- Bugfix: new_data attr was not initialized correctly in GeoInterpolator. [Martin Raspaud]
Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]
Bump version: 0.3.0 → 1.0.0. [Martin Raspaud]
Add .bumpversion.cfg and .gitchangelog.rc. [Martin Raspaud]
Fix row extrapolation in the chunked case. [Martin Raspaud]
Merge pull request #1 from mitkin/develop. [Adam Dybbroe]
[setup.py] added missing dependency Pandas
[setup.py] added missing dependency Pandas. [Mikhail Itkin]
basic_interpolator imports pandas, which was not in the install_requires this commit adds pandas to the install_requires in setup.py
Add setup.cfg for rpm building. [Martin Raspaud]
Removed dependency to memory profiler. [HelgeDMI]
Basic bilinear interpolation of geotie points, which is even running on my local machine on the biggest Sentinel-1 input files (ca. 530MB). I have to add a test and test data. [Rolf-Helge Pfeiffer]
Bump up version number to v0.3.0. [Martin Raspaud]
Update documentation with new interface. [Martin Raspaud]
Major reorganization and tests. [Martin Raspaud]
- A new generic Interpolator has been introduced.
- The SatelliteInterpolator is renamed to GeoInterpolator
- The GeoInterpolator uses the generic Interpolator
- SatelliteInterpolator is an alias for GeoInterpolator
- Added regular unittests instead of heavy doctests.
Merge branch 'multicore-feature' into develop. [Martin Raspaud]
- Conflicts:
Cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]
Core number fix. [Martin Raspaud]
Remove unneeded arguments. [Martin Raspaud]
Generalize multiprocessing. [Martin Raspaud]
Bug fixing. [Adam Dybbroe]
Adding util functions for cpu-setting and scene splitting. Cleaning up a bit. [Adam Dybbroe]
Adding multiprocessing capability to the modis 1km to 250 meter interpolation. [Adam Dybbroe]
Test multicore interpolation. [Martin Raspaud]
Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:adybbroe/python-geotiepoints into develop. [Martin Raspaud]
Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:adybbroe/python-geotiepoints into develop. [Martin Raspaud]
Merge branch 'release-0.2' into develop. [Adam Dybbroe]
Merge github.com:adybbroe/python-geotiepoints into develop. [Martin Raspaud]
Tell about automatic extrapolation. [Martin Raspaud]
Bump up version number. [Martin Raspaud]
Merge branch 'release-0.2' [Adam Dybbroe]
Autodocs: More mockup... [Adam Dybbroe]
Mockup to avoid import errors when using autodoc. [Adam Dybbroe]
Conf.py pythonpath settings. [Adam Dybbroe]
Docs... [Adam Dybbroe]
Docs... [Adam Dybbroe]
Autodocs... [Adam Dybbroe]
Fixing for autodoc... [Adam Dybbroe]
Merge branch 'master' into release-0.2. [Adam Dybbroe]
Clean up and try prepare for ReadTheDocs. [Adam Dybbroe]
Merge branch 'release-0.2' [Adam Dybbroe]
Testdata. [Adam Dybbroe]
Temporary fix of file paths in tests. [Adam Dybbroe]
Testdata added. [Adam Dybbroe]
Test-code and data added. [Adam Dybbroe]
Fixing bug in fill_borders. MODIS 250 meter fixed. [Adam Dybbroe]
Added more documentation - examples and images. [Adam Dybbroe]
Added documentation. [Martin Raspaud]
Doc: Added a few things in the readme. [Martin Raspaud]
Fixing urls. [Martin Raspaud]
Prepare for pypi. [Martin Raspaud]
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/adybbroe/python- geotiepoints. [Adam Dybbroe]
Initial commit. [Adam Dybbroe]
Changing dir name also. [Martin Raspaud]
Changed the name of the project to python-geotiepoints. [Martin Raspaud]
Removed dependency to pyresample, and cleaned up. [Martin Raspaud]
Cleanup a bit. [Martin Raspaud]
Merge branch 'develop' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/geo_interpolator into develop. [Martin Raspaud]
Added GPLv3 license text. [Adam Dybbroe]
Added metop interpolator and 1d interpolation. [Martin Raspaud]
Documentation. [Martin Raspaud]
Fixed documentation. [Martin Raspaud]
Cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]
Added modis functions and orders are now passed to interpolator constructor. [Martin Raspaud]
Cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]
Cleaning and bugfixing. Seems to work. [Martin Raspaud]
Tested against real data.
WIP: Reshaped SatelliteInterpolator, and added modis5kmto1km function. [Martin Raspaud]
Relatively untested version. Should be functional though.
Added a setup.py and renamed for consistency. [Martin Raspaud]
Initial commit. [Martin Raspaud]