Creating a neural network model using Google's tensorflow open source library, and then training it to perform sentiment classification on given data.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install the pre-requisite libraries:
pip install requirements.txt
Download the 140 sentiment dataset from
The next step is to create a lexicon and preprocesses training and testing data using the given data which can be found in the 140 sentiment dataset. The script given below is used for this purpose. After executing the script, the lexicon can be stored in a pkl file (lexicon-full.pickle) which can be later used by our neural network.
The second step is to run the script given below, in order to train the featureset which we obtained from executing ''. There is function in this script called use_neural_netowrk, which can be used to test the neural network, by providing hard coded sentences to it, so that it can determine their sentiment.
The 'lexicon-full.pickle' file is the lexicon obtained from the first 500000 samples of 'train_set.csv'. 'model.pickle' is a pre-trained model using this lexicon.
The output consists of the accuracy of the model, in correctly classifying the sentiment of the tweets given in testing dataset. As we can see the accuracy is a bit low, which can be improved by taking more number of samples from the 140 sentiment dataset.
Tested 357 samples.
Accuracy: 0.7226891
Negative: No, I hate her
Positive: This was the best store i've ever seen.
- Python - The scripting language used
- TensorFlow - Library used for building neural network
- Ishan Madan - (