This document briefly describes some of PixMob's modes of operations, namely, the format of internal representations and states it goes through to receive IR commands and drive LED outputs.
The PixMob defines an 8-byte configuration structure that exists in both EEPROM (one instance) and the MCU's register-based RAM (three instances). The configuration structure stores settings such as the current operational mode, RGB colors, and timer values and its format is shown below:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0x00 | |
0x01 | |
0x02 | |
0x03 | attack_time |
0x04 | sustain_time |
0x05 | release_time |
0x06 | profile_range_hi | profile_range_lo |
0x07 | ??? | ??? | ??? | nbgen | ??? | random | dynamic | rpen |
The three instances of cfg in the MCU's register-based RAM will be labeled as MCU:cfg0
, MCU:cfg1
, and MCU:cfg2
. The instance of CFG in EEPROM will be labeled as EEPROM:cfg
Identifier | Usage | Description |
MCU:cfg0 |
Staging | As the PixMob receives data from an incoming IR command, fields are extracted from the command bytes, transformed if necessary, and stored into MCU:cfg0 for staging.For example, 6-bit RGB values from a command are zero-padded at the LSBs to be converted into 8-bit RGB values, or 3-bit keys for the attack, sustain, and release time are applied to a lookup table to produce an 8-bit time value representing 16ms increments. However, not all fields from a command will necessary be staged into MCU:cfg0 . Some fields may change other areas in the MCU's register-based memory, or cause bytes to be written directly into the EEPROM.When an incoming command is done being processed and the PixMob is ready to display the effect, the contents of MCU:cfg0 are copied into MCU:cfg1 . |
MCU:cfg1 |
Active | Through a periodic loop, the LED FSM will read configuration values from MCU:cfg1 , apply adjustments (e.g., for fade-in, fade-out, or transition between two colors), and use the results to drive the PWM outputs to the RGB LEDs. |
MCU:cfg2 and EEPROM:cfg |
Storage | Stores configuration used in conjunction with the on-start effect. When the PixMob is first powered on and the on-start effect is enabled by a different setting in EEPROM, the device will copy data from EEPROM:cfg to MCU:cfg2 . Thus, MCU:cfg2 acts as a cache for EEPROM:cfg such that it is readily accessible by the program without a round trip to the EEPROM.When the PixMob is ready to display the next color profile effect in the on-start effect cycle, it copies the contents of MCU:cfg2 into MCU:cfg1 for the LED FSM to read from.For commands that update the on-start effect's configurations, the contents of MCU:cfg0 will be copied into both MCU:cfg2 and EEPROM:cfg after the command is done processing. |
Field Descriptions:
Field | Name | Description |
---|---|---| |
RGB Color Values | Stores an 8-bit RGB value for the color to be displayed. In the context of EEPROM:cfg , this value is generally not applicable since cfg.dynamic will always be 1 for configurations stored in the EEPROM. It is possible to manually write to the EEPROM with an I2C programmer to set cfg.dynamic to 0, in which case the PixMob will display a static color each cycle instead of iterating through profiles. However, this is not achievable using only IR commands. |
cfg.attack_time cfg.sustain_time cfg.release_time |
LED Phase Timer Values | The attack, sustain, and release times define the amount of time it takes for the PixMob to transition from the background color to the color being displayed, the amount of time to display the color, and the amount of time it takes for the PixMob to transition from the displayed color back to the background color, respectively. Times are stored as 8-bit values with each increment representing 16ms. For example, a time value of 0x1E (30d) would be equivalent to 480ms. |
cfg.profile_range_lo cfg.profile_range_hi |
Profile Range ID Bounds | When cfg.dynamic is 1, defines the lower and upper bounds of the profile id to dynamically select from. Otherwise has no effect. |
cfg.rpen |
Repeat Enable | When set to 1, enables effect repetition (the effect is replayed multiple times, with the number of times being defined by EEPROM:repeat_count). |
cfg.dynamic |
Dynamic RGB Colors Enable | When set to 1, the cfg.rgb fields are replaced with values loaded dynamically from a color profile stored in EEPROM based on the next profile id. |
cfg.random |
Random Color Profile ID Enable | When set to 1, the next profile id is selected randomly. Otherwise, the next profile id is the incremented last profile id with wraparound rules applied. |
cfg.nbgen |
Background Color Disable | When set to 1, instead of displaying the background color between effects, the LEDs will be turned off. Note that this same off-effect can be achieved visually by setting cfg.nbgen to 1, setting the background color to rgb(0, 0, 0), or both. |
Field | Name | Value at Power-On | Description |
MCU:gst |
Global Sustain Time | 0x1E | This is a single 8-bit value that is occasionally used to override the sustain timer. Like other timers, each step represents a 16ms time increment. | |
RGB Background Color Values | rgb(0, 0, 0) | When MCU:cfg1.nbgen is zero, defines the background color to transition into between effects. | |
RGB Last Displayed Color Values | rgb(0, 0, 0) | Used internally to keep track of the last-displayed color to aid in calculating transitions between one color and the next. |
Displaying a color on the PixMob goes through several states in a LED phase FSM:
Phase | Next Phase(s) | Description |
Init | Attack | The PixMob LED FSM remains in the init phase until it is ready to display the next color (either the on-start effect is enabled, a new command is received, or if repeat is enabled and the current repeat count is less than EEPROM:repeat_count ).If MCU:cfg1.dynamic is 1, read the RGB values of the next profile (either random or sequential profile ids) from EEPROM:profile_* and store them into MCU:cfg1.rgb . Otherwise, the current values in MCU:cfg1.rgb are used.If a background color was previously set, it will continue to display until the end of the init phase. If the PixMob remains in this phase for approximately 60 seconds with no new commands being received, there is a timeout where the LEDs are turned off and the MCU goes into sleep / power saving mode. |
Attack | Sustain | Over the period defined by MCU:cfg1.attack_time , transition from the color in MCU:last_rgb to MCU:cfg1.rgb .If MCU:last_rgb is rgb(0, 0, 0), this creates a fade-in effect. Otherwise, for non-zero rgb values, this creates a smooth transition from one color to the next. |
Sustain | Release | Over the period defined by MCU:cfg1.sustain_time , display the color stored in MCU:cfg1.rgb . |
Release | Repeat Delay ( MCU:cfg1.rpen is 1)-or- Init ( MCU:cfg1.rpen is 0) |
Over the period defined by MCU:cfg1.release_time , transition from the color in MCU:cfg1.rgb to either MCU:bg_rgb , when MCU:cfg1.nbgen is 0, or rgb(0, 0, 0), when MCU:cfg1.nbgen is 1.A fade-out effect is created when MCU:cfg1.nbgen is 1 or the color is rgb(0, 0, 0). Otherwise, there will be a smooth transition between the two colors.If MCU:cfg1.release_time is zero, there is special behavior where MCU:bg_rgb is set to the values of MCU:cfg1.rgb (this essentially leaves the color effect turned on).If a background color was set, it will continue to display after the release phase ends. |
Repeat Delay | Init | Over the period defined by EEPROM:repeat_delay , do nothing. This phase serves as a brief delay between repeat cycles of the same color.If a background color was previously set by the release phase, this color will continue to display both during and after this phase. |