No changes
- Fixes LOGIC-184 warning from not excluding indexed?
- Fixes docstring typo in and*
- Infrastructure pom updates
- Fixes bug where -inc created an anonymous function with a qualified name (which is flagged by the Clojure 1.9 specs)
- CLJS macro inference support
to be compatible with:include-macros
usage Breaking for CLJS
- Fixes LOGIC-118 by making prep* handle collections.
- port LOGIC-163 to ClojureScript pldb
- Namespace qualify pldb relations
- LOGIC-161: negative values should never appear in intervals
- pldb support in ClojureScript
- run interface matches clojure.core.logic
- Minimum dependency on Clojure 1.6.0 and ClojureScript 0.0-2261
- LOGIC-160: disequality on LCons not respected
- Constraint verification did not properly handle aliases logic vars
- Support detecting incompatible constraints, IVerifyConstraint protocol
- Hard dependency on Clojure 1.5.1, pldb uses reducers
- LOGIC-145: partial map bug
- old defrel functionality now replaced by pldb
- small perf enhancements to CLJ & CLJS implementations
- Allow fd/in to appear in any position
- LOGIC-127: nom-swapping now preserves vectors and maps
- LOGIC-132: proper recursive featurec
- LOGIC-139: fix unification on relations
- membero now uses disequality constraint
- docstring enhancements
- Add experimental negation as failure constraint, nafc
- Fix potential OOM when search over finite domains
- Add anonymous goal constructors, fne, fna, fnu
- LOGIC-126: bad fd/+ fd/* interaction from StackOverflow
- LOGIC-124: fix disjoint?* bug
- LOGIC-108: recursive featurec now supported
- LOGIC-83: old typo in test
- LOGIC-116: fix bug in ConstraintStore migrate
- LOGIC-120/121/122: bugs around the simple unifier
No changes
- LOGIC-119: fix disunify for maps
- LOGIC-112: fix tabling
- LOGIC-115: fix fd/in on singleton domains
- LOGIC-111: fix conda regression
- LOGIC-109: fix namespaced keyword issue in defc macro
- copy-term fixed
- nominal no longer depends on fd
- ClojureScript version performance enhancements
- CLP(FD) functionality now lives in it's own namespace, +fd -> fd/+, etc.
- explicit constraint id management no longer required
- LOGIC-98: fd terms in nominal terms return mutiple results
- LOGIC-104: nominal dom representation changed to set
- LOGIC-103:
non-termination bug
- Add
constraint, this is preferred overlisto
as found in TRS
- LOGIC-100: undiscard diseqality constraints
- LOGIC-101: fix suprising behavior with vars in nom/hash
- LOGIC-96: fix disequality constraints
- LOGIC-95: fix disequality constraints
- LOGIC-53: core.logic converts defrecords
- LOGIC-88: fix disequality reification
- LOGIC-92: improve interaction between nominal & CLP(FD) functionality
- LOGIC-91: fix
entailment issues
- run* and it's variants are now fully lazy
- alphaKanren implementation - nominal logic programming now possible
- LOGIC-90:
could diverge
- Type specific unification protocols removed
- Simple application expression in pattern matches no longer supported
- PMap is now INonStorable - cannot be unified with a logic var
- add
which replaces the functionality ofpartial-map
- disequality no longer relies on unification
- added support for deep constraints via
demonstrates usage - fail faster when unifying counted sequential collections
- add experimental support for
in the simple unifier to support constraints
- LOGIC-59: tabled goals reset between runs
- many bad interactions between unification, FD constraints and disequality resolved
- LOGIC-77: failing CLP(FD) case where logic vars are aliased
- LOGIC-81: constraint store needs substitutions to find root vars
- LOGIC-82: LCons with logic var tail bound to nil would not unify properly with sequences
- LOGIC-85: another logic var aliasing issue
- :when support in the simple unifier
- experimental defc macro for converting predicates into constraints
- add IUnitialized protocol to support defrecord
- many improvements to constraint framework & CLP(FD) functionality
- LOGIC-75: -force-ans implementations for clojure.lang.IPersistentHashMap & LCons
- LOGIC-73: fix partial-map
- LOGIC-69: fix IWalkTerm implementation
- LOGIC-67: fix defne & related macros in ClojureScript implementation
- LOGIC-64: add support for inequalities to eqfd
- Datomic support
- eqfd now supports - and /
- distinctfd goal behaved badly if argument wasn't ground
- LOGIC-62: distincto bug reveals much larger issues around how we look up constraints. because vars can be bound in any order and we use vars to map to constraints in the store we need a stable root var. constrained vars are now added as ::unbound in the substitution map. This information is used to know if a var is a root.
- partial map unification and easy unification now support in ClojureScript
- LOGIC-61: fix partial map support for CLJS
- LOGIC-63: fix simple unification support for CLJS
- removed deprecated IPrintable from core.logic CLJS, implemented IPrintWithWriter
- distinctfdc only needs to watch ::subst
- Improve performance of interval constraints
- LOGIC-49: Partial unfication with maps now possible with partial-map
- LOGIC-57: Improve performance of tabled goals
- eqfd sugar for easy declaration of equations
- LOGIC-46: Unification with struct maps supported
- Unification with domain types no longer supported
- Unification with sets no longer supported: LOGIC-54 through 56
- LOGIC-50: Rel relation PersistentHashSet becomes LazySeq after issuing a retraction
- everyo was a pseudo goal, rename to everyg
- add distincto relation, similar to distinctfd but uses !=
- cKanren extensions implemented
- Compatible with ClojureScript master
- fix to-stream
- users of to-stream should not have to remove failures themselves
- LOGIC-37: The facts and retractions functions do not take the relation's namespace into account when resolving the index.
Fix pattern matching so unification works on maps and sets
- Fix project layout so core.logic can work in both Clojure and ClojureScript applications
- fixed LConsSeq -pr-seq implementation
- Initial support for ClojureScriopt
- Allow retraction of facts
- LOGIC-32: fix unification with sets
- LOGIC-29: fix defrel bug where we were not checking recursively for logic vars
- LOGIC-24: fix regression, simple expression allowed in pattern matching again
- repair logic variable introduction in pattern matching macros
- metadata support for defne and friends
- remove unqualified symbols from defrel and defrel support macros
- default conde style now wraps conde clauses in vectors
- no need to use ?foo in patterns to declare logic variables
- two new non-relational helpers: pred, is
- fix broken all macro
- can now define facts on relations from other namespaces
- fix lingering reference to old namespace in all macro
- removed some redundant unification cases
- improved docstrings, fixed typos
- Consolidate all the useful name spaces into clojure.core.logic
- We now only overload ==, no more need to exclude reify or inc
You can use core.logic in your own projects with:
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use clojure.core.logic))