Error codes currently sent from CMS jobs to the dashboard
+ indicates site error
Error exit code of the cmsRun application itself - range 0-10000(Exit codes in 1-512 are standard ones in Unix and indicate a CMSSW abort that the cmsRun did not catch as exception)
-1 - Error return without specification
1 - Hangup (POSIX)
2 - Interrupt (ANSI)
3 - unknown
4 - Illegal instruction (ANSI)
5 - Trace trap (POSIX)
6 - Abort (ANSI) or IOT trap (4.2BSD)
7 - BUS error (4.2BSD)
8 - Floating point exception (ANSI)
9 - killed, unblockable (POSIX) kill -9
10 - User defined
11 - segmentation violation (ANSI)
12 - User defined
15 - Termination (ANSI)
24 - Soft CPU limit exceeded (4.2 BSD)
25 - File size limit exceeded (4.2 BSD)
29 - nondefined
30 - Power failure restart (System V.)
33 - nondefined
64 - I/O error: cannot open data file (SEAL)
65 - End of job from user application (CMSSW)
66 - Application exception
67 - unknown
68 - unknown
73 - Failed writing to read-only file system
84 - Some required file not found; check logs for name of missing file.
88 - unknown
90 - Application exception
100 - nondefined
126 - unknown
127 - Error while loading shared library
129 - Hangup (POSIX)
132 - Illegal instruction (ANSI)
133 - Trace trap (POSIX)
134 - Abort (ANSI) or IOT trap (4.2 BSD)
135 - Bus error (4.2 BSD)
136 - unknown
137 - killed, unblockable (POSIX) kill -9
138 - User defined
139 - Segmentation violation (ANSI)
140 - User defined
143 - Termination (ANSI)
152 - CPU limit exceeded (4.2 BSD)
153 - File size limit exceeded (4.2 BSD)
155 - Profiling alarm clock (4.2 BSD)
251 - nondefined
255 - nondefined
256 - Application exception
512 - nondefined
2304 - nondefined
0001 - Plug-in or message service initialization Exception
cmsRun (CMSSW) exit codes.These codes may depend on specific CMSSW version, the list is maintained in CVS and you should look at tags there to find out what is appropriate for a given CMSSW release. The situation as of 5_0_X is below
// The first three are specific categories of CMS Exceptions.
7000 - Exception from command line processing
7001 - Configuration File Not Found
7002 - Configuration File Read Error
8001 - Other CMS Exception
8002 - std::exception (other than bad_alloc)
8003 - Unknown Exception
8004 - std::bad_alloc (memory exhaustion)
8005 - Bad Exception Type (e.g throwing a string)
// The rest are specific categories of CMS Exceptions.
60452 - No run/lumi information in file (WMAgent)
60999 - SG $WORKING_DIR could not be deleted
61101 - No sites are available to submit the job because the location of its input(s) do not pass the site whitelist/blacklist restrictions (WMAgent)
61102 - The job can only run at a site that is currently in Aborted state (WMAgent)
61103 - The JobSubmitter component could not load the job pickle (WMAgent)
61104 - The job can run only at a site that is currently in Draining state (WMAgent)
61300 - The job was killed by the WMAgent, reason is unknown (WMAgent)
61301 - The job was killed by the WMAgent because the site it was running at was set to Aborted (WMAgent)
61302 - The job was killed by the WMAgent because the site it was running at was set to Draining (WMAgent)
61303 - The job was killed by the WMAgent because the site it was running at was set to Down (WMAgent)
Problems saving output via output sandbox- range 70000-70009
70000 - Output_sandbox too big for WMS: output can not be retrieved
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