Releases: ioBroker/ioBroker.js-controller
Release v3.2.12
fix repo cli
add instances list back to 'status all'
optimize logging in db classes
enhance letsencrypt to also allow to specify alternative names for certs
deleting a not existing object is handled as success instead of Not-Exists error
Release v3.2.11
enhance field-preserving logic for extendObject
upgrade Plugin dependencies
Release v3.2.10
prevent some errors shown and optimize database handling
prevent an endless loop when lua script initialization was not possible
catch semver errors in upgrade commands
ensure setAdapterInstanceEnabled can not hang
Release v3.2.8
fix reading of certificates if the given certificates are files
add error handling when let's encrypt configuration contains invalid domain names and other cases to allow still access to the adapter if possible
fix compact mode cli commands
Support more Github URL formats for iobroker url
replace exit codes in setup js with named constants
add adapter method getUserId
add seq logging support to js-controller
Harmonize username handling between admin and js-controller by transforming the object id to lowercase. With this user names will be treated case insensitive from now on!
Release v3.2.7
Release v3.2.6-4
optimize logs when instance is restarted
Release v3.2.6-3
fix upgrade/upload commands
Release v3.2.6-2
Preserve name field on instance object creation/update
Enhance extendObject to allow to preserve specified fields (e.g.
Some more optimizations
update sentry plugin
Release v3.2.6-1
propagate error on sendTo methods to prevent exception loops
optimize parameters and flags on CLI
Use yargs helper instead of building our own string output to allow showing --help for a specific command instead of the whole output and allow support for auto completion (iobroker _createCompletion >> ~/.bashrc
Do not reject the promise when no callback is used and a Database error occurs
Release v3.2.6-0
update db library to fix reading root dir and rename on redis