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executable file
199 lines (141 loc) · 8.13 KB

Zero base mac installation and image style transfer

Step 1: Install Anaconda

  • Note: To use paddlepaddle, you need to install the Python environment first. Here we choose the Python integrated environment Anaconda toolkit
    • Anaconda is a commonly used python package management program
    • After installing Anaconda, you can install the python environment and the toolkit environment required by numpy
  • Anaconda Download:
  • After downloading, double click the. pkg file to enter the graphical interface
    • By default, the installation will take a while
  • It is recommended to install a code editor such as vscode or pycharm

Step 2: Open the terminal and create a conda environment

  • Open terminal

    • Press the command key and the space bar at the same time, enter "terminal" in the focus search, and double-click to enter the terminal
  • Add conda to the environment variable

    • The environment variable is added to enable the system to recognize the conda command

    • Enter the following command to open ~/.bash_profile

      • vim ~/.bash_profile
    • In ~/.bash_profile add conda as an environment variable:

      • # Press i first to enter editing mode
        # On the first line, enter:
        export PATH="~/opt/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
        # If the installation location is customized during installation, change ~/opt/anaconda3/bin to the bin folder under the customized installation directory
      • # Modified ~/.bash_profile file should be as follows (where xxx is the user name):
        export PATH="~/opt/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
        # >>> conda initialize >>>
        # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
        __conda_setup="$('/Users/xxx/opt/anaconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            eval "$__conda_setup"
            if [ -f "/Users/xxx/opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
                . "/Users/xxx/opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/"
                export PATH="/Users/xxx/opt/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
        unset __conda_setup
        # <<< conda initialize <<<
      • After modification, press the esc key to exit editing mode, and then enter :wq! And enter to save the exit

    • Verify that the conda command is recognized:

      • Enter source ~/.bash_profile to update environment variables
      • Then enter conda info --envs on the terminal. If the current base environment can be displayed, conda has added an environment variable
  • Create a new conda environment

    • # On the command line, enter the following command to create a file named paddle_env environment
      # This is for accelerated download, use Tsinghua source
      conda create --name paddle_env python=3.8 --channel
    • This command will create an executable environment named paddle_env with Python version 3.8. It will take a while depending on the network status

    • Then the command line will output a prompt message, enter y and press Enter to continue the installation

      • conda_create
  • Activate the newly created conda environment, and enter the following command on the command line:

    • # Activate paddle_env environment
      conda activate paddle_env
      # View the current python location
      where python
    • conda_actviate
    • The above anaconda environment and python environment have been installed

Step 3: Install the libraries required by the program

  • Use the pip command to install the pad in the newly activated environment:

    • # Enter the following command on the command line
      # Confirm whether the currently used pip is the pip in the paddle_env environment
      where pip
      # The CPU version is installed by default. Baidu Source is recommended when installing the PaddlePaddle
      pip install paddlepaddle -i
  • After installing Paddle, continue to install the PaddleHub in the paddle_env environment:

    • # Enter the following command on the command line
      pip install paddlehub -i
    • Introduction document of paddlehub:

    • When installing the paddlehub, other dependent libraries will be installed automatically, which may take a while

Step 4: Install the paddlehub and download the model

Step 5: Prepare the style to migrate data and code

Prepare style migration data

  • Create Working Directory style_transfer on Desktop

    • # Enter the following command in the terminal:
      cd ~/Desktop  # Enter the desktop
      mkdir style_transfer  # Create style_transfer folder
      cd style_transfer  # Enter style_transfer directory
  • Place pictures to be converted and style pictures respectively:

    • Place the picture to be converted on the desktop style_transfer/pic.jpg
      • pic.jpg
    • Place Style Picture on Desktop style_transfer/fangao.jpg
      • fangao.jpg


  • In style_transfer create code file

  • Copy the following code into

    • import paddlehub as hub
      import cv2
      # Relative address of the picture to be converted
      picture = './pic.jpg'
      # Relative address of style picture
      style_image = './fangao.jpg'
      # Create a style transfer network and load parameters
      stylepro_artistic = hub.Module(name="stylepro_artistic")
      # Read in pictures and start style conversion
      result = stylepro_artistic.style_transfer(
                          images=[{'content': cv2.imread(picture),
                                   'styles': [cv2.imread(style_image)]}],
  • If there is no code editor such as vscode, you can use the command line method:

    • pwd # Check whether the current directory is style_transfer, if not, enter: cd ~/Desktop/style_transfer
      touch  # Create an empty file
      vim  #  Open code file with vim editor
      # Enter i first to enter editing mode
      # Copy the above code into the vim editor
      # Press esc key to exit editing mode, then enter ": wq" and enter Enter to save and exit
  • Running code:

    • On the command line, enter python
    • When the program executes, a new folder transfer_result will be created, and save the converted file to this directory
    • The output pictures are as follows:
      • output image

Step 6: Explore the pre training model of flying oars