Using Matlab to prepocss raw mmWave data to 4D radar tensor with complex format in Doppler(64) x Range(256) x Azimuth(128)x Elevation(32)
. In this work, the program is running under Matlab2022b.
- Open
in foldermmWave-Matlabe
- Change the
Your Data Path
inline 38
in the main.m - Optional: change the
line 43
to specific sequences you want to process - Run
- Processed data will be stored in
(Your Data Path)/RT-Pose/sequences/ (sequnece ID) /radar/mat
Using Pyhton to prepocss .mat file
to cartesian coordinate in Doppler(64) x Z(32) x Y(128) x X(256)
and store as .npy file
conda create -n 4Dradar_preprocess python=3.9
conda activate 4Dradar_preprocess
pip install -r requirements.txt
Process all sequences:
python --dataset_dir (Your Data Path)
Optional: Process specific sequences you want:
python --dataset_dir (Your Data Path) --sequence (sequnece ID)