Lab Sessions
| Instructors
| License
- Introduction, R basics and best practice [.html | .Rmd]
- Version control and project management [.html | .Rmd]
- R and the tidyverse [.html | .Rmd]
- Functions and debugging [.html | .Rmd]
- Databases [.html | .Rmd]
- Web data and technologies [.html | .Rmd]
- Web scraping and APIs [.html | .Rmd]
- Modelling [.html | .Rmd]
- Visualization [.html | .Rmd]
- Filexdashboards and Shiny Apps [.html | .Rmd]
The lab sessions to the course Introduction to Data Science by Simon Munzert at the Hertie School, Berlin, are taught by Julian Kath and Tom Arend.
The material in this repository is made available under the MIT license.