# install
$ npm install zero-demo -g
# run it
$ zero-demo
Zero is a small graphics app that uses JavaScript to replicate the functionality of a GPU and uses the terminal to display its rendered output via nodejs' stdout. Zero was written for fun as well as to see how far one could reasonably push JavaScript performance. Rendering has been tested on Windows, OSX and Linux terminals.
This project and associative materials are offered as is to anyone who may find them of use.
Zero implements:
- Programmable Vertex and Fragment shaders (in JavaScript)
- Perspective Z-Correct Texture Mapping
- Per Pixel Depth Buffering
- Adaptive Resolution on Terminal resize (TTY only)
- Matrix and Vector math libraries.
- A Scene Graph
- Support for Windows Command Prompt, Powershell and Linux Terminals
Licence MIT
Clone this project and run the following from the terminal.
$ npm install
$ npm run build
# run it
$ node index