Oracle Application Container Cloud Service includes Oracle Java SE Cloud Service and Oracle Node Cloud Service. It provides a lightweight infrastructure so that you can run Java SE 7, Java SE 8, and Node.js applications in the Oracle Cloud.
Oracle offers a PaaS Service Manager (PSM) Command Line Interface (CLI) that enables users of Oracle Application Container Cloud Service, Oracle Database Cloud Service, and Oracle Java Cloud Service to create, monitor and manage their service instances from a command shell or script.
For more information about PSM see the documentation.
This tutorial demonstrates how to:
- how to install and configure PaaS Service Manager Command Line Interface (psm CLI)
- scale up Application Cloud Service instance using user interface
- scale down Application Cloud Service instance using psm command line interface tool.
- cURL command-line tool. Usually cURL is already included in most of the Linux distributions and easy to install to Windows. You can use other tool to invoke REST API to download the latest version of the tool. (To install cURL is not scope of this documentation.)
- Python 3.3 or later. (To install Pyhton is not scope of this documentation.)
First identify your REST API server name. If you log in to your Oracle cloud account with a US data center, use otherwise, use
Use cURL to send a request. The format is:
curl -X GET -u username:password -H X-ID-TENANT-NAME:<identitydomain> https://<rest-server>/paas/core/api/v1.1/cli/<identitydomain>/client -o /u01/
This will write the response to a file named
Open a terminal and execute the cURL command above with your credentials, identity domain identifier and REST API server name. REST
[oracle@localhost Desktop]$ curl -X GET -u [email protected]:password -H X-ID-TENANT-NAME:hujohni -o /u01/
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 45968 100 45968 0 0 10993 0 0:00:04 0:00:04 --:--:-- 10999
[oracle@localhost Desktop]$
Change to directory /u01
and list directory to check the downloaded file.
[oracle@localhost Desktop]$ cd /u01
[oracle@localhost u01]$ ls
app content dpct oepe- python wins
Install the PaaS CLI as a Python package.
Open a terminal, change to directory or make sure you are in directory /u01
and use the PIP tool to install the CLI Python package.
[oracle@localhost Desktop]$ cd /u01
[oracle@localhost Desktop]$ sudo -H /u01/python/bin/pip3 install -U
Processing ./
Collecting requests<=2.8.1,>=2.7.0 (from psmcli==1.1.7)
Downloading requests-2.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (497kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 501kB 469kB/s
Collecting keyring<=5.6,>=5.4 (from psmcli==1.1.7)
Downloading keyring-5.6.tar.gz (69kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 71kB 1.0MB/s
Collecting colorama==0.3.3 (from psmcli==1.1.7)
Downloading colorama-0.3.3.tar.gz
Collecting PyYAML==3.11 (from psmcli==1.1.7)
Downloading (371kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 378kB 725kB/s
Installing collected packages: requests, keyring, colorama, PyYAML, psmcli
Running install for keyring ... done
Running install for colorama ... done
Running install for PyYAML ... done
Running install for psmcli ... done
Successfully installed PyYAML-3.11 colorama-0.3.3 keyring-5.6 psmcli-1.1.7 requests-2.8.1
You are using pip version 8.1.1, however version 8.1.2 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
[oracle@localhost u01]$
####Configuring the Command Line Interface#### Prior to running CLI commands, configure your connection to the Oracle cloud.
Open a terminal and run the setup
command. When prompted, enter your cloud user name, password, and identity domain. For example:
[oracle@localhost u01]$ psm setup
Username: [email protected]
Retype Password:
Identity domain: hujohni
Region [us]: emea
Output format [json]:
'psm setup' was successful. Available services are:
o MySQLCS : Oracle Oracle MySQL Cloud Service
o accs : Oracle Application Container Cloud Service
o dbcs : Oracle Database Cloud Service
o ggcs : Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service
o jcs : Oracle Java Cloud Service
o stack : Cloud Stack Manager
[oracle@localhost u01]$
The CLI provides help text for each available command. Use the help (or h) parameter to:
View the available services in your configured cloud account. For example:
[oracle@localhost u01]$ psm help
A command line tool to interact with Oracle Cloud Platform Services (PaaS)
psm <service> <command> [parameters]
Oracle Oracle MySQL Cloud Service
o accs
Oracle Application Container Cloud Service
o dbcs
Oracle Database Cloud Service
o ggcs
Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service
o jcs
Oracle Java Cloud Service
o stack
Cloud Stack Manager
o setup
Configure psm client options
o update
Update psm client to latest version
o log
View or update psm client log level
o help
Show help
-v, --version
Show current version of psm client
[oracle@localhost u01]$
Go to your Application Container Cloud Service console. If your console is not yet opened then sign in to to On the dashboard open the Application Container Cloud Service Console.
Click the link tomcat to open Application Container Cloud Service detail page.
The Overview page shows the assigned resources to the service. Modify RAM configuration from 1 to 2 GB. The Apply will appear, click the button.
Confirm the scaling operation, click Apply. The service will restart to apply changes.
During the restart a sand glass appears in the Application Container Cloud icon. The process takes few minutes. To update the pages click on refresh icon.
Once the restart ready the sand glass will disappear and the RAM size will show the requested value.
To scale down (back) the instance you will use psm tool. Open a terminal and list your application(s) deployed on Application Container Cloud Service. Execute the psm accs apps
command to list the applications.
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$ psm accs apps
"createdBy":"[email protected]",
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$
You should see the tomcat application and the previously configured 2 GB memory. Now use the tool the scale down the service. First check what is the usage of the accs scale
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$ psm accs scale help
Scale an Oracle Application Container Cloud Service instance for a specified
application to change instance count and memory limit
psm accs scale [parameters]
-n, --app-name <value>
[-i, --instances <value>]
[-m, --memory <value>]
[-of, --output-format <value>]
-n, --app-name (string)
Name of the application
-i, --instances (integer)
Number of instances
-m, --memory (string)
Memory limit
-of, --output-format (string)
Desired output format. Valid values are [json, html]
psm accs scale -n ExampleApp -i 2 -m 2G
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$
Note that you can always get help by executing <command> help
According to the help to scale down the memory you need to define the name of the application and the memory limit.
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$ psm accs scale -n tomcat -m 1G
Job ID : 1919648
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$
The job has been created to resize the memory of the service. To check what is happening with your application get the details using psm. Execute psm accs app -n tomcat
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$ psm accs app -n tomcat
"createdBy":"[email protected]",
"currentOngoingActivity":"Scaling Application",
"Initialized application scaling from 1x2G to 1x1G...",
"Deployed application(v1) for instance(1G) web.1..."
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$
If you could catch the restart process you can see the current ongoing operation: "Initialized application scaling from 1x2G to 1x1G..."
. This command also usefult to get detailed information about your service using command line interface. Execute couple of times this command and once the restart is ready you should see similar output:
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$ psm accs app -n tomcat
"createdBy":"[email protected]",
[oracle@localhost cloud.demos]$
Now the tomcat application is ready again to serve requests using 1GB memory.