After the installation, to use the SystemMonitor framework, you must import it first in your code with:
import SystemMonitor
Then you can call function to get informations from your system (see below for structures description):
// To initialize the monitor instance
let monitor = try SystemMonitor()
// Returns SystemInfos struct with all informations
let infos = try monitor.getInfos()
// Returns SystemSpecificInfos struct with system specific informations
let systemInfos = try monitor.getSystemInfos()
// Returns CPUInfos struct with processor specific informations
let cpuInfos = try monitor.getProcessorInfos()
// Returns MemoryUsage struct with memory specific informations
let memoryInfos = try monitor.getMemoryInfos()
// Returns VolumesDisksInfos struct with volumes and disks specific informations
let disksVolumesInfos = try monitor.getDiskInfos()
// Returns NetworkInterfaceInfos struct array with network interfaces specific informations
let networkInfos = try monitor.getNetworkInfos()
// Returns GPUInfos struct array with graphics specific informations
let gpuInfos = try monitor.getGPUInfos()
// Returns BatteryInfos struct with power and bbattery specific informations
let batteryInfos = try monitor.getBatteryInfos()
// Returns SensorsInfos struct with sensors specific informations
let sensorsInfos = try monitor.getSensorsInfos()
// Structure with contains all informations
public struct SystemInfos {
let memory: MemoryUsage
let processor: CPUInfos
let disk: VolumesDisksInfos
let network: [NetworkInterfaceInfos]
let graphics: [GPUInfos]
let system: SystemSpecificInfos
let battery: BatteryInfos
let sensors: SensorsInfos
// System specifics informations
public struct SystemSpecificInfos {
let boottime: Int
let hostname: String
let kernel: String
let kernelVersion: String
// All processor informations
public struct CPUInfos {
let coreNumber: Int32
let model: String
let cpuFeatures: [String]
let usage: CPUUsage
// Processor usage
public struct CPUUsage {
let cores: [CPUCoreUsage]
let total: CPUCoreUsage
func toPercent(unixLike: Bool) -> CPUUsagePercent
// Processor usage in percents
public struct CPUUsagePercent {
let cores: [CPUCoreUsagePercent]
let total: CPUCoreUsagePercent
// Single CPU core usage
public struct CPUCoreUsage {
let user: UInt32
let system: UInt32
let idle: UInt32
let nice: UInt32
func toPercent() -> CPUCoreUsagePercent
// Single CPU core usage in percents
public struct CPUCoreUsagePercent {
let user: Float
let system: Float
let idle: Float
let nice: Float
// RAM and swap informations
public struct MemoryUsage {
let swapUsage: SwapUsage
let ramUsage: RAMUsage
// Swap usage in bytes
public struct SwapUsage {
let total: UInt64
let used: UInt64
let free: UInt64
func convertTo(unit: String) throws -> ConvertedSwapUsage
// RAM usage in memory pages (4096 bytes)
public struct RAMUsage {
let wired: UInt
let active: UInt
let appMemory: UInt
let compressed: UInt
let available: UInt
func convertTo(unit: String) throws -> ConvertedRAMUsage
// Swap usage in human a readable unit
public struct ConvertedSwapUsage {
let total: Float
let used: Float
let free: Float
let unit: String
// RAM usage in human a readable unit
public struct ConvertedRAMUsage {
let wired: Float
let active: Float
let appMemory: Float
let compressed: Float
let available: Float
let unit: String
// All disks and volumes informations
public struct VolumesDisksInfos {
let volumes: [VolumeInfos]
let disks: [DiskInfos]
// Disk informations
public struct DiskInfos {
let name: String
let blocksize: UInt32
let size: UInt64
let usage: DiskUsage
// Disk usage in bytes
public struct DiskUsage {
let bytesread: UInt64
let byteswritten: UInt64
let operationsread: UInt64
let operationswritten: UInt64
// Volume informations
public struct VolumeInfos {
let filesystem: String
let mountpoint: String
let mountname: String
let usage: VolumeUsage
// Volume usage in volume block
public struct VolumeUsage {
let blocksize: UInt32
let iosize: Int32
let blocks: UInt64
let free: UInt64
let available: UInt64
let files: UInt64
let filesfree: UInt64
func convertTo(unit: String) throws -> ConvertedVolumeUsage
// Volume usage in human a readable unit
public struct ConvertedVolumeUsage {
let total: Float
let free: Float
let available: Float
let unit: String
// All informations for a network interface
public struct NetworkInterfaceInfos {
let name: String
let bytessend: UInt
let bytesreceived: UInt
let addresses: [InterfaceAddress]
// Informations for a network interface address
public struct InterfaceAddress {
let address: String
let netmask: String
let destaddress: String
let type: String
let flags: InterfaceAddressFlags
// Flags for a network interface address
public struct InterfaceAddressFlags {
let iff_up: Bool
let iff_broadcast: Bool
let iff_debug: Bool
let iff_loopback: Bool
let iff_pointopoint: Bool
let iff_notrailers: Bool
let iff_running: Bool
let iff_noarp: Bool
let iff_promisc: Bool
let iff_allmulti: Bool
let iff_oactive: Bool
let iff_simplex: Bool
let iff_link0: Bool
let iff_link1: Bool
let iff_link2: Bool
let iff_altphys: Bool
let iff_multicast: Bool
// All informations for a GPU
public struct GPUInfos {
let name: String
let isOn: Bool
let utilization: UInt
let vramTotalMB: UInt
let vramFreeMB: UInt
let coreClockMHz: UInt
let memoryClockMHz: UInt
let sensors: GPUSensors
// GPU sensors informations
public struct GPUSensors {
let totalPower: UInt
let temperature: UInt
let fanSpeedPercent: UInt
let fanSpeedRPM: UInt
// Battery informations
public struct BatteryInfos {
let serialNumber: String
let manufactureDate: Date
let cycleCount: Int
let designCapacity: Int
let maxCapacity: Int
let currentCapacity: Int
let voltage: Int
let amperage: Int
let instantAmperage: Int
let timeRemaining: Int
let timeToFull: Int
let timeToEmpty: Int
let isCharging: Bool
let isFullyCharged: Bool
let chargingCurrent: Int
// All sensors informations
public struct SensorsInfos {
let fans: [FanSensor]
let temperatures: [String:Float]
let amperages: [String:Float]
let voltages: [String:Float]
let powers: [String:Float]
// Single fan's speed informations
public struct FanSensor {
let min: Float
let max: Float
let actual: Float
let target: Float