- Table Of Contents
- About The Project
- Built With
- Getting Started
- Production Environment
- Instructions
- Tags & Auto Versioning
- Outside Collaborators
Frontend application that is serving ANI-Research-Backend API.
To get a copy up and running follow the following steps (it is assumed that basic tools like git, node and yarn are already installed).
- Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:it-pebune/ani-research-web.git
- CD into the project root directory
cd ani-research-web
- Install the required Npm Packages
- Turn the application on
yarn start
yarn start
- Start a development server for reactyarn build
- Build the project for deploymentyarn test
- Run testsyarn eject
- Remove react-scripts from the project and end up with a plain webpack projectyarn format
- Format files with prettieryarn format:check
- Check files with prettieryarn lint
- Check files with ESLintyarn lint:fix
- Format files with ESLintyarn prepare
- Autorun to install husky (pre-commit linting)yarn release
- Run release-it, should only be run by CIyarn storybook
- Run storybook server locallyyarn build-storybook
- Build static storybook
Reserved for future documentation.
Reserved for future documentation.
Reserved for future documentation.
The following isntructions are made for users with edit permission to this repository:
For outside collaborators check this
- Get assigned an issue
- Create a new branch conform with the Tags
- Create a PR pointing to either main or prod
- Review & Publish
Follow a clear workflow when contributing, using the same branch tags:
- -
- New feature from main - -
- New fix from main - -
- New fix from prod (deployed directly, skips staging)
If you want to create a new tag and release when merging a PR you may use the following commit messages:
- to increase the major version[minor]
- to increase the minor version[skip-release]
- to skip the release all together- no message to increase the
- Fork the repository
- Run the getting started steps
- Follow the same instructions as normal contributors