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44 lines (30 loc) · 2.56 KB

Old Analysis

Here is some old analysis code that wasn't used in the final paper but may be useful.

Make Predictions for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease

We'll output predictions for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

# Store the CUIDs for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
echo "C0002395" > cuids.alzheimers.txt
echo "C0030567" > cuids.parkinsons.txt
echo "C0242422" >> cuids.parkinsons.txt

# Use the CUIDs to find the row numbers for each term
grep -nFf cuids.alzheimers.txt umlsWordlist.WithIDs.txt | cut -f 1 -d ':' | awk ' { print $0-1; } ' > ids.alzheimers.txt
grep -nFf cuids.parkinsons.txt umlsWordlist.WithIDs.txt | cut -f 1 -d ':' | awk ' { print $0-1; } ' > ids.parkinsons.txt

# Get all terms that are of type Pharmacologic Substance (T121) or Clinical Drug (T200)
grep -n -P "(T121)|(T200)" umlsWordlist.WithIDs.txt | cut -f 1 -d ':' | awk ' { print $0-1; } ' > ids.drugs.txt

# Filter for those terms that actually appear in the matrix (using the trainingAndValidation.ids file)
grep -xFf finalDataset/trainingAndValidation.ids ids.drugs.txt > ids.drugs.txt.filtered
mv ids.drugs.txt.filtered ids.drugs.txt

# Start calculating scores
python ../analysis/ --svdU svd.all.U --svdV svd.all.V --svdSV svd.all.SV --idsFileA ids.alzheimers.txt --idsFileB ids.drugs.txt --sv $optimalSV --threshold $optimalThreshold --outFile predictions.alzheimers.txt

python ../analysis/ --svdU svd.all.U --svdV svd.all.V --svdSV svd.all.SV --idsFileA ids.parkinsons.txt --idsFileB ids.drugs.txt --sv $optimalSV --threshold $optimalThreshold --outFile predictions.parkinsons.txt

# Then filter out for only novel discoveries
bash ../combine_data/ predictions.alzheimers.txt finalDataset/all.ids finalDataset/all.cooccurrences predictions.alzheimers.novel.txt

bash ../combine_data/ predictions.parkinsons.txt finalDataset/all.ids finalDataset/all.cooccurrences predictions.parkinsons.novel.txt

# Lastly get the actual terms out of the file for the predictions and sort them
cat predictions.alzheimers.novel.txt | awk -v f=umlsWordlist.WithIDs.txt ' BEGIN { x=0; while (getline < f) dict[x++] = $0; } { print $0"\t"dict[$2]; } ' | sort -k3,3gr > predictions.alzheimers.novel.withterms.txt
cat predictions.parkinsons.novel.txt | awk -v f=umlsWordlist.WithIDs.txt ' BEGIN { x=0; while (getline < f) dict[x++] = $0; } { print $0"\t"dict[$2]; } ' | sort -k3,3gr > predictions.parkinsons.novel.withterms.txt

# Clean up
rm predictions.alzheimers.txt predictions.alzheimers.novel.txt
rm predictions.parkinsons.txt predictions.parkinsons.novel.txt