A budgeting app based on the Envelope budgeting method.
To begin, make sure Rust and Cargo are installed - https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
Make sure to ensure cargo is installed by running cargo --version
in a Command Prompt.
- From Tags, select the lastest version. NOTE - must be version v.0.2.0 or later.
- Download the zip file associated with the tag.
- Naviagte to the Downloads folder in file explorer and find 'money_man-X.X.X.zip', where 'X.X.X' is the version number.
- Extract the zip to any temporary location. C:\Users<Username>\Downloads\ is recommended.
- In this temporary location should now be a 'money_man-X.X.X' folder, open it.
- Run the 'install.bat' script. This will build the application and create a desktop shortcut.
- Start budgeting!
Not supported at the moment!
Not supported at the moment!
Begin by navigating to the 'Vope Mgr' tab. Adding the '+' button allows new envelopes to be created. There will already be a default envelope of 'Saftey'. Add as many as desired, giving each a unique name! Use the 'edit' button to delete envelopes. Don't delete the 'Saftey' envelope!
Categorize your transactions by clicking 'start' under the 'Assign' tab. You will be prompted to select a '.csv' file containing all transactions to be categorized (see Transactions CSV format for details). The details will appear at the top of the page, and a cateogry to assign the transaction can be selected. Click the '->' button to categorize the transaction! You can see the envelope 'Actual' value be adjusted on the right side.
For Money Man to properly parse the '.csv' file provided, it must be of format
Date | Description | Amount |
MM/DD/YYYY | Text that doesn't contain a | character |
float |
... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... |
The float value must:
- Be negative if money was spent (i.e buying ice cream)
- Be positive if money was earned (i.e paycheck hit!)
- NOT contain dollar signs