qr-geoloc provides a set of basic image processing tools for the localization of QRcodes within a known and controled space.
qr-geoloc was developed by three students specialized in Robotics during their third year of engineering school. These works are part of the project Rain of Music, which aims to create a scenography that could be performed by terrestrial robots and/or aerial drones on a scene in front of a public. The QR geolocation takes place as a way to determine the localization (e.g. : position and orientation within a plane) of the different independant units, identified by a visible QRcode.
These programs are developed in C++ and based on three external libraries:
- OpenCV 2.4 (tested with 2.4.11) - Compiling OpenCV with CUDA support is mandatory to use GPU-accelerated features.
- ZBar 0.10
The source files and headers contain a full inline documentation in English. The document describing the geolocation process is available only in french.
The project Rain of Music is a collaboration between Bordeaux INP, LaBRI, SCRIME, Rhoban and Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).
The scenography will be designed by EHU students and teachers. The software i-score will support the conversion of this scenography as a program containing all the commands and events occurring during the performance, and manage the communication with the different robots and drones. The robots currently used are Rhoban's quadruped Metabots.