- Split zsh config into discrete files
- Use zsh_unplugged instead of zplug
- Use vanilla prompt instead of p10k (or plugin with simpler config)
- Split tmux config into discrete files
- Create a Ctrl-P mapping that merges all the common fzf sources
- Improve performance of recent files, or enable caching
- Switch to lua-based plugins (e.g. lualine)
- Migrate entire config to lua
- Merge lsp configs (same mappings) across personal and work
- Consider migrating from deoplete to nvim-cmp
- Create fzf mapping for VCS latest commit
- Fix cmp search (breaks after a while)
- Add keybind for /path/file#token to open path/file
- Fix help file invisible text
- Replace asyncrun with lua plugin or vanilla api code
- Order fzf by most recently opened
- Add lsp status in statusline
- Create install options with local variants per machine