diff --git a/man/figures/README-fig-time-1.pdf b/man/figures/README-fig-time-1.pdf index 1981ca6..75890df 100644 Binary files a/man/figures/README-fig-time-1.pdf and b/man/figures/README-fig-time-1.pdf differ diff --git a/paper.qmd b/paper.qmd index 57551d5..4f350f5 100644 --- a/paper.qmd +++ b/paper.qmd @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ tbl = d_all |> locations = cells_body(columns = Mode) ) |> gt_theme_espn() -tbl +# tbl # gt::gtsave(tbl, "tbl-mode.png") knitr::include_graphics("tbl-mode.png") ``` @@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ percent_other_other = pivot_combined |> filter(offence_simple == "Other") |> pul ``` -The cross-tabulation of reporting mode and offence type is shown in TableĀ @tbl-mode-offences-crosstab, revealing some interesting tendencies. +The cross-tabulation of reporting mode and offence type is shown in @tbl-mode-offences-crosstab, revealing some interesting tendencies. While `r round(percent_inconsiderate, 1)` percent of all offences are for driving without reasonable considered to others (rt88576), they make up the bulk of offences reported by cyclists (`r round(percent_inconsiderate_cycling, 1)`%). Drivers are proportionally `r round(percent_other_driver / percent_other_cyclist, 1)` times more likely to report other types of offences as cyclists, while other reporting modes are most likely to report other types of offences, being `r round(percent_other_other / percent_other_cyclist, 1)` times more likely to report other types of offences as cyclists.