username required | string username is needed
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
" class="sc-iJuWdM sc-cBNeRQ gpkGbA casAkG sc-citwID bzkUsW"> Unauthorized{username}/schedules/locations Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": [{"_id": "string", "name": "string", "customerId": 0, "slots": [{"day": "monday", "intervals": [{"from": "string", "to": "string" } ] } ], "locations": [{"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } ] } ] } GET Get user schedule{username}/schedules/locations Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": [{"_id": "string", "name": "string", "customerId": 0, "slots": [{"day": "monday", "intervals": [{"from": "string", "to": "string" } ] } ], } ] } GET Get user schedule This endpoint should retrieve a schedule with products that only belong to a specific locationId.
path Parametersusername required | string username
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
" class="sc-iJuWdM sc-cBNeRQ gpkGbA casAkG sc-citwID bzkUsW"> Forbidden{username}/schedule/{scheduleId}/location/{locationId} Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": {"_id": "string", "name": "string", "customerId": 0, "slots": [{"day": "monday", "intervals": [{"from": "string", "to": "string" } ] } ], "locations": [{"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } ], } } GET Get one location from user{username}/schedule/{scheduleId}/location/{locationId} Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": {"_id": "string", "name": "string", "customerId": 0, "slots": [{"day": "monday", "intervals": [{"from": "string", "to": "string" } ] } ], } } GET Get one location from user This endpoint get one location for user
path Parametersusername required | | locationId required | |
Responses{username}/location/{locationId} Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": {"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } } POST generate availabilty for user{username}/location/{locationId} Response samples Content typeapplication/json POST generate availabilty for user This endpoint generate availabilty for user
path Parametersusername required | string This field for username
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
" class="sc-iJuWdM sc-cBNeRQ gpkGbA casAkG sc-citwID bzkUsW"> Unauthorized{username}/availability/{locationId}/generate Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"fromDate": "string", "shippingId": "string" } Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": [{"date": "string", "customer": {"customerId": "string", "fullname": "string" }, "shipping": {"duration": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "distance": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" }, "cost": {"currency": "string", "value": 0 }, "_id": "string", "location": "string", "origin": {"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } }, "slots": [{"from": "string", "to": "string", "products": [{"price": {"amount": "string", "currencyCode": "string" }, "productId": 0, "variantId": 0, "from": "string", "to": "string", "breakTime": 0, "duration": 0 } ] } ] } ] } POST get single availabilty for user{username}/availability/{locationId}/generate Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"fromDate": "string", "shippingId": "string" } Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": [{"date": "string", "customer": {"customerId": "string", "fullname": "string" }, "shipping": {"duration": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "distance": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" }, "cost": {"currency": "string", "value": 0 }, "_id": "string", "location": "string", }, "slots": [{"from": "string", "to": "string", "products": [{"price": {"amount": "string", "currencyCode": "string" }, "productId": 0, "variantId": 0, "from": "string", "to": "string", "breakTime": 0, "duration": 0 } ] } ] } ] } POST get single availabilty for user This endpoint get's one single availabilty for user
path Parametersusername required | string This field for username
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
" class="sc-iJuWdM sc-cBNeRQ gpkGbA casAkG sc-citwID bzkUsW"> Unauthorized{username}/availability/{locationId}/get Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"fromDate": "string", "toDate": "string", "shippingId": "string" } Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": {"date": "string", "customer": {"customerId": "string", "fullname": "string" }, "shipping": {"duration": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "distance": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" }, "cost": {"currency": "string", "value": 0 }, "_id": "string", "location": "string", "origin": {"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } }, "slot": {"from": "string", "to": "string", "products": [{"price": {"amount": "string", "currencyCode": "string" }, "productId": 0, "variantId": 0, "from": "string", "to": "string", "breakTime": 0, "duration": 0 } ] } } } GET Get customer upload resource url{username}/availability/{locationId}/get Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"fromDate": "string", "toDate": "string", "shippingId": "string" } Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": {"date": "string", "customer": {"customerId": "string", "fullname": "string" }, "shipping": {"duration": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "distance": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" }, "cost": {"currency": "string", "value": 0 }, "_id": "string", "location": "string", }, "slot": {"from": "string", "to": "string", "products": [{"price": {"amount": "string", "currencyCode": "string" }, "productId": 0, "variantId": 0, "from": "string", "to": "string", "breakTime": 0, "duration": 0 } ] } } } GET Get customer upload resource url This endpoint gets customer upload resource url, so customer can upload image
Responses{customerId}/locations/get-all-origins Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": [{"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } ] } POST Set new default location for user{customerId}/locations/get-all-origins Response samples Content typeapplication/json POST Set new default location for user This endpoint set new default location for user
path ParameterscustomerId required | | locationId required | |
Responses{customerId}/location/{locationId} Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": {"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0, "isDefault": true } } POST Remove location from user{customerId}/location/{locationId} Response samples Content typeapplication/json POST Remove location from user This endpoint remove location but does not delete location from db
path ParameterscustomerId required | | locationId required | |
Responses{customerId}/location/{locationId} Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string", "originType": "home", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": {"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } } POST Create location origin or destination{customerId}/location/{locationId} Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string", "originType": "home", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } Response samples Content typeapplication/json POST Create location origin or destination This endpoint creates new location
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired name required | | fullAddress required | | originType required | string Enum: "home" "commercial" | distanceForFree required | | distanceHourlyRate required | | fixedRatePerKm required | | minDriveDistance required | | maxDriveDistance required | | startFee required | | locationType required | string Enum: "origin" "destination" |
Responses{customerId}/locations Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string", "originType": "home", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0, "locationType": "origin" } Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": {"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } } GET Get all locations for user{customerId}/locations Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string", "originType": "home", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0, "locationType": "origin" } Response samples Content typeapplication/json GET Get all locations for user This endpoint get all locations for user
Responses{customerId}/locations Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": [{"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0, "isDefault": true } ] } GET location coordinates{customerId}/locations Response samples Content typeapplication/json GET location coordinates This endpoint get coordinates object
Responses Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"customerId": 0, "locationId": "string", "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" } } Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"success": true, "payload": {"duration": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "distance": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" }, "cost": {"currency": "string", "value": 0 }, "_id": "string", "location": "string", "origin": {"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } } } POST get shipping calculate Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired customerId | | locationId required | | required | |
ResponsesPOST get shipping calculate Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired customerId | | locationId required | | destination required | |
Responses400 Bad Request
@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@
" class="sc-iJuWdM sc-cBNeRQ gpkGbA casAkG sc-citwID bzkUsW"> Unauthorized
post/shipping/calculate Request samples Content typeapplication/json Copy Expand all Collapse all {"customerId": 0, "locationId": "string", "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" } } Response samples Content typeapplication/json Copy Expand all Collapse all {"success": true, "payload": {"duration": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "distance": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" }, "cost": {"currency": "string", "value": 0 }, "_id": "string", "location": "string", "origin": {"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } } } GET Get shipping post/shipping/calculate Request samples Content typeapplication/json Copy Expand all Collapse all {"customerId": 0, "locationId": "string", "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" } } Response samples Content typeapplication/json Copy Expand all Collapse all {"success": true, "payload": {"duration": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "distance": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" }, "cost": {"currency": "string", "value": 0 }, "_id": "string", "location": "string", } } GET Get shipping This endpoint gets shipping object
Responses200 Response with payload
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@
" class="sc-iJuWdM sc-cBNeRQ gpkGbA casAkG sc-citwID bzkUsW"> Forbidden
get/shipping/{shippingId}{shippingId} Response samples Content typeapplication/json Copy Expand all Collapse all {"success": true, "payload": {"duration": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "distance": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" }, "cost": {"currency": "string", "value": 0 }, "_id": "string", "location": "string", "origin": {"_id": "string", "distanceForFree": 0, "distanceHourlyRate": 0, "fixedRatePerKm": 0, "minDriveDistance": 0, "maxDriveDistance": 0, "startFee": 0 } } } POST Upload new customer image get/shipping/{shippingId}{shippingId} Response samples Content typeapplication/json Copy Expand all Collapse all {"success": true, "payload": {"duration": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "distance": {"text": "string", "value": 0 }, "destination": {"name": "string", "fullAddress": "string" }, "cost": {"currency": "string", "value": 0 }, "_id": "string", "location": "string", } } POST Upload new customer image This endpoint is used to upload new image for customer
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired customerId required | | resourceUrl required | |
Responses200 Response
@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@
" class="sc-iJuWdM sc-cBNeRQ gpkGbA casAkG sc-citwID bzkUsW"> Forbidden
post/orchestrators/upload Request samples Content typeapplication/json {"customerId": 0, "resourceUrl": "string" } Response samples Content typeapplication/json {"id": "string", "statusQueryGetUri": "string", "sendEventPostUri": "string", "terminatePostUri": "string", "rewindPostUri": "string", "purgeHistoryDeleteUri": "string", "restartPostUri": "string", "suspendPostUri": "string", "resumePostUri": "string" }