Post tweets after a release is made.
To post tweets to twitter you need the following secrets set in your environment:
This plugin is not included with the auto
CLI installed via NPM. To install:
npm i --save-dev @auto-it/twitter
# or
yarn add -D @auto-it/twitter
Simply supply the names of the account to filter
"plugins": [
/* options */
You can configure the message posted to twitter. The message
option should use the following special tokens to create a tweet.
- The version bump (major, minor, patch)%package
- The name of the package%notes
- Your release notes truncated to fit in the tweet%link
- A link to your the release on GitHub%version
- The latest version number
A new %release version of %package was released!
"plugins": [
["twitter", { "message": "v%version of %package was released!\n\n%link" }]
By default the twitter
plugin will only tweet if the version difference between the latest and the last release is greater than a minor
"plugins": [["twitter", { "threshold": "major" }]]