diff --git a/web/public/background.jpg b/web/public/background.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3607da3
Binary files /dev/null and b/web/public/background.jpg differ
diff --git a/web/src/main.ts b/web/src/main.ts
index 91e8cb3..98920c8 100644
--- a/web/src/main.ts
+++ b/web/src/main.ts
@@ -2,38 +2,29 @@ import "./style.css";
import * as ort from "onnxruntime-web";
async function main(): Promise
+ const result: HTMLDivElement = document.getElementById("result") as HTMLDivElement;
+ const form: HTMLFormElement = document.getElementById("form") as HTMLFormElement;
+ const formInput: HTMLInputElement[] = ["sepal-length", "sepal-width", "petal-length", "petal-width"]
+ .map(id => document.getElementById(id) as HTMLInputElement);
try {
// Membuat sesi baru dan memuat model ONNX tertentu.
- const session: ort.InferenceSession = await ort.InferenceSession.create(
- "./model.onnx",
- );
+ const session: ort.InferenceSession = await ort.InferenceSession.create("./model.onnx");
- // Menyiapkan input. Tensor memerlukan TypedArray yang sesuai sebagai data.
- const input: ort.Tensor = new ort.Tensor(
- "float32",
- [5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2],
- [1, 4]
- );
+ form.addEventListener("submit", async (event) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // Memasukkan input dan menjalankan model
+ const output: ort.InferenceSession.OnnxValueMapType = await session.run({X: new ort.Tensor(
+ "float32",
+ formInput.map(input => parseFloat(input.value)),
+ [1, 4]
+ )});
- // Memasukkan input dan menjalankan model
- const output: ort.InferenceSession.OnnxValueMapType = await session.run({
- X: input,
+ result.innerText = output.label.data[0].toString();
- // Membaca hasil dari output
- const label: ort.Tensor = output.label;
- const probabilities: ort.Tensor = output.probabilities;
- const maxProbability: number = Math.max(
- ...(probabilities.data as Float32Array)
- );
- console.log(
- `Label: ${label.data} Probabilitas Maksimum: ${maxProbability * 100}%`
- );
} catch (e) {
- document.write(`failed to inference ONNX model: ${e}.`);
+ document.write(`Error: ${e}.`);
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main);