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SMG edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 21 revisions

What is Smash Forge?

Smash Forge is a program started by Jam1Garner with help from Ploaj, Smb123w64gb, Sammi and others for working with Smash 4 filetypes. It includes Model importing, animation importing, and working with everything from character movesets to level data.

How do I run Smash Forge?

Download the from the releases tab on the Github page. Extract the zip folder and run the exe file. The program runs from within the folder, so no installer is necessary. Be sure to not download the source code, which requires visual studio to build the solution file.

How do I install updates?

Smash Forge will give you the choice to update everytime a commit is pushed to the github repository. If an update is available to download, a green download icon will appear in the top right of Forge. Clicking on it will give a description of the changes and allow you to update or not. Redownloading the will also ensure you are on the latest version. Please ensure you are on the latest version before posting bugs or other issues.

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