreenText: '',
skipBackText: '',
sourcechooserText: '',


MediaElementPlayer is a complete audio and video player, but you can also use just the MediaElement object which replaces <video> and <audio> with a Flash player that mimics the properties, methods, and events of HTML MediaElement API.


All properties are listed in; they can be accessed through an instance of player as described here.


Method Description
load() Reload the audio/video element; also, it is used to update the audio/video element after changing the source or other settings
play() Start playing the audio/video
pause() Halt (pauses) the currently playing audio or video
stop() Only present to support Flash RTMP streaming in MediaElementPlayer. The equivalent for other scenarios is "pause"
remove() Destroy the video/audio player instance

Note: canPlayType() method is used internally and accounts for other types of media to be played (such as HLS, RTMP, etc.); addTextTrack() is replaced also with more code to manage clsoed captioning and tracks. For that reason, they are not listed.


Event Action(s) executed when...
loadeddata Media data is loaded
loadedmetadata Meta data (like dimensions and duration) are loaded
progress Browser is in the process of getting the media data
timeupdate The playing position has changed (like when the user fast forwards to a different point in the media)
seeked The seeking attribute is set to false indicating that seeking has ended
canplay A file is ready to start playing (when it has buffered enough to begin)
play The media is ready to start playing
playing The media actually has started playing
pause The media is paused either by the user or programmatically
ended The media has reach the end (a useful event for messages like "thanks for listening")
volumechange Volume is changed (including setting the volume to "mute")

For a more comprehensive list of events and more deatiled information about them, please check the Event summary page.

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