Metatron is a bot for the game EVE Online that is designed to be a replacement for StealthBot, which is no longer maintained. It requires both Innerspace and ISXEVE to run.
- Fleet Management - Metatron can manage fleets, including broadcasting fleet commands, accepting fleet invites, and joining fleets.
- Ratting - Metatron can kill NPCs, including using drones.
- Salvaging - Metatron can salvage wrecks, loot containers, and use tractor beams.
- Freighting - Metatron can haul items between stations.
- Combat Assist - Metatron can run only combat modules, including using drones, allowing the player to retain navigation control. This is useful for missions and wormhole combat sites.
- Missions!!! - Metatron can run any and all missions types, with most missions being supported out of the box. Please see below for unsupported missions.
- Click releases on the right
- Download MetatronSetup.exe from the latest release
- Run MetatronSetup.exe
- Follow the instructions in the installer
- Start EVE Online via Innerspace
- type 'dotnet metatron' in the Innerspace console
See the wiki for information on configuring Metatron.
- Fork the repo
- Create a feature branch
- Make your changes
- Submit a pull request