diff --git a/cls/TestCoverage/Data/CodeUnit.cls b/cls/TestCoverage/Data/CodeUnit.cls
index e03e143..a90bea9 100644
--- a/cls/TestCoverage/Data/CodeUnit.cls
+++ b/cls/TestCoverage/Data/CodeUnit.cls
@@ -98,12 +98,22 @@ ClassMethod GetCurrentByName(pInternalName As %String, pSourceNamespace As %Stri
Set $Namespace = pSourceNamespace
If (tType = "CLS") {
Do ##class(TestCoverage.Utils).GetClassLineExecutableFlags(tName,.tCodeArray,.tExecutableFlags)
- } Else {
+ } ElseIf ((tType = "INT") || (tType = "MAC")) {
Do ##class(TestCoverage.Utils).GetRoutineLineExecutableFlags(.tCodeArray,.tExecutableFlags)
+ } ElseIf (tType="PY") {
+ Do ##class(TestCoverage.Utils).CodeArrayToList(.tCodeArray, .pDocumentText)
+ Set tExecutableFlagsPyList = ##class(TestCoverage.Utils).GetPythonLineExecutableFlags(pDocumentText)
+ Kill tExecutableFlags
+ for i=1:1:tExecutableFlagsPyList."__len__()"-1 {
+ set tExecutableFlags(i) = tExecutableFlagsPyList."__getitem__"(i)
+ }
+ }
+ Else {
+ return $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"File type not supported")
Set $Namespace = tOriginalNamespace
Set pCodeUnit = ..%New()
Set pCodeUnit.Name = tName
diff --git a/cls/TestCoverage/Utils.cls b/cls/TestCoverage/Utils.cls
index 2cd8662..cd6d5b0 100644
--- a/cls/TestCoverage/Utils.cls
+++ b/cls/TestCoverage/Utils.cls
@@ -391,6 +391,77 @@ ClassMethod GetClassLineExecutableFlags(pClassName As %String, ByRef pDocumentTe
+ClassMethod CodeArrayToList(ByRef pCodeArray, Output pDocumentText As %List)
+ set pDocumentText = $lb()
+ for i=1:1:pCodeArray(0) {
+ set $list(pDocumentText, i) = pCodeArray(i)
+ }
+ quit
+/// returns a python list with a 1 or 0 for subscript i indicating if line i is executable or not
+ClassMethod GetPythonLineExecutableFlags(pDocumentText) [ Language = python ]
+ import iris
+ import ast
+ source_lines = iris.cls('%SYS.Python').ToList(pDocumentText)
+ source_lines = [line + "\n" for line in source_lines] # contains a list of each line of the source code
+ print(source_lines)
+ glob = iris.gref('IRIS.TEMPCG')
+ # create the abstract syntax tree for the code, and walk through it, getting each line of code in its context
+ source = ''.join(source_lines)
+ tree = ast.parse(source)
+ executable_lines = set() # stores the 1-indexed line numbers of the executable lines
+ class ExecutableLineVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.function_depth = 0
+ def visit(self, node):
+ if hasattr(node, 'lineno'):
+ # decorators for functions and class definitions are executable
+ if isinstance(node, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef)):
+ decorators = [element.id for element in node.decorator_list]
+ num_decorators = len(decorators)
+ # print(f"{node.lineno=}")
+ for i, element in enumerate(decorators):
+ # print(f"{element=}")
+ conjectured_line = (node.lineno-1)-num_decorators+i # change this back if the line numbers aren't 0 indexed
+ # print(f"{source_lines[conjectured_line]=}")
+ if "@" + element in source_lines[conjectured_line]:
+ #print(f"added {element=}")
+ executable_lines.add(conjectured_line+1) # because back to 1-indexing
+ executable_lines.add(node.lineno)
+ elif isinstance(node, (ast.Call,
+ ast.Return, ast.Assign, ast.AugAssign, ast.AnnAssign,
+ ast.For, ast.AsyncFor, ast.While, ast.If, ast.With,
+ ast.AsyncWith, ast.Raise, ast.Try, ast.Assert,
+ ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom, ast.Pass,
+ ast.Break, ast.Continue, ast.Delete, ast.Yield,
+ ast.YieldFrom, ast.Await, ast.Nonlocal)): # all executable
+ executable_lines.add(node.lineno)
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.ExceptHandler): # except (but not finally) is executable
+ executable_lines.add(node.lineno)
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.Expr) and not isinstance(node.value, ast.Constant): # expressions that aren't docstrings are executable
+ executable_lines.add(node.lineno)
+ self.generic_visit(node)
+ ExecutableLineVisitor().visit(tree)
+ output = [0] * (len(source_lines)+1)
+ for line in executable_lines:
+ output[line] = 1
+ output[1] = 0 # manually set the class definition to be not executable
+ def print_executable_lines():
+ for i, line in enumerate(source_lines, start=1):
+ is_exec = output[i]
+ print(f"{i:2d} {'*' if is_exec else ' '} {line.rstrip()}")
+ print_executable_lines()
+ return output
/// For a routine (.MAC/.INT) with code in pDocumentText as an integer-subscripted array of lines,
/// returns an array (pExecutableFlags) subscripted by line with boolean flags indicating whether the corresponding line is executable.
ClassMethod GetRoutineLineExecutableFlags(ByRef pDocumentText, Output pExecutableFlags)
@@ -400,7 +471,6 @@ ClassMethod GetRoutineLineExecutableFlags(ByRef pDocumentText, Output pExecutabl
For tDocLine=1:1:$Get(pDocumentText) {
Do tSourceStream.WriteLine(pDocumentText(tDocLine))
Set tSC = ##class(%Library.SyntaxColorReader).FromCode(tSourceStream,"COS","A",.tSCReader)
@@ -540,4 +610,3 @@ ClassMethod LineByLineMonitorResultClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) As %Status [