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4d4ce22 · Aug 12, 2016


This branch is 2958 commits behind rust-lang/futures-rs:master.



This library is a proof-of-concept implementation of an HTTP server using futures.

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This crate is an implementation of a vastly simplified version of a "server framework" to showcase the performance of futures when applied with HTTP. This is not intended to be a production-ready HTTP framework, but rather just a demo of what futures can do.

The "hello world" available in this repository is an implementation of the TechEmpower "plaintext" benchmark. It's also available in a multithreaded version for those on Unix.

Current HTTP features implemented by this crate are:

  • HTTP/1.1 pipelining
  • Support for server-side TLS
  • Zero-copy parsing of HTTP requests
  • Efficient buffer management of incoming requests and outgoing responses

A table of the current performance numbers in requests/second is available below, but please keep in mind that like all benchmark numbers these should be taken with a grain of salt. The purpose there is to show that frameworks themselves have as little overhead as possible, and some of them can probably still be further optimized! Any PRs to the implementation are of course quite welcome!

program pipelined singlethread, no pipeline
raw mio 1,973,846.91 142,357.90
minihttp 1,966,297.54 127,934.89
rapidoid (Java) 1,701,426.67 N/A
fasthttp (Go) 1,489,868.35 92,024.56
hyper N/A 91,475.84
Go 191,548.57 47,585.99
iron N/A 31,269.84
node 131,511.36 12,149.08

The pipelined column is where programs are allowed to use however many threads they'd like (the default configuration) and pipelined requests are sent. The singlethread column is where programs can only use one thread and they're sent one request at a time without pipelining.

The benchmark for minihttp is for the script for the first column and the singlethread for the second. Note that the "raw mio" row is intended to show the absolute maximal performance of a Rust program using mio, it's not intended to be a full-fledged framework by any means. The numbers were all collected on Linux Ubuntu 8-core machine. Note that absolute numbers should be taken with a grain of salt, but relative numbers should be fairly consistent across setups.

The command to generate these numbers was:

wrk --script ./pipelined_get.lua \
  --latency -d 30s -t 40 -c 760 \ -- $pipeline

For the pipelined column the value of $pipeline was 32, and for the singlethread no pipeline column it was 1.

Also note that when these benchmarks were collected hyper/iron had a bug in HTTP pipelining that caused those columns to be N/A, but this has been fixed on the master branch of hyper! Soon we hope to collect new numbers and update them here. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to get rapidoid to run on one thread, explaining that N/A in the table above.


futures-minihttp is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), with portions covered by various BSD-like licenses.

See LICENSE-APACHE, and LICENSE-MIT for details.