circleStats.js by @IsmaGNU
Create animated beautyful circle stats in pure javascript
- Two circle colors
- Filling circle with animation
- Tested on chrome and firefox
You can customize the circle with these options:
- canvas - Canvas where you want to draw your circle
- percentage - [0-100] Percentage to fill
- speed - Animation speed. Control how fast the circle is filled in
- background - Circle's background color
- foreground - Circle's foreground color
- radius - Circle's radius
The height and width of the circle is canvas width and height
<canvas class="circle_canvas" width="116px" height="116px">
var circle = new CircleStat({
'canvas': document.getElementById("canvas"),
'percentage': 45,
'speed': 0.06,
'background': 'rgb(238,234,229)',
'foreground': 'rgb(24, 85, 143)',
'radius': 45
Also, you can add a legend inside the circle using html, it looks really nice.
<div class="days">
<canvas width="116px" height="116px"></canvas>
<p><span>15</span><strong>Days left</strong></p>
Feel fre to enjoy with the GNU/GPL v3 and above
Please contact me if you're using it you'll make my day :)