- Nothing changed yet.
- Alter doclink editing fixes in line with Wagtail 1.5.1 Hallo editor.
- Change page chooser to use parent page ID in line with Wagtail 1.5.1 Hallo editor.
- Update to use Wagtail 1.5 pluggable rich text editor mechanism.
- Refactor link and doclink plugins to remove race condition.
- Add link editing and unlinking in line with Wagtail 1.5 Hallo editor.
- Fixes around editing of doclinks with link editor.
- Refactored settings to allow per-field variation.
- Made default menu/toolbar settings more Wagtail friendly.
- No changes.
- Add further button and menubar settings.
- Persist TinyMCE content to form on change to avoid losing content on preview with validation errors.
- Bug fixes relating to page/document link handlers.
- Add image/embed editing (requires custom Wagtail).
- Add image/embed caption field (requires custom Wagtail).
- Initial release.