In this section, we first sort out the data that will be used in the APP, and then generate the corresponding Dart Model class. The solution of converting Json files to Dart Model uses the json_model package solution introduced earlier
After logging in to Github, we need to obtain the Github account information of the current log in. The Github API interface returns the Json structure as follows:
"login": "octocat", //用户登录名
"avatar_url": "", //用户头像地址
"type": "User", //用户类型,可能是组织
"name": "monalisa octocat", //用户名字
"company": "GitHub", //公司
"blog": "", //博客地址
"location": "San Francisco", // 用户所处地理位置
"email": "[email protected]", // 邮箱
"hireable": false,
"bio": "There once was...", // 用户简介
"public_repos": 2, // 公开项目数
"followers": 20, //关注该用户的人数
"following": 0, // 该用户关注的人数
"created_at": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z", // 账号创建时间
"updated_at": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z", // 账号信息更新时间
"total_private_repos": 100, //该用户总的私有项目数(包括参与的其它组织的私有项目)
"owned_private_repos": 100 //该用户自己的私有项目数
... //省略其它字段
We create a "user.json" file in the "jsons" directory to save the above information.
Due to the slow access speed of Github server in China, we apply some simple caching strategies to Github API. We create a "cacheConfig.json" file in the "jsons" directory to cache policy information, which is defined as follows:
"enable":true, // 是否启用缓存
"maxAge":1000, // 缓存的最长时间,单位(秒)
"maxCount":100 // 最大缓存数
User information (Profile) should include the following information:
- Github account information; because our APP can switch account login, and you do not need to log in again after logging in, we need to persist user account information and login status.
- Application configuration information; each user should have his own APP configuration information, such as theme, language, and data caching strategy.
- After the user logs out, in order to facilitate the user to log in again before logging out of the APP, we need to remember the user name that was last logged in.
It should be noted that currently Github has three login methods, namely account password login, oauth authorization login, and secondary authentication login; the security of these three login methods is strengthened in turn, but in this example, for simplicity, we use Login with account password, so we need to save the user's password.
Note: readers need to be reminded here that protecting user account security is a very important and eternal topic in login scenarios. In actual development, the behavior of directly storing user accounts and secrets in plain text should be strictly prohibited.
We create a "profile.json" file in the "jsons" directory with the following structure:
"user":"$user", //Github账号信息,结构见"user.json"
"token":"", // 登录用户的token(oauth)或密码
"theme":5678, //主题色值
"cache":"$cacheConfig", // 缓存策略信息,结构见"cacheConfig.json"
"lastLogin":"", //最近一次的注销登录的用户名
"locale":"" // APP语言信息
Since the APP homepage needs to display all its project information, we create a "repo.json" file under the "jsons" directory to save the project information. Define the final "repo.json" file structure by referring to the API documentation of Github to obtain project information, as follows:
"id": 1296269,
"name": "Hello-World", //项目名称
"full_name": "octocat/Hello-World", //项目完整名称
"owner": "$user", // 项目拥有者,结构见"user.json"
"parent":"$repo", // 如果是fork的项目,则此字段表示fork的父项目信息
"private": false, // 是否私有项目
"description": "This your first repo!", //项目描述
"fork": false, // 该项目是否为fork的项目
"language": "JavaScript",//该项目的主要编程语言
"forks_count": 9, // fork了该项目的数量
"stargazers_count": 80, //该项目的star数量
"size": 108, // 项目占用的存储大小
"default_branch": "master", //项目的默认分支
"open_issues_count": 2, //该项目当前打开的issue数量
"pushed_at": "2011-01-26T19:06:43Z",
"created_at": "2011-01-26T19:01:12Z",
"updated_at": "2011-01-26T19:14:43Z",
"subscribers_count": 42, //订阅(关注)该项目的人数
"license": { // 该项目的开源许可证
"key": "mit",
"name": "MIT License",
"spdx_id": "MIT",
"url": "",
"node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZW1pdA=="
Now that the Json data we need has been defined, we only need to run the command provided by the json_model package to generate the corresponding Dart class from the json file:
flutter packages pub run json_model
After the command is executed successfully, you can see that the corresponding Dart Model class will be generated under the lib/models folder:
├── models
│ ├── cacheConfig.dart
│ ├── cacheConfig.g.dart
│ ├── index.dart
│ ├── profile.dart
│ ├── profile.g.dart
│ ├── repo.dart
│ ├── repo.g.dart
│ ├── user.dart
│ └── user.g.dart
We use the shared_preferences package to persist the profile information of the logged in user. shared_preferences is a Flutter plugin that implements data persistence through mechanisms provided by the Android and iOS platforms. Since the use of shared_preferences is very simple, readers can view its documents by themselves, so I won’t repeat them here.