- store travis build data for quick linking
- handle task retry max exceeded! - look into delay compounding
- is HTML Validation delay working?
- reload repo list page if repos are
- snackbar for updates
- logging
- contributing guide
- Repo BADGES!! https://github.com/google/pybadges
- confirm caching github/markup#224
- add license
- should users be able to set numeric goals, like coverage percentage?
- branch support for better CI
- Caching
- Throttling
- Cache
for a minute or two given the frequency of use -
for css - query optimizations
- offer a "delete history" option
- how to handle repo name or ownership changes...
- there doesn't seem to be a webhook for it, so maybe a scheduled task?
- off-click listener for menus
- query analysis and optimizations
- better icons... number icons can just use a font.
- general search + quick search in profile
- use git secret for webhooks
- auto code formatting w/ prettier
- store and display the commit message
- integration status in permanant wait
- coveralls
- codecov
- google page speed insights
- code climate
- css validation
- issue tracking?
- code velocity?