diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/activity/viso-activity.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/activity/viso-activity.ttl index 4f51569..9c550ff 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/modules/activity/viso-activity.ttl +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/activity/viso-activity.ttl @@ -2,16 +2,23 @@ @prefix viso-activity: . @prefix dct: . @prefix owl: . -@prefix owl2xml: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix swstatus: . +@prefix viso-anno: . +@prefix viso-bibliography: . @prefix viso-data: . @prefix viso-graphic: . @prefix xsd: . -viso-activity: a owl:Ontology . +viso-activity: + rdf:type owl:Ontology ; + rdfs:label "Activity module of the Visualisation Ontology (VISO)"@en , "Aktivitäts-Modul der Visualisierungsontologie (VISO)"@de ; + dct:creator , ; + dct:description "The activity module of VISO decribes tasks, actions an methods related to the visualisation process."@en ; + owl:imports viso-graphic: , viso-anno: , viso-bibliography: ; + owl:versionInfo "Work in Progress"^^xsd:string . ### WIP - COPYING STATEMENTS FROM THE LEGAY ONTOLOGY TO THIS MODULE HAS TO BE COMPLETED ### diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/anno/viso-anno.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/anno/viso-anno.ttl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbd394b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/anno/viso-anno.ttl @@ -0,0 +1,3102 @@ +@prefix bibo: . +@prefix bixt: . +@prefix dct: . +@prefix owl: . +@prefix rdf: . +@prefix rdfs: . +@prefix skos: . +@prefix viso: . +@prefix viso-anno: . +@prefix viso-data: . +@prefix viso-facts: . +@prefix viso-graphic: . +@prefix viso-bibliography: . +@prefix xsd: . + + + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Amar , viso-anno:Quote_Bertin1983_Adrienko2006 , viso-anno:Quote_Gotz2008 , viso-anno:Quote_Zhang1997 ; + skos:editorialNote "TODO: a better way to say: has no domain? ; What is the best label for this?"^^xsd:string . + + + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Haber1990_Robertson1991_Ware2004_2 ; + bixt:followsSource , , . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998 , viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_2 . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Armar2005_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Limbourg2003_1 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_3 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_4 , viso-anno:Quote_Chi2000_1 , . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Bezold2009_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Gotz2008_3 . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + + + bixt:considersSource + , ; + bixt:followsSource , . + + + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Fikkert2007_1 . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Oberle2006_2 . + + + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_5 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_6 . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_29 . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + + + rdfs:comment """a process step could be done by humans + +it is an human task in the domain of business processes (BPEL4People & WS-HumanTask)"""^^xsd:string , "http://st.inf.tu-dresden.de/stwiki/index.php/SemVis:References"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:considersSource + , , viso-anno:Quote_Paterno_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman2003_1 , , , . + + + skos:editorialNote "This class was introduced to be the type of various time values that characterize update processes such as \"Never\", \"Periodically\"."^^xsd:string . + + + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_26 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card1999_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_7 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_19 , viso-anno:Quote_Chi1999_2 . + + + rdfs:seeAlso "Mental Construction"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_29 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card1999_2 , viso-anno:Quote_Chi2000_2 , viso-anno:Quote_Haber1990_Robertson1991_Ware2004_3 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card1999_Schumann1999_Kosara2007 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_DukeBrodlie2004_3 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card1999_3 , viso-anno:Quote_Chi2000_3 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_2 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Chi2000_4 . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + +viso-anno: + rdf:type owl:Ontology ; + rdfs:label "Annotation module of the Visualisation Ontology (VISO)"@en , "Annotations-Modul der Visualisierungsontologie (VISO)"@de ; + dct:creator viso:FabianPrager , viso:JanPolowinski , viso:MartinVoigt ; + dct:description "The annotation module stores annotations on VISO, such as design decisions, change information. It also relates statements to existing literature by using the bibliography ontology (BIBO) and an extension of it."^^xsd:string ; + owl:imports viso-bibliography: , bixt: ; + owl:versionInfo "0.5"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Amar2005 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@inproceedings(amar_low-level_2005, + title = (Low-level components of analytic activity in information visualization), + booktitle = ((IEEE) Symposium on Information Visualization, 2005. (INFOVIS) 2005), + author = (R. Amar and J. Eagan and J. Stasko), + year = (2005), + pages = (111-117) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Andrienko2006 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@article(andrienko_exploratory_2006, + title = (Exploratory Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Data: A Systematic Approach), + shorttitle = (Exploratory Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Data), + author = (N. Andrienko and G. Andrienko), + year = (2006), + keywords = (read), + annote = ((\\textless)p(\\textgreater)- comments on the value of visualisation (in contrast to other perception, such as sound etc.). explains with similarity of visual and mental images as opossed to text and spoken language (p. 166)(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater)- visualisation is mapping (p. 169 f.)(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater)- visual variables and bertin in general nicely reviewed (p. 171)(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater) (\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +((\\textless)p(\\textgreater)DATA(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater)) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater)- \"data represent results of the observation or measurement of phenomena\" (p. 17)(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater)- two types of data components:(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)ul(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)li(\\textgreater)referrers (independent variables, maybe more then one!, references are values of the referers)(\\textless)/li(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)li(\\textgreater)attributes (dependent variables, maybe many, characteristics are values of the attributes)(\\textless)/li(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)/ul(\\textgreater) +((\\textless)p(\\textgreater)Does) this correspond to data- and object properties? -\\> No, rather varied and measured parameters. are semantic webdata like this? can we make this seperation here?(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater)- Wilkinson states that the three most important referers are time, space and population (population stands for every group of items) -\\> Does this just mean any items on a categorical scale?(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +((\\textless)p(\\textgreater)STRUCTURE) (OF) (DATA:)  (p. 18)(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater)- siehe Google Docs(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater) (\\textless)/p(\\textgreater)), + annote = ((\\textless)p(\\textgreater)interesting for data properties(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater)) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Card2007 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@article(card_information_2009, + title = (Information visualization), + lccn = (2092), + location = (85), + journal = ((Human-Computer) Interaction: Design Issues, Solutions, and Applications), + author = (S. Card), + year = (2009), + keywords = (2d vs. 3d, axis wrapping, composition, definition, effectiveness, expressiveness, interaction, misinterpretation, perspective distortion, ranking, sensemaking, visual analytics, visual structures, visualization reference model, widget, widgets as visualizations, world within world), + pages = (181), + annote = (((\\textless)p(\\textgreater)Achtung:) (PDF) ist (2007-Ausgabe,) wurde aber nahzu unverändert, bis auf seiten zahlen.(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater) (\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater)p. 526: Filtering Widgets as Visualizations (controls consume space that is valuable)(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater) (\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +((\\textless)p(\\textgreater)Keine) rechte Unterscheidung zwischen (n-Variable) Data and Vis.. Es bleibt unklar, ob mi (1-Variable) Univariate Daten gemeint sind. Er schreibt aber \"by the time we get to three dat variables\" (p. 526) Es wird auf jeden Fall keine Unterscheidung gemacht in independent/dependent variables. objects werden als input variables (also independent) angenommen, aber es wird nciht erläutert, ob diese auch mehrere Dimensionen haben können. -\\> Egal, ob independent Variable oder dependent - jede Variable kann eine Dimension des Diagramms in Anspruch nehmen. Wenn also geographische Breite und Länge variiert werden (independent) nehmen sie unter Umständen trotzdem zwei Dimensionen der Grafik in Anspruch.(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater) +(\\textless)p(\\textgreater) (\\textless)/p(\\textgreater)) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:ChuaRoth1996 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@INPROCEEDINGS(Chuah1996, + author = (Chuah, M.C. and Roth, S.F.), + title = (On the semantics of interactive visualizations), + booktitle = (Information Visualization '96, Proceedings IEEE Symposium on), + year = (1996), + pages = (29-36), + month = (Oct), + abstract = (Interactive techniques are powerful tools for manipulating visualizations + to analyze, communicate and acquire information. This is especially + true for large data sets or complex 3D visualizations. Although many + new types of interaction have been introduced recently, very little + work has been done on understanding what their components are, how + they are related and how they can be combined. This paper begins + to address these issues with a framework for classifying interactive + visualizations. Our goal is a framework that will enable us to develop + toolkits for assembling visualization interfaces both interactively + and automatically), + doi = (10.1109/INFVIS.1996.559213), + file = (:U\\:\\\\Forschung\\\\Paper\\\\Chuah, Roth - On the semantics of interactive visualizations.pdf:PDF), + keywords = (data visualisation, interactive systems, user interface management + systems, semantics, visualization, taxonomy), + owner = (m.voigt), + timestamp = (2009.10.19) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Document_1 + rdf:type bibo:Document . + +viso-anno:Document_2 + rdf:type bibo:Document . + +viso-anno:Document_3 + rdf:type bibo:Document . + +viso-anno:Document_4 + rdf:type bibo:Document . + +viso-anno:Document_5 + rdf:type bibo:Document . + +viso-anno:Document_6 + rdf:type bibo:Document . + +viso-anno:DukeBrodlie2004 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@INPROCEEDINGS(Duke2004, + author = (Duke, D.J. and Brodlie, K.W. and Duce, D.A.), + title = (Building an Ontology of Visualization), + booktitle = (Visualization, 2004. IEEE), + year = (2004), + pages = ( 7p-7p), + month = (Oct.), + abstract = (Recent activity within the UK National e-Science Programme has identified + a need to establish an ontology for visualization. Motivation for + this includes defining web and grid services for visualization (the + ësemantic gridí), supporting collaborative work, curation, and underpinning + visualization research and education. At a preliminary meeting, members + of the UK visualization community identified a skeleton for the ontology. + We have started to build on this by identifying how existing work + might be related and utilized. We believe that the greatest challenge + is reaching a consensus within the visualization community itself. + This poster is intended as one step in this process, setting out + the perceived needs for the ontology, and sketching initial directions. + It is hoped that this will lead to debate, feedback and involvement + across the community.), + crossref = (Brodlie2004), + doi = (10.1109/VISUAL.2004.10), + file = (:U\\:\\\\Forschung\\\\Paper\\\\Duke et al. - Building an Ontology of Visualization.pdf:PDF), + keywords = (Ontology, Semantic Web, visualization), + owner = (m.voigt), + review = (- Motivation von der Dom‰ne Visualisierung als interdisziplin‰re Aktivit‰t + + - Vorstellung einer ersten groben Top Level Visualisierungsontologie + + - Kurze Beschreibung der 4 Hauptbestandteile: Task, Representation, + Data und Transformation), + timestamp = (2009.09.02) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Engelhardt2002 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@phdthesis(engelhardt_von_language_2002, + title = (The Language of Graphics), + lccn = (0000), + school = (Institute for Logic, Language \\& Computation, University of Amsterdam.), + author = (Jörg Engelhardt, von), + year = (2002), + note = ((ISBN) 90-5776-089-4), + annote = (((\\textless)p(\\textgreater)Empfehlung) Martin(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater)) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Engelhardt2002_on_statistical_path_map + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "145"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A statistical path map finally is a representation that qualifies both as a path map and as a statistical link diagram."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:EngelhardtOnSpatialStructuresAndInformationTypes + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment "Table on spatial structures and the type of information they can express. However - are these all Spatial Structures? They are partially already classified as Spaces. What does this imply?"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "70"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "Figure 2-35"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Type of Information### +Type of information that is expressed by different spatial structures."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + viso-anno:Engelhardt2002 . + +viso-anno:EngelhardtOnVisualAttributesAndInformationType + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment ""^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Engelhardt2002 ; + bibo:pages "135"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "Figure 3-26"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Katifori2007 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@ARTICLE(Katifori2007, + author = (Katifori, Akrivi and Halatsis, Constantin and Lepouras, George and + Vassilakis, Costas and Giannopoulou, Eugenia), + title = (Ontology visualization methods---a survey), + journal = (ACM Comput. Surv.), + year = (2007), + volume = (39), + pages = (10), + number = (4), + abstract = (Ontologies, as sets of concepts and their interrelations in a specific + domain, have proven to be a useful tool in the areas of digital libraries, + the semantic web, and personalized information management. As a result, + there is a growing need for effective ontology visualization for + design, management and browsing. There exist several ontology visualization + methods and also a number of techniques used in other contexts that + could be adapted for ontology representation. The purpose of this + article is to present these techniques and categorize their characteristics + and features in order to assist method selection and promote future + research in the area of ontology visualization.), + address = (New York, NY, USA), + doi = (http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1287620.1287621), + file = (:U\\:\\\\Forschung\\\\Paper\\\\Katifori et al. - Ontology visualization methods--a survey.pdf:PDF), + issn = (0360-0300), + keywords = (visualization, ontology, survey, overview), + owner = (m.voigt), + publisher = (ACM), + timestamp = (2009.11.03) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Lee2006 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@INPROCEEDINGS(Lee2006, + author = (Lee, Bongshin and Plaisant, Catherine and Parr, Cynthia Sims and + Fekete, Jean-Daniel and Henry, Nathalie), + title = (Task taxonomy for graph visualization), + booktitle = (BELIV '06: Proceedings of the 2006 AVI workshop on BEyond time and + errors), + year = (2006), + pages = (1--5), + address = (New York, NY, USA), + publisher = (ACM), + abstract = (Our goal is to define a list of tasks for graph visualization that + has enough detail and specificity to be useful to: 1) designers who + want to improve their system and 2) to evaluators who want to compare + graph visualization systems. In this paper, we suggest a list of + tasks we believe are commonly encountered while analyzing graph data. + We define graph specific objects and demonstrate how all complex + tasks could be seen as a series of low-level tasks performed on those + objects. We believe that our taxonomy, associated with benchmark + datasets and specific tasks, would help evaluators generalize results + collected through a series of controlled experiments.), + doi = (http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1168149.1168168), + file = (:U\\:\\\\Forschung\\\\Paper\\\\Lee et al. - Task taxonomy for graph visualization.pdf:PDF), + isbn = (1-59593-562-2), + keywords = (visualization, graph, taxonomy), + location = (Venice, Italy), + owner = (m.voigt), + timestamp = (2009.10.19) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Mackinlay1986_on_Perceptual_Task + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "118"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "When interpreting a graphical sentence, a person is confronted with perceptual tasks that correspond to these graphical encoding techniques. Since some perceptual tasks are accomplished more accurately than others, effectiveness criteria can be based on the comparison of the perceptual tasks required by alternative graphical languages."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Paterno + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@article(paterno_task_????, + title = (Task models in interactive software systems), + lccn = (0024), + journal = (Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge), + author = (F. Paterno and V. V Alfieri) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_11 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Andrienko2006 ; + bibo:pages "79"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_12 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment "Relate task"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Shneiderman2003 . + +viso-anno:Quote_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Andrienko2006 ; + bibo:pages "79"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_20 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Shneiderman2003 ; + bibo:pages "4"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_23 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment "Tasks are activities that have to be performed to reach a goal. They can be either logical activities such as Retrieving information about the movies projected tonight or physical activities such as Selecting the button in the top left corner."^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Paterno ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_25 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment "Hence, a task dealing with a set as a whole implies making a sort of synopsis concerning this set, and therefore can be called a \"synoptic task\". A synopsis is not necessarily verbal; in some cases data may be summarized numerically, graphically or in the form of equations, for example."^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Andrienko2006 ; + bibo:pages "83"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_26 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:ZhouFeiner1998 . + +viso-anno:Quote_27 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:DukeBrodlie2004 ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "3.3 Data Models"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """Regularities (geometric and/or topological) have long been used to structure and organize data, and these all underpin fundamental disinctions, e.g. between structured and unstructured grids. Several taxonomies of data and its organization have been been developed, in particular work by Butler, Pendley, and Bergeron and Kao; other approaches are also notable, for example the lattice model of Hibbard et.al. is significant in addressing error and uncertainty. +A classification scheme for data proposed by Brodlie emphasises the importance of the underlying field, i.e. the phenomenon that is captured within the data. Building on this, Tory and Möller have developed a visualization taxonomy based on data models rather than data. These two groups of taxonomies (e.g. Bergeron and Kao, and Brodlie), are complimentary; the former concentrate on how data is structured, while the latter the link between data and representation. A synthesis of these two contributions should help to develop the ‘data’ branch of the top-level ontology."""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_30 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment ""^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Andrienko2006 . + +viso-anno:Quote_31 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Tweedie1997 . + +viso-anno:Quote_56 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing . + +viso-anno:Quote_62 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "519"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_70 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing . + +viso-anno:Quote_71 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing . + +viso-anno:Quote_72 + rdf:type bibo:Quote . + +viso-anno:Quote_8 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "111"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "The codification of graphic design criteria in a form that can be used by the presentation tool [...] The graphic design issues are codified as expressiveness and effectiveness criteria for graphical languages. "^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_9 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Andrienko2006 ; + bibo:pages "78"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Amar + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment "[Composite task combines low level tasks]"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Amar2005_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "18"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "The value of an attribute"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Related Referer and Attributes### +*Similar: dependent and independent dimensions"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "The authors state that continuity and discreteness are properties of a variable with respect to some independent variable (n-ary-relation)."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "27"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_4 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "171"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_5 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "18,26"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A value of a referrer, or a set of values from multiple referrers."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Armar2005_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Amar2005 ; + bixt:documentContent + "[Combines low level tasks]"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Baldonado2000_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "110"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A multiple view system uses two or more distinct views to support the investigation of a single conceptual entity."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Bertin1981_Keim2002_Tory2004_Mazza2009 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "These authors use \"Attribute\" as a synonym for \"Dimension\"."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Attribute###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , , , . + +viso-anno:Quote_Bertin1983_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Bertin separates data into values with attributes and structures that define the data as a whole."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , ; + skos:editorialNote "Two sources given! Which one is correct? Note: This quote is used to annotate multiple resources."^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Bertin1983_Adrienko2006 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "Tasks defined by Bertin1983 or Adrienko2006 are defined by using characteristics of data. As they aren't fitting good to this classification, they had a relation to the Action layer defined here. For example, they define terms like compare or lookup task."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , . + +viso-anno:Quote_Bertin_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Bertin separates data into values with attributes and structures that define the data as a whole."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , ; + skos:editorialNote "Two sources given! Which one is correct?"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Bezold2009_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "tasks which cannot be decomposed are the to bridge to the level of actions which is verified, e. g., by Bezold2009: “Tasks describe the users activity by combining user actions hierarchically.”"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card1999_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "###View###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card1999_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Visual Mapping###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card1999_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "*Visualization Reference Model"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card1999_Schumann1999_Kosara2007 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "Here visualization is defined as the process. The result of this process is a Graphic Representation."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , , . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pageStart "524"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_10 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment """We consider \"Data type\" the same as the class \"Data\" in ontological modeling. Card uses data types to distinguish a) spatial axes and b) nodes and links in network visual structures: +**unstructured (unlabeled) +**nominal (labeled) +**ordinal (labeled with an ordinal quantity) +**quantitative (weighted links)"""^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "519, 530"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Data Type### +"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_11 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Card uses \"attribute\" and \"variable\" as synonyms."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "518"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Attribute### +attributes or variables"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + ; + skos:editorialNote "Check: Does he use it also synonymous with dimension?"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_12 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "521"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Interval (can do subtraction on values, but no natural zero and can't compute ratios). Example: |10. Dec. 1978-4 Jun. 1982|"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_13 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "521"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Nominal (can only distinguish whether two values are equal). Example: {Goldfinger, Ben Hur, Star Wars}"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_14 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "521"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Ordinal (can distinguish whether one value is less or greater but not difference or ratio). Example: "^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_15 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "521"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Quantitative (can do arithmetic on values). Example: |0-100| kg"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_16 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "520"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """Variables imply a scale of measurement, and it is important to +keep these straight. The most important to distinguish are + +N= Nominal (are only = or # to other values) +O = Ordinal(obeys a < relation) +Q = Quantitative (can do arithmetic on them) + +A nominal variable N is an unordered set, such as film titles {Goldfinger, Ben Hur, Star Wars}. An ordinal variable 0 is a tuple (ordered set), such as film ratings (G, PG, PG-13, R). A quantitative variable Q is a numeric range, such as film length [O,360]. +In addition to the three basic types of variables, subtypes represent important properties of the world associated with specialized visual conventions. We sometimes distinguish the subtype QuantitativeSpatial(Qg) for intrinsically spatial variables common in scientificvisualization and the subtype Quantitative Geographical (Qp) for spatial variables that are specifically geophysical coordinates. Other important subtypes are similarity metrics Quantitative Similarity (Q,,), and the temporal variablesQuantitative Time (Q) and Ordinal Time (0,) We can also distinguish Interval Scales (I) (like Quantitative Scales, but since there is not a natural zero point, it is not meaningful to take ratios). An example would be dates. It is meaningful to subtract two dates (June 5, 2002 - June 3, 2002 = 2 days), but it does not make sense to divide them (June 5,2002 + June 23, 2002 = Undefined). Finally, we can define an Unstructured Scale (4, whose only value is present or absent (e.g., an error flag)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_17 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "530"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "We can distinguish the same types of nodes and links in network Visual Structures that we did for spatial axes: (a) Unstructured (unlabeled), (b) Nominal (labeled), (c) Ordinal (labeled with an ordinal quantity), or (d) Quantitative (weighted links)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_18 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "521"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Unstructured (can only distinguish presence or absence). Example: Error flag"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_19 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "519"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """===View Transformation=== +*References:[31] +*References:[28](page 519, in the context of the visualization reference model)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "524"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """INTERACTIVE VISUAL STRUCTURES + +* Dynamic Queries +* Magic lens (moveable filter) +* Overview + detail +* Linking and brushing +* Extraction and comparison +* Attribute explorer"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "519"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Basic Object### +For example, in the FilmFinder, the basic objects (or \"cases\") are films."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_4 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "526"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "In fact, one popular 3-variable information visualization that lies between 2D and 3D is the information landscape (Fig. 26.16[m]). This is essentially a 2D scattergraphwith one datavariable extruded into the third spatial dimension. Its essence is that two of the spatial dimensions are more tightly coupled and often relate to a 2D visualization. For example, the two dimensions might form a map with the bars showing the GDP of each region."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_5 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "534"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Interactivity is what makes visualization a new medium, separating it from generations of excellent work on scientific diagrams and data graphics. Interactivity means controlling the parameters in the visualization reference model (Fig. 26.10). This naturally means that there are different types of interactivity, because the user could control the parameters to data transformations, to visual mappings, or to view transformations. It also means that there are different forms of interactivity based on the response cycle of the interaction. As an approximation, we can think of there being three time constants that govern interactivity, which we take to be 0.1 sec, 1 sec , and 10 sec (Card, Moran, & Newell, 1986) (although the ideal value of these may be somewhat less, say, 0.07 sec, 0.7 sec, and 7 sec)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_6 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "A permutation matrix is a graphic rendition of a cases x variables display."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_7 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "520"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Spatial Substrate###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_8 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "530"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Roberts: Enclosure: ===Enclosure=== *Examples: Venn-Diagramms, Enclosure Trees, TreeMaps (squarified)"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_9 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "###topological structure###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card2009_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "Local position might have another meaning as in the overview."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card99_on_enclosure_trees + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "530"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Enclosure uses lines to hierarchically enclose nested subsets of the tree. Figure 26.20 (d) is an enclosure tree encoding of Darwin's tree in Fig. 26.20 (a). We have already seen one attempt to use tree enclosure, TreeMaps (Fig. 26.5)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Card99_on_tree_maps + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pageStart "530"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "We have already seen one attempt to use tree enclosure, TreeMaps (Fig. 26.5). TreeMaps make use of all the space and stays within prescribed space boundaries, but they do not represent the nonterminal nodes of the tree very well and similar leaves can have wildly different aspect ratios. Recent variations on TreeMaps found ways to \"squarify\" nodes (Shneiderman & Wattenberg, 2001), mitigating this problem."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "*In Chi1998 Analytical Abstraction stands for the second stage in Chi's data stage reference model, the stage of \"data about data, or information [..]\""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Visualization Abstraction### +In Chi1998 Visualization Abstraction stands for the third stage in Chi's data stage reference model, the stage of vizualizable information (on a screen using a information technique)"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + ; + skos:editorialNote "Original citation? Or own text?"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Value stands for the first stage in his data stage reference model, the stage of raw data"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Value###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_4 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "3"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """Another dimension of operators is whether it is view or value oriented. By value, we mean the raw data, whereas view is the visualization end–product. A value operator changes the data source by such processes as adding or deleting subsets of the data, filtering or modifying the raw data, and performing a Fourier Transform on an image. A value operator fundamentally generates a new data set. +A view operator, on the other hand, changes the visualization content only. Examples of such operators include 3D rotation, translation, and zooming, a horizontal or vertical flip of an image, and changing transparency values of a surface in order to see the underlying structures better. A view operator fundamentally does not change the underlying data set. +The distinction between a view and value operator is not always clear."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_5 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_6 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi1998_7 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + """##View### +View stands for the last stage in Chi's data stage reference model, the stage of the picture presented to the user (end-product)"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi1999_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "###View Transformation###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi2000_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "First transformation in Chi's pipeline model"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Generates some form of analytical abstraction from the value (usually by extraction)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi2000_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Visual Mapping Transformation### *Third transformation in Chi's pipeline model (data state reference model): \"Takes information that is in a visualizable format and presents a graphical view.\""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi2000_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "*Data State Reference Model"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Chi2000_4 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Stage Operator, Within (Value Stage Operator | Analytical SO | Visualization SO| View SO)### +*Resources: Within Stage Operators are mentioned in the context of the Data State Reference Model [35]"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_ChuaRoth1996_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "1"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "In the last few years many interactive techniques and metaphors have been introduced for different visualization types. These techniques allow users to deform space[6], deform objects[1], view objects at different levels of abstraction[3] and a wide variety of other functions."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_ChuaRoth1996_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "5"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "There are three BVI classes: graphical operations, which change the appearance of visualizations, data operations which manipulate data encoded in visualizations, and set operations which create and manipulate object sets. Data objects are only mapped to graphical objects, not spaces, so data operations will not refer to space entities."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_DukeBrodlie2004_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "3.2"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Representation### +Tufte’s books on visual representation illustrate how the use of pictures to understand ‘data’ predates modern interest by some millenia! Tufte builds on Bertin’s 1967 semiology of graphics that sets out a taxonomy of marks and representation systems; both in turn draw on the semiotic approach established by Peirce around a century ago. An interesting bridge between this work and the more formal approach of Brodlie et.al. (see below) was set out by Keller and Keller in a book on visual cues, in which example representations are indexed by properties of the data field (numbers of dependent and independent variables), and by the visualization goal. +Data (field) and representation are coupled; some models of representation are specific to classes of data. Thus for example work in flow visualization and graph visualization have distinct categories of representations. Many visualization problems call for the composition of multiple representations; an ontology will need concepts to distinguish for example graphical superimposition from separate representations linked via some common frame of reference."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_DukeBrodlie2004_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Technique###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_DukeBrodlie2004_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "*Context: Visualization Goal"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "55"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Let me now add a few general remarks about the difference between object-to-space relations and object-to-object relations. See the table on the next page (Figure 2-24). In object-to-object relations (spatial clustering, separation by separators, lineup, linking by connectors, containment, superimposition), an object is anchored to one or more other objects. For example, a connector is anchored to the nodes that it connects, and a label is anchored to the node that it labels. In object-to-space relations on the other hand, an object is anchored to one or more spatial positions in the involved (distorted) metric space. We will see, for example, that a point locator (e.g. a 'city-dot' on a map) is anchored to a single point, while a surface locator (e.g. a lake on a map) is anchoredd to a set of points. Objects in object-to-object relations usually have a certain degree of freedom in their spatial positioning (e.g. on a map, a city- name may appear above or below its 'city-dot'). This could be referred to as 'loose' anchoring. Objects in ob]ect-to-space relations however are fixed in theirr spatial positioning in the involved (distorted) metric space (e.g. a 'city-dot' is fixed in its exact position on a map). This could be referred to as 'tight' anchoring. Object-to-object relations can express information regarding association, dissociation, and order. Object-to-space relations can express informationn regarding order, proportion, and direction."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_10 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A composite syntactic structure is a syntactic structure that is constructed from two or more basic syntactic structures, through simultaneous combination and/or nesting (2.5.4)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_100 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "65"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Trilinear coordinates are used in triangular charts, which plot the proportional composition of a total with three ingredients (areas of application include election results, and the composition of sediments). Note that such trilinear charts are not integral metric spaces, but that their dimensions are also not 'independent', as they are in most composite metric spaces. Concerning this aspect, trilinear charts may form a separate category."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_101 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "25"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A visual attribute is a visually perceivable attribute of a graphic object. "^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_102 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "25"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "\"Positions, directions and differences in size, shape, brightness, color and texture are measured and assimilated by the eye.\" (Gyorg Kepes (1944), p. 20)"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_103 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "25"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "For convenience, I propose to divide visual attributes into two groups, which I will call spatial attributes and area-fill attributes."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_104 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "4"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Specific visual languages (schemas) can be thought of as having their own set of compositional rules and their own set of categories of graphic constituents with specific syntactic roles."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_105 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "21"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "As mentioned above, even in seemingly two-dimensional graphic representations graphic objects are often perceived as occupying different visual layers, where some graphic objects appear as being superimposed on other graphic objects, partially occluding them. Visual layers lie at the basis of superimposition as one of the possible types of object-to-object relations (discussed in 2.5.1), and background-inset displays, which are superimpositions of composite objects on each other."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_106 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a syntactic role): A volume locator is a graphic object that is anchored to a specific volume in a meaningful space (2.5.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_107 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "3"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Note in particular that with our definition of graphic representations we choose to include written text - regardless of whether it is written with pictorial hieroglyphs or with the letters of the Latin alphabet [...]."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_107_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "142"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """A written text is a graphic representation in which: +- the syntactic structure of the representation is a lineup, +- the graphic objects represent expressions in an existing human language, and +- the linear ordering within the lineup is determined by the sentential grammar of that language."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_108 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Containment by a Container"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_109 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "65"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_11 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "3.1.6"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_110 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Graphic space is the two-dimensional or (virtual) three-dimensional space that is displayed within a graphic object (2.2)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_111 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Literal"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_112 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a syntactic role): A separator is a line- or band-shaped graphic object that is anchored between other graphic objects, thereby separating them."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_113 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "34"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """Spatial clustering separates graphic objects through the use of empty space. Another way to separate graphic objects is through the use of a separator. A separator is a line- or band-shaped graphic object that is anchored between thee graphic objects that it separates. The separated objects (the nodes) are anchored to either one side or the other side of the separator(s). [...] +Separators are free to run in all directions. For example, a set of graphic objects may be separated into subsets by curving separator-lines that 'wriggle' their way through the group in various changing directions. In other cases, separators may be straight, parallel lines. A separation may be ordered or unordered. An ordered separation is a separation in which the spatial order of the resulting subsets of graphic objects is subject to interpretation."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_114 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Cluster"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_115 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "144"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A statistical link diagram is a representation that qualifies both as a statistical chart and a link diagram (e.g. quantitative flows are represented by the thickness of lines)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_116 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "70"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "FIGURE 2-35"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Type of Information### +Type of information that is expressed by different spatial structures. See section 3.4 for a very brief discussion of types of information."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_117 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "70"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Ordinal type of information### +Ordinal relations between categories of elements (ordered categories of elements)"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_118 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "70"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Nominal type of information### +Nominal relations between elements (categories of elements)"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_119 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "57"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A spatial dimension that is neither structured by separators (2.5.1) nor by a metric space, is referred to as an unstructured dimension."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_12 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a syntactic role): A connector is a graphic object in the shape of an arrow, band or line that is anchored to two other graphic objects (nodes), connecting them (2.5.1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_13 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a syntactic role): A container is a graphic object that contains other graphic objects by visually surrounding them (2.5.1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_14 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Containment is a basic syntactic structure, see container (2.5.1)"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_15 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Engelhardt uses \"Orientation\" interchangeably to \"Coordinate\"."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "65"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Orientation### +There are a few common orientations for spatial dimensions: rectilinear coordinates: horizontal and vertical, plus - in 3-D graphics - distal (variation of the 'distance' from the viewer), or polar coordinates: circular (angular rotation around a center) and radial (away from the center)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_16 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Type of correspondence is the type of relationship between what is shown and what is meant. Type of correspondence may be literal, metonymic, metaphoric, rebus-based, or arbitrary-conventional (3.1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_17 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(an informational role): Decoration objects are graphic objects that serve neither as information objects nor as reference objects, and that could be erased without affecting the intended representation of information (data). They serve as embellishment, and may or may not be related to the context and theme of the represented information (3.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_18 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pageStart "65"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "variation of the 'distance' from the viewer"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_19 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of meaningful space): A distorted metric space is a meaningful space that can be thought of as a metric space that was printed on a 'rubber sheet' and then stretched non-homogeneously, preserving both order and approximate directions, but not preserving the ratios of spatial distances (2.5.2)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Engelhardt2002 ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Type of correspondence is arbitrary-conventional if it seems to be based on pure convention. Note that in many cases the current users of the concerned representation may simply not be aware of the fact that the representation originated involving one of the other types of correspondence (3.1.5)."^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_20 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pageStart "65"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Some graphic representations involve distorted metric spaces such as 'exploded' views and 'fisheye' views. Most subway maps involve a distorted metric space. A distorted metric space is a graphic space that can be thought off as a metric space that was printed on a 'rubber sheet' and then stretched non-homogeneously, preserving both order and approximate directions, but not preserving the ratios of spatial distances. [57] (p. 65)"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_21 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "23"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """The graphic objects at the most detailed level of a syntactic decomposition are referred to as elementary graphic objects. The level of detail of a syntactic decomposition will usually be chosen such that, with regard to semantics, an elementary graphic object will be a 'basic-level' meaningful object (often standing for some concept, entity, or occurrence). +Useful levels of detail for distinguishing meaningful graphic objects depend on the function of the graphic representation in its communicational context andd on the goal of the compositional analysis."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_22 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "An elementary graphic object is a graphic object at the most detailed level of a syntactic decomposition. The level of detail of a syntactic decomposition will usually be chosen such that, with regard to semantics, an elementary graphic object will be a 'basic-level' meaningful object (often standing for some concept, entity, or occurrence) (2.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_23 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "34"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Spatial clustering separates graphic objects through the use of empty space."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_24 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of composite syntactic structure): A graphic multiple is a multipanel display in which the panels can be regarded as variations of a single representation. These variations have the same design and the same general syntactic structure (usually based on a meaningful space), but they display different data (2.5.4)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_25 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "23"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A graphic object is a 'carrier' of visual attributes such as size, shape and color. Often a graphic object is equated with its shape, and the shape is regarded as the 'carrier' of the other visual attributes (e.g. \"a large red square\"). Visual attributes are discussed in section 2.2."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_26 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Graphic representations, as well as their graphic constituents, are graphic objects. A graphic object may be an elementary graphic object or a composite graphic object (2.1 and 2.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_27 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A graphic representation is a visible artifact on a more or less flat surface, that was created in order to express information (1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_28 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "2,23,137"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """A graphic representation is a visible artifact on a more or less flat surface, that was created in order to express information. (p. 2) (See page 9 for difference between interactive, dynamic, static.) + +It was noted in section 2.1 that we will regard a graphic representation as a graphic object, and we will also regard the graphic constituents of a graphic representationn as graphic objects. This notion of graphic objects incorporates the recursive notion of composite graphic objects and their graphic sub-objects [...]. (p. 23) + +The main criteria in most existing classifications of graphic representations seem to be based on combinations of: +- the type of syntactic structure that is involved in the representation, and +- the type of information that is expressed in the representation. (p. 137)"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_29 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment "Taken from a section on graphic space."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "21"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "[...] our notion of spatial structure will not concern the physical space of the presen tation surface, but the two-dimensional or three-dimensional graphic space that is displayed on that presentation surface."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A background-inset display is a nested syntactic structure that consists of a superimposition of one or more composite graphic objects on a background object."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_30 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A graphic sub-object is a graphic object that is part of a composite graphic object (2.1 and 2.3)"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_31 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A grid line is a line-shaped graphic object that serves to mark a meaningful space (2.5.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_32 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "141"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A grouping diagram is a graphic representation in which the syntactic structuree serves to express the categorization of a set of elements. The syntactic structure of a grouping diagram may consist of a spatial clustering, of separations by separators, or of (overlapping) containers (all discussed in sub- section 2.5.1). This type of representation involves 'grouping' in the sense proposedd by Richards (1984)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_33 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(an informational role): Information objects are those graphic objects within a graphic representation that would have to be adjusted if the information (data) that one intends to represent would change (3.3). Compare with: reference object and decoration object."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_34 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "The informational role of a graphic object is the role that it plays within a graphic representation with regard to the conveying of information. We distinguish three main informational roles: information object, reference object or decoration object (3.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_35 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of meaningful space): An integral metric space is aa two- or three-dimensional metric space in which all geometric properties of Euclidian space are subject to interpretation. This means that in ann integral metric space, a ratio between two spatial distances is perceived as meaningful, regardless of the directions in which these two distances are measured (e.g. horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or in any direction inbetween) (2.5.2). Compare with: composite metric space."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_36 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "57"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """An integral metric space is a two- or three-dimensional graphic space in whichh all geometric properties of Euclidian space are subject to interpretation. Examples: a topographic map, a drawing of a three-dimensional physicall object (e.g. the ear in figure 2-16). + +The difference between integral and composite metric space can be specified in the following way. In an integralintegral metric space, the ratio between any two spatial distances is perceived as meaningful, regardless of the directions in which these two dis- tancess are measured (e.g. horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or in any directionn in-between). On a map for example, one might compare how far variouss people live from their respective jobs, regardless of the directions in whichh these people commute. In a composite metric space on the other hand +(e.g. a two-axis chart), the ratio between two spatial distances is only perceived as meaningful if these two distances are measured in certain directions (due to the way the space is constructed)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_37 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A label is a graphic object that is anchored to another graphic object by spatial clustering (sometimes also involving containment or superimposition), or through linking by a connector (2.5.1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_38 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(an informational role): Legend objects are graphic objects that explain symbols and/or visual attributes that are used in a graphic representation. Most legend objects are composite graphic objects, structured as a table with one column displaying (some of) the used symbols and/or visual attributes, and another column displaying a verbal or numerical explanation of their meaning (3.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_39 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """(a syntactic role): A line locator is a graphic object that is anchored +to a specific line in a meaningful space (2.5.3)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_4 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pageStart "57"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """A basic metric space may either be a graphic space with a single metric axis (such as a time line) or it may be an integral metric space (such as a map): +- A metric axis creates a graphic space in which ratios of spatial distances, measuredd along the spatial dimension of the axis, are perceived as meaningful. Example: a time line. +- An integral metric space is a two- or three-dimensional graphic space in whichh all geometric properties of Euclidian space are subject to interpretation. Examples: a topographic map, a drawing of a three-dimensional physical object [...]"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_40 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """A lineup is a basic syntactic structure in which graphic objects are +arranged in a 'string': Each object is perceived as having two neighboring objects, except for the two objects at either end of the lineup (2.5.1)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_41 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "140"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A link diagram is a graphic representation in which the syntactic structure consists of linking. Syntactic structures that consist of linking can be divided into linear chains, circular chains, trees, and networks (see subsection 2.5.1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_42 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Linking is a basic syntactic structure that involves connectors (2.5.1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_43 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """(a type of correspondence): Type of correspondence is literal if what is +shown is based on similarity to the physical object or physical structure that is meant, or on similarity to a prototypical example of the kind of physical object that is meant (3.1.1)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_44 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Example is here a picture. Figure 2-34"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "Figure 2-34"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_45 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "138"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A map is a graphic representation in which the syntactic structure is based on an integral metric space (see subsection 2.5.2) that serves to represent a physical arrangement on a geographical surface. This integral metric space mayy be distorted, involving a more or less literal correspondence to the represented physical arrangement. The graphic objects that a map consists of are usually free in their mode of expression: they may be non-pictorial - such as abstract shapes as symbols for cities, and words or numbers as labels - or pictorial - such as pictorial symbols."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_46 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "The graphic space of a composite graphic object is a meaningful space if spatial positions in it are subject to interpretation regardless of whether or not there are graphic sub-objects present at those positions (2.5.2)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_47 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "54"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "[...] To say it differently, a meaningful space is a graphic space that involves an interpretation function from positions in space to information."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_48 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Many graphic representationss do show three-dimensional spaces and objects, so while the medium of display of a graphic representation is usually flat, what is displayed may certainly be three-dimensional in character [57] (p. 2)"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_49 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of correspondence): Type of correspondence is metaphoric if it is based on a (supposed) analogy between what is shown and what is meant. This may concern either a shared functional characteristic or a structural analogy (3.1.2)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_5 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Engelhardt2002 ; + bibo:pages "144"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A chronological link diagram is a representation that qualifies both as a link diagram and as a time chart (e.g. family tree)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_50 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of correspondence): Type of correspondence is metonymic if it is based on a mental association due to the fact that there is (or used to be) a relationship of physical involvement between what is shown andd what is meant. For example, what is shown 'is a part of' or 'is a possible result of' what is meant, or in some other way it 'plays a role in' what is meant (3.1.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_51 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A metric axis is a spatial dimension along which the ratios of spatial distances are perceived as meaningful. A metric axis establishes a metric space (2.5.2)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_52 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a syntactic role): A metric bar is a graphic object in a bar chart that is anchored to two points, extending between them: One end of a metric bar is anchored to the bar chart's base line (or base point in polar coordinates) The other end is anchored to a point at a distance from the base line that is measured along a metric axis (thereby determining the bar's length/height) (2.53)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_53 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of meaningful space): A metric space is a graphic space in which metric aspects of spatial positioning are subject to interpretation, such as the ratios of distances between graphic objects (e.g. 'the distance betwenn A and B is twice the distance between B and C') (2.5.2)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_54 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "54, 57"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """In the context of this thesis, we will restrict our notion of meaningful space to metric spaces [..] (p. 54) + +A metric space is a graphic space in which metric aspects of spatial positioning are subject to interpretation, such as the ratios of distances between objects (e.g. 'the distance between A and B is twice the distance between B and C). We will distinguish basic metric spaces from composite metric spaces. (p. 57)"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_55 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of composite syntactic structure): A multipanel display is a nested syntactic structure in which two or more composite graphic objects are arranged as separate panels, next to each other (2.5.4)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_56 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A nested syntactic structure is a syntactic structure that involves nesting (2.5.4)"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_57 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a way of constructing composite syntactic structures): In a nesting of syntactic structures, a composite graphic object serves as a single graphic object in a syntactic structure at a 'higher level' (2.5.4)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_58 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """'Node' is the term that we use for the syntactic role that +is played by a graphic object that does not play any of the other syntactic roles that we have defined (e.g. label, connector, separator) (2.5.1)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_59 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Engelhardt gives an overview on terms that other authors used. incl. Card (1999) who calls them \"topological structures\"."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "52"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "Figure 2-23"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_6 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "14"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A composite graphic object consists of a graphic space that contains a set of graphic sub-objects. A graphic sub-object may be a composite graphic object itself, or it may be an elementary graphic object."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_60 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_61 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "143"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A path map is a representation that qualifies both as a link diagram and as a map."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_62 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "3"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "According to our definition, a photograph may also serve as a graphic representation, especially if it is augmented with explanatory labels."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_63 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "139"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A picture is a graphic representation in which the syntactic structure is based on an integral metric space (see subsection 2.5.2) that serves to represent thee physical structure of physical objects. Like in a map, the integral metric spacee of a picture may be distorted, involving a more or less literal correspondencee to the represented physical structure. While the graphic objects that a map consists of are usually free in their mode of expression, the main graphic objects that a picture consists of involve a pictorial mode of expression (realistic or schematic). However, a picture may also include labels, which are free in their mode of expression."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_64 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a syntactic role): A point locator is a graphic object that is anchored to a specific point in a meaningful space (2.5.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_65 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "65"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """polar coordinates: circular (angular rotation around a center) and +radial (away from the center)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_66 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """In a proportional division the total surface or volume +of a graphic object is divided into sub-objects, and the relative sizes of +these sub-objects are subject to interpretation (2.4)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_67 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A proportional repetition is an evenly spaced collection of several identical copies of a graphic object, usually arranged in a lineup, in which the number of copies - and thus the size of the resulting composite object - expresses quantitative information (2.5.1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_68 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of correspondence): Type of correspondence is rebus-based if it is based on the fact that (part of) the spoken word for what is shown sounds like (part of) the spoken word for what is meant (3.1.4)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_69 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(an informational role): Reference objects are those graphic objects within a graphic representation that a) serve to enable the interpretation of information objects, and that b) would not necessarily have to be adjusted if the represented information (data) would change. Reference objects can be divided into spatial reference objects and legend objects (3.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_7 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """A composite graphic object is a graphic object that +consistss of a graphic space, a set of graphic objects that are contained in this graphicc space, and a set of graphic relations in which these contained graphicc objects are involved. A graphic object may be either a composite graphicc object itself, or it may be an elementary graphic object (2.1 and 2.3)."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_70 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "34"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A separator is a line- or band-shaped graphic object that is anchored between the graphic objects that it separates. The separated objects (the nodes) are anchored to either one side or the other side of the separator(s)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_71 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Separation is a basic syntactic structure"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_72 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of composite syntactic structure): A shared-axis multipanel is a multipanel display consisting of panels that share a metric axis, and that are arranged in a lineup - aligned with each other with regard to this shared metric axis (2.5.4)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_73 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a way of constructing composite syntactic structures): In a simultaneous combination of basic syntactic structures, a set of graphic objects simultaneously participates in two or more basic syntactic structures, at the same syntactic level of object decomposition (2.5.4). Compare with: nesting."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_74 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "25"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "If we would regard every point of a graphic object as being anchored to its location in graphic space, then varying a spatial attribute of the object would alter this anchoring (at least for some points), while varying an area-fill attribute of the object would not alter this anchoring."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_75 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "27"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "In this framework spatial position is treated separately, in the context of syntactic structures (2.5)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_76 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Spatial clustering is a basic syntactic structure in which graphicgraphic objects are arranged into two or more groups through the use of within-group proximity versus between-group distance. The involved groupss of graphic objects are referred to as 'clusters' (2.5.1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_77 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "32"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Spatial clustering is the spatial arrangement of a set of graphic objects into two or more groups through the use of within-group proximity versus between-group distance. In other words, a spatial clustering of a set of objects willl result in two or more composite objects that contain subsets of the involved objects. These subsets of graphic objects are referred to as clusters. Thee food pyramid in figure 2-08 for example shows clusters of ocean creatures. Spatial clustering entails the separation of (groups of) graphic objects by empty graphic space, and is in that sense related to the separation of graphic objects by a separator, which is discussed further down in this sub-section. "^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_78 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bixt:documentContent + "(an informational role): Spatial reference objects are reference objects that mark a meaningful space (e.g. grid lines, axes and their annotations) (3.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_79 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "31"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A spatial structure is set of spatial relations in graphic space. Spatial relations may either be object-to-space relations or object-to-object relations (see figure 2-07). A spatial structure that involves neither a meaningful space nor meaningful object-to-object relations is an arbitrary spatial structure: the spatial arrangement of graphic objects is not subject to interpretation."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_8 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a type of meaningful space): A composite metric space is a metric space that is constructed by combining two or more metric axes and/or integral metric spaces. In a composite metric space, a ratio between two spatial distances is only perceived as meaningful if these two distances are measured in certain directions (2.5.2). Compare with: integral metric space."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_80 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "21"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Throughoutt this thesis, whenever I talk about the spatial structure of a graphicc representation, I will mean the spatial structure that we 'see' in the representation,, as opposed to the spatial structure into which the marks (e.g. ink,, pixels) are arranged on the presentation surface. In other words, our notionn of spatial structure will not concern the physical space of the presen- tationn surface, but the two-dimensional or three-dimensional graphic space thatt is displayed on that presentation surface"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_81 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "56"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_82 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "65"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_83 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "28"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A stacked bar like those shown in figure 2-26 (illustrating offshore dumping of radioactive waste) involves a proportional division along a rectilinear dimension."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_84 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "139"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """A statistical chart is a graphic representation in which the syntactic structure serves to show (and allows to compare) quantities. In order to do this, such a syntactic structure uses: +- metric axes (see subsection 2.5.2), such as in a two-axis chart, and/or proportional division of graphic objects (see section 2.4), such as in a pie +chart, and/ or +- variations in visual attributes (see section 2.4), such as variations of size or - much less precise in their interpretation - variations of brightness. A statistical chart usually involves metaphoric correspondence."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_85 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "143"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A statistical map is a representation that qualifies both as a statistical chart and as a map (a map that displays quantities)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_86 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "143"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A statistical time chart is a representation that qualifies both as a statistical chart and as a time chart."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_87 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Superimposition is a basic syntactic structure that involves a foreground object and a background object. The foreground object is perceived as being 'in front of' the background object, visually occluding part of it (2.5.1)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_88 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "(a syntactic role): A surface locator is a graphic object that is anchored to a specific surface in a meaningful space (2.5.3)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_89 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "7"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """AA third main aspect that is missing in the existing approaches is a de- scription of the different syntactic rolesthat graphic objects may play within a graphic representation (e.g. a graphic object may serve as a surface locator in a metric space, or as a label for another graphic object, or as a connector between two other graphic objects, etc. +"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_9 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pageStart "57f"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A composite metric space is a metric space that is constructed from two or more basic metric spaces. See the discussion of composite spatial structures in subsectionn 2.5.4. The simplest type of composite metric space involves the simultaneouss combination of two orthogonal metric axes into a two-axis chart. See for example the rectilinear two-axis charts in figures 2-25 and 2-26, and the polar two-axis chart in figure 2-27."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_90 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "47"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "There are specific syntactic roles that constituent objects may play within the fixed compositional grammar of a family of composite symbols. The most common ones of these syntactic roles can be referred to as container object (discussed above), content object (indicating the 'specific subject' of thee composite symbol), label (discussed above) and modifier (discussed below).. The terms 'container', 'contents' and 'modifier' are also used by Horton (1994, p. 134-135) in a case study of file icons in Apple's system 7, see figure 2-19."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_91 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "74"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_92 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A syntactic role is a role that a graphic object may play within a syntactic structure. We distinguish these syntactic roles: node, label, connector, nector, separator, container, point locator, line locator, surface locator, volume locator,locator, metric bar, and grid line (2.5.1 and 2.5.3)"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_93 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "30"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "The syntactic structure of a composite graphic object is a set of graphic relations in which its constituent graphic objects are involved. "^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_94 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "30"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Graphic relations are the ways in which these 'ingredients' are combined into syntactic structures (usually meaningfull ones). In this section we will first examine syntactic structures consisting of object-to-object relations (section 2.5.1), and then syntactic structures consisting of object-to-space relations (section 2.5.2)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_95 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Basic Syntactic Structure"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_96 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:section "Glossary"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "The syntactic structure of a composite graphic object is a set of graphic relations in which its constituent graphic objects are involved. A graphic relation may be either an object-to-space relation or an object-to-object relation. A syntactic structure may be either a basic syntactic structure or a composite syntactic. The graphic objects that are involved in a syntactic structure may play different syntactic roles (2.5)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_97 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "141"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A table is a graphic representation in which the syntactic structure consists of a simultaneous combination of horizontal separations and vertical separations and/or of a simultaneous combination of horizontal lineups and vertical lineups."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_98 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + dct:isPartOf viso-anno:Engelhardt2002 ; + bibo:pages "140"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "A time chart is a graphic representation in which the syntactic structure serves to show the passing of time. Such a syntactic structure may be an ordered lineup or it may be based on a metric axis. A time chart involves metaphoric correspondence (order/length in graphic space stands metaphorically for order/length in time). According to Tufte, time charts are the most frequently used type of graphic representations."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_99 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "65"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Trilinear coordinates are used in triangular charts, which plot the proportional composition of a total with three ingredients (areas of application include election results, and the composition of sediments). Note that such trilinear charts are not integral metric spaces, but that their dimensions are also not 'independent', as they are in most composite metric spaces. Concerning this aspect, trilinear charts may form a separate category."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_On_Texture + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "27"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "There has been some slight confusion regarding Bertin's treatment of texture. What Bertin means with the French term 'grain' is \"the fineness or coarseness of the constituents of an area\" (Bertin 1983, p. 61), which is our size of texture elements. Another appropriate term may be 'granularity' (Wilkinson 1999, p. 118). However, Bertin's French 'grain' was translated with the broader and therefore somewhat misleading term 'texture' in the 1981 and 1983 translations of his work, which Bertin enormously regrets now (Daru's interview with Bertin, 2000). In his more recent English publications Bertin translates his French 'grain' with the English 'grain' (Bertin 2000). For a discussion of different approaches to texture attributes see MacEachren 1995 (p. 272-275)."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + ; + skos:editorialNote "Evtl. add included quotes as actual quote objects."^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_on_Quantitative_Type_of_Information + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "70"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Quantitative type of information### +quantitative relations between elements, concerning a single attribute"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_on_Type_of_Information_No_Information + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Uses the type of information \"no information\"."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "70"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###No information###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Fikkert2007_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "\"Interaction is the way in which communication between the user(s) and the machine(s) takes place” Fikkert2007"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Gotz2008 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + """\"Here we define an action as an atomic analytic step performed by a user\" + +\"they represent the most basic, meaningful user analytic steps from which we can infer higher-level user tasks and sub-tasks\" + +action have a relation to data (create, edit, delete, sort,...) or to the visual representation. + +all Gotz2008"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Gotz2008_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Gotz2008_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "corresponds to more objective, concrete analytic goals"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Haber1990_Robertson1991_Ware2004_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Context: Some visualization is appropriate or not."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###appropriate###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , , . + +viso-anno:Quote_Haber1990_Robertson1991_Ware2004_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "*Realizes Mapping Rules"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , , . + +viso-anno:Quote_Haber1990_Robertson1991_Ware2004_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + """###parameterize### + + * Context: the mapping is parameterized via interaction + * Synonym: adapt?"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , , . + +viso-anno:Quote_Haber1990_Robertson1991_Ware2004_4 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "*Example: User has intend to gain new insight"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , , . + +viso-anno:Quote_Katifori2007_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "10:6"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Most of the ontology visualization systems [...] along with their main visualization technique, offer a Windows Explorer-like tree view of the ontology."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Katifori2007_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bixt:documentContent + "Cushion Treemaps, Squarified"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Katifori2007_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "10:25"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Polyarchies are structures composed of multiple intersecting hierarchies and in Robertson et al. [2002] a Web-based visualization technique called Visual Pivot is proposed for the representation of polyarchies."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + ; + skos:editorialNote "Nested quotation given."^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Lee2006_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Limbourg2003_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "tasks have a composite character which is not part of the activity theory but rather element of most of the task models see Limbourg2003"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pageStart "111"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "[Expressiveness criteria] identify graphical languages that express the desired information"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_10 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "111"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Located Object### +Each tuple, which is called a located object, indicates the placement of an object at a given location."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_11 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pageStart "137"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Output Medium###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_12 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment "Mackinlay gives examples of primitive graphical languages: Horizontal axis, Vertical axis, line chart, bar chart, color, shape, orientation, tree, acyclic graph, network, pie chart, venn diagramm"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "129"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "Fig. 22"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Primitive Graphical Language### +"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_13 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "The usage of \"Perceptual Task\" in this work is similar to \"Visual Attribute\", but the term focuses on the task that a human has to perform when watching the variable. Cf. another quote in this work (p. 118), where it's stated that the perceptual tasks do correspond to the graphic language."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "125"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "Fig. 15"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Perceptual Task### +*Position +*Length +*Angle +*Slope +*Area +*Volume +*Color +*Density +*Color Hue +*Color Saturation +*Texture +*Connection +*Containment +*Shape"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_14 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Mackinlay uses the term \"Retinal Technique\" for the following concepts: Size, Saturation, Texture, Color, Orientation, Shape"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "130"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "Fig. 25"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Retinal Technique###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_15 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "131"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_16 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "131"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_17 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "136"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_18 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "116"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Domain Set### +Each domain set can be one of the following three types [...]: A domain set is nominal when it is a collection of unordered items, such as {Jay, Eagle, Robin). A domain set is ordinal when it is an ordered tuple, such as (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday). A domain set is quantitative when it is a range, such as [ 0, 273]."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pageStart "118"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Intuitively, a set of facts is expressible in a language if there is a sentence of the language that encodes every fact in the set."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Similar to Graphical Variables, but focus on the task that a human has to perform when watching the variable."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pageStart "125"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Perceptual Task###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_4 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "131"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_6 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "124"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:section "Fig. 13"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Area/position presentation of the Price and Mileage relations. The vertical positioning of the marks reduces the chance that a mark is covered. This technique is called jittering; the vertical positioning does not encode any information."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_7 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "111"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_8 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "12"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Node-Link Diagram###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_9 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment "after BERTIN, J. Semiology of Graphics, W. J. Berg, Tr. University of Wisconsin Press, Milwaukee, Wis., 1983."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "118"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Graphical Mark### +Graphical presentations use graphical marks, such as points, lines, and areas, to encode information via their positional, temporal, and retinal properties."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Oberle2006_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Oberle et al. : Interface has some method"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "21"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Oberle2006_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "21"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Expresses a plan to do by some software. It yields or requires some data. Oberle2006, p21"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Paterno_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Tasks are activities that have to be performed to reach a goal. They can be either logical activities such as Retrieving information about the movies projected tonight or physical activities such as Selecting the button in the top left corner."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Plaisant2005_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "# Categories: Keyboard Device, Pointing Device, Speech Device ..."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Schumann1999_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "12"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Data Type###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + """###network### +*Context: a datatype"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Most relational and statistical databases are conveniently manipulated as multi-dimensional data in which items with n attributes become points in a n-dimensional space. The interface representation can be 2-dimensional scattergrams with each additional dimension controlled by a slider."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_4 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Linear data types include textual documents, program source code, and alphabetical lists of names which are all organized in a sequential manner."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_5 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_6 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Real-world objects such as molecules, the human body, and buildings have items with volume and some potentially complex relationship with other items."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_7 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Planar or map data### +Planar or map data include geographic maps, floorplans, or newspaper layouts."""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman2003_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bibo:pages "2"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + """Overview: Gain an overview of the entire collection. +Zoom : Zoom in on items of interest Filter: filter out uninteresting items. Details-on-demand: Select an item or group and +get details when needed. Relate: View relationships among items. History: Keep a history of actions to support undo, +replay, and progressive refinement. Extract: Allow extraction of sub-collections and of the query parameters. [Here Shneiderman defines seven tasks, but some of the could actually rather be seen as \"Interaction Techniques\".]"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shneidermann1994_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + """ +"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Shu2008_Duke2004 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "These authors describe the field of data in their visualization ontologies and have been considered for this ontology."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + , . + +viso-anno:Quote_SonYi2007_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + """###Interactivity### + * Indicate: show me where I am pointing at + * Select: mark something as interesting + * Explore: show me something else + * Reconfigure: show me a different arrangement + * Encode: show me a different representation + * Abstract/Elaborate: show me more or less detail + * Filter: show me something conditionally + * Connect: show me related items + * Activate: trigger action + * Modify: manipulate elements + +"""^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + ; + skos:editorialNote "What is the exact relation between Interactivity and the given terms?"^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Quote_Spence1998_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Spence2007_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "Interaction between human and computer is at the heart of modern information visualization and for a single overriding reason: the enormous benefit that can accrue from being able to change one's view of a corpus of data. Usually that corpus is so large that no single all-inclusive view is likely to lead to insight. Those who wish to acquire insight must explore, interactively, subsets of that corpus to find their way towards the view that triggers an 'a ha!' experience."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Stevens1946_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "679"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "With the interval scale we come to a form that is \"quantitative\" in the ordinary sense of the word. Almost all the usual statistical measures are applicable here, unless they are the kinds that imply a knowledge of a 'true' zero point. The zero point on an interval scale is a matter of convention or convenience, as is shown by the fact that the scale form remains invariant when a constant is added."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Stevens1946_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "679"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Ratio scales are those most commonly encountered in physics and are possible only when there exist operations for determining all four relations: equality, rank-order, equality of intervals, and equality of ratios. Once such a scale is erected, its numerical values can be transformed (as from inches to feet) only by multiplying each value by a constant. An absolute zero is always implied, even though the zero value on some scales (e.g. Absolute Temperature) may never be produced. All types of statistical measures are applicable to ratio scales, and only with these scales may we properly indulge in logarithmic transformations such as are involved in the use of decibels. Foremost among the ratio scales is the scale of number itself-cardinal number-the scale we use when we count such things as eggs, pennies, and apples. This scale of the numerosity of aggregates is so basic and so common that it is ordinarily not even mentioned in discussions of measurement."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Ware2004_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "23"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Entities are generally the objects of interest. People can be entities; hurricanes can be entities. Both fish and fishponds can be entities. A group of things can be considered a single entity if it is convenient- for example, a school of fish."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Ware2004_2 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + rdfs:comment "Good summary on \"Data Type\""^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "23"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "###Data Type###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Ware2004_3 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bibo:pages "23"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:documentContent + "Relations define the structures and patterns that relate entities to one another. Sometimes the relationships are provided explicitly; sometimes discovering relationships is the very purpose of visualization."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Wijk2005_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "###appropriate###"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Zhang1996_1 + rdf:type bibo:Quote , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Quote_Zhang1997 + rdf:type bibo:Quote ; + bixt:documentContent + "Zhang1997 refers to an action as ‘basic unit in problem solving’"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:isDocumentPartOf + . + +viso-anno:Shneiderman2003 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@article(shneiderman_eyes_2003, + title = (The eyes have it: A task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations), + shorttitle = (The eyes have it), + journal = (The craft of information visualization: readings and reflections), + author = (B. Shneiderman), + year = (2003), + keywords = (criteria, details-on-demand, extract, filter, history, mantra, overview, relate, requirements, visualization, zoom), + pages = (364–371), + annote = ((\\textless)p(\\textgreater)advanced filtering section relevant for faceted browsing (dynamic queries)(\\textless)/p(\\textgreater)) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Tweedie1997 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@INPROCEEDINGS(Tweedie1997, + author = (Tweedie, Lisa), + title = (Characterizing interactive externalizations), + booktitle = (CHI '97: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in + computing systems), + year = (1997), + pages = (375--382), + address = (New York, NY, USA), + publisher = (ACM), + doi = (http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/258549.258803), + file = (:U\\:\\\\Forschung\\\\Paper\\\\Tweedie - Characterizing interactive externalizations.pdf:PDF), + isbn = (0-89791-802-9), + keywords = (visualization, interaction, taxonomy), + location = (Atlanta, Georgia, United States), + owner = (m.voigt), + review = (- noch lesen), + timestamp = (2009.10.14) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:Zhang1996 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@ARTICLE(Zhang1996, + author = (Zhang, Jiajie), + title = (A representational analysis of relational information displays), + journal = (Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud.), + year = (1996), + volume = (45), + pages = (59--74), + number = (1), + abstract = (Graphic and tabular displays are analysed under a common, unified + form-relational information displays (RIDs), which are displays that + represent relations between dimensions. First, the mapping between + the represented and the representing dimensions of RIDs is analysed + from the perspective of distributed representations (Zhang & Norman, + 1994). Second, the structures of RIDs are analysed at three levels: + dimensionality, scale types, and dimensional representations. From + this analysis, a representational taxonomy is developed that not + only can classify all RIDs but also can serve as a framework for + systematic studies of RIDs. Third, a task taxonomy of RIDs is developed, + which can classify the majority of dimension-based display tasks. + Finally, the relation between representations of displays and structures + of tasks is analysed in terms of a mapping principle: the information + perceivable from a RID should exactly match the information required + for the task. Thus, although there are no best displays that are + efficient for all types of tasks, there is a correct or incorrect + mapping between the representation of a display and the structure + of a task.), + address = (Duluth, MN, USA), + doi = (http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/ijhc.1996.0042), + file = (:U\\:\\\\Forschung\\\\Paper\\\\Zhang - A representational analysis of relational information displays.pdf:PDF), + issn = (1071-5819), + keywords = (visualization, mapping, task, graphical variables), + owner = (m.voigt), + publisher = (Academic Press, Inc.), + timestamp = (2009.10.14) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:ZhouFeiner1998 + rdf:type bibo:Document , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdfs:comment """@inproceedings(zhou_visual_1998, + title = (Visual task characterization for automated visual discourse synthesis), + booktitle = (Proceedings of the (SIGCHI) conference on Human factors in computing systems), + author = (M. X Zhou and S. K Feiner), + year = (1998), + pages = (392–399) +)"""^^xsd:string . + +viso-anno:quote + rdf:type bibo:Document . + +viso-data: + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Shu2008_Duke2004 . + +viso-data:Characteristic + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_1 . + +viso-data:Continuous_Variable + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_3 . + +viso-data:Data + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_27 , viso-anno:Quote_Bertin1983_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_116 , viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_18 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_10 , viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Ware2004_2 . + +viso-data:Data_Object + bixt:synonymLabel "Case"^^xsd:string , "Data Row"^^xsd:string . + +viso-data:Data_Structure + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Bertin_1 . + +viso-data:Data_Value + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Bertin1983_1 . + +viso-data:Dimension + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_2 , viso-anno:Quote_Bertin1981_Keim2002_Tory2004_Mazza2009 , viso-anno:Quote_Bertin1983_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_11 . + +viso-data:Discrete_Variable + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_3 . + +viso-data:Distorted_Numerical_Data + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_117 . + +viso-data:Graph + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_2 ; + bixt:synonymLabel "Network"^^xsd:string . + +viso-data:Independent_Variable + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_4 . + +viso-data:Interval_Scale_of_Measurement + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_12 , viso-anno:Quote_Stevens1946_1 . + +viso-data:Meta_Data + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_31 . + +viso-data:Multidimensional_Data + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_3 ; + bixt:synonymLabel "Tabular Data"^^xsd:string ; + skos:editorialNote "There could be a property-restriction on has_dimensionality_of_independent_variables, however restricting datatype ranges is not yet possible."^^xsd:string . + +viso-data:Multivariate_Data + skos:editorialNote "There could be a property-restriction on has_dimensionality_of_dependent_variables, however restricting datatype ranges is not yet possible."^^xsd:string . + +viso-data:Nominal_Data + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_118 . + +viso-data:Nominal_Scale_of_Measurement + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_13 . + +viso-data:One-Dimensional_Data + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_4 . + +viso-data:Ordinal_Data + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_117 . + +viso-data:Ordinal_Scale_of_Measurement + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_14 . + +viso-data:Physical_Order_Data + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_117 . + +viso-data:Polyarchy + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Katifori2007_3 . + +viso-data:Quantitative_Data + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_on_Quantitative_Type_of_Information . + +viso-data:Quantitative_Scale_of_Measurement + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_15 . + +viso-data:Ratio_Scale_of_Measurement + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Stevens1946_2 . + +viso-data:Raw_Data + bixt:followsSource . + +viso-data:Reference + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Andrienko2005_5 . + +viso-data:Relation + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Ware2004_3 . + +viso-data:Scale_of_Measurement + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:EngelhardtOnSpatialStructuresAndInformationTypes ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_16 , viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_17 . + +viso-data:Temporal_Data + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_5 . + +viso-data:Three-Dimensional_Data + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_6 . + +viso-data:Tree + bixt:followsSource . + +viso-data:Two-Dimensional_Data + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Shneiderman1996_7 . + +viso-data:Unstructured_Data + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_on_Type_of_Information_No_Information . + +viso-data:Unstructured_Scale_of_Measurement + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_18 . + +viso-facts:Appropriateness + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Haber1990_Robertson1991_Ware2004_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Schumann1999_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Wijk2005_1 . + +viso-facts:Effectiveness + skos:editorialNote "add original sources"^^xsd:string . + +viso-facts:Expressiveness + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_2 ; + skos:editorialNote "Check if description not original quote."^^xsd:string . + +viso-facts:Graphic_Design_Criterion + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_8 . + +viso-graphic:Anchoring + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002 . + +viso-graphic:Application + rdfs:comment "An application is a computer program designed to help people perform an activity."^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Application_Framework + rdfs:comment "An application framework is used by software developers to implement the standard structure of an application for a specific development environment."^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Arbitrary-Conventional_Correspondence + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_2 . + +viso-graphic:Attribute_Explorer + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_2 , viso-anno:Quote_Spence1998_1 . + +viso-graphic:Background-Inset_Display + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_3 . + +viso-graphic:Basic_Metric_Space + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_4 . + +viso-graphic:Case + rdfs:seeAlso "Basic Objects"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_3 . + +viso-graphic:Case_Composition + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_15 . + +viso-graphic:Chronological_Link_Diagram + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_5 . + +viso-graphic:Clarity_Attribute + skos:editorialNote "compare to Wilkinson: optics"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Composite_Graphic_Object + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_7 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_6 . + +viso-graphic:Composite_Metric_Space + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_8 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_9 . + +viso-graphic:Composite_Structure + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_10 . + +viso-graphic:Composite_Symbol + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_11 . + +viso-graphic:Composition_Operator + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_4 . + +viso-graphic:Computational_Thing + rdfs:comment "Specifying the domain of complete computaional systems is out of scope here. Only need concepts would be developed or were referred. The Common Information Model (CIM) suggested by DTFM as UML model (http://dmtf.org/standards/cim) show the broadness of this domain."^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Connector + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_12 . + +viso-graphic:Container + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_13 . + +viso-graphic:Containment_Relation + rdfs:seeAlso viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_108 ; + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_14 ; + bixt:contradictsSource + viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_8 . + +viso-graphic:Coordinate + rdfs:seeAlso viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_15 . + +viso-graphic:Correspondence + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_16 . + +viso-graphic:Cylindrical_Coordinate + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_109 . + +viso-graphic:Decoration_Object + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_17 . + +viso-graphic:Dependent_Variable + rdfs:seeAlso "Attribute: N. Andrienko und G. Andrienko, “Exploratory Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Data: A Systematic Approach” (2005). p. 18"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Detail + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_17 . + +viso-graphic:Distal_Coordinate + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_18 . + +viso-graphic:Distorted_Metric_Space + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_19 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_20 . + +viso-graphic:Domain + rdfs:comment "Domains will be described using existing domain ontologies."^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Elementary_Graphic_Object + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_21 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_22 . + +viso-graphic:Empty_Space + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_23 . + +viso-graphic:Enclosure_Tree + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Card99_on_enclosure_trees . + +viso-graphic:Entity + rdfs:seeAlso viso-graphic:Case ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Ware2004_1 . + +viso-graphic:Extraction_and_Comparison + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_2 . + +viso-graphic:Graphic_Multiple + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_24 ; + skos:editorialNote "compare to Tufte: Small Multiples"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Graphic_Object + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_25 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_26 . + +viso-graphic:Graphic_Representation + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_DukeBrodlie2004_1 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_27 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_28 . + +viso-graphic:Graphic_Space + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_29 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_110 . + +viso-graphic:Graphic_Sub-Object + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_30 . + +viso-graphic:Grid_Line + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_31 . + +viso-graphic:Grouping_Diagram + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_32 . + +viso-graphic:Information_Landscape + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_4 . + +viso-graphic:Information_Object + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_33 . + +viso-graphic:Informational_Role + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_34 . + +viso-graphic:Integral_Metric_Space + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_35 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_36 . + +viso-graphic:Indented_List + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Katifori2007_1 . + +viso-graphic:Interactive_Graphic_Representation + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_5 , viso-anno:Quote_SonYi2007_1 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Spence2007_1 . + +viso-graphic:Interactive_Technique + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_ChuaRoth1996_1 , viso-anno:Quote_ChuaRoth1996_2 , viso-anno:Quote_DukeBrodlie2004_2 , viso-anno:Quote_Lee2006_1 , viso-anno:Quote_SonYi2007_1 , viso-anno:Quote_Zhang1996_1 . + +viso-graphic:Jittering + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_6 . + +viso-graphic:Label + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_37 , viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_7 . + +viso-graphic:Legend_Object + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_38 . + +viso-graphic:Line_Locator + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_39 . + +viso-graphic:Lineup_Undirected_Relation + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_40 ; + skos:editorialNote "compare to Roberts:Alignment"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Link_Diagram + rdfs:comment "Also called \"Graph\" or \"Connected Graph\" sometimes, though also plots are called \"graphs\" elsewhere."^^xsd:string ; + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_8 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_41 ; + bixt:synonymLabel "Node-Link-Diagram"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Linking_Undirected_Relation + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_42 ; + skos:editorialNote "compare to Roberts: Connectivity"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Literal_Correspondence + rdfs:seeAlso viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_111 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_43 . + +viso-graphic:Locally_Distorted_Integral_Metric_Space + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_44 . + +viso-graphic:Magic_Lens + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_2 . + +viso-graphic:Map + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_45 . + +viso-graphic:Mark + rdfs:seeAlso "Graphical Mark"^^xsd:string , "Located Object"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_10 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_9 . + +viso-graphic:Meaningful_Graphic_Space + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_46 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_47 . + +viso-graphic:Metaphoric_Correspondence + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_49 . + +viso-graphic:Metonymic_Correspondence + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_50 . + +viso-graphic:Metric_Axis + bixt:contradictsSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_51 ; + skos:editorialNote "This seems to be contradictory. Do we follow Engelhardt here or not? Is there is difference between span and create?"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Metric_Bar + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_52 . + +viso-graphic:Metric_Space + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_53 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_54 . + +viso-graphic:Multi_Panel_Display + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_55 . + +viso-graphic:Nested_Structure + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_56 . + +viso-graphic:Nesting + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_57 . + +viso-graphic:Node_Class + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_58 . + +viso-graphic:Object-to-Composite-Metric-Space-Structure + skos:example "Two-Axis Chart"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Object-to-Distorted-Integral-Metric-Space-Structure + skos:example "Subway Map"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Object-to-Object_Structure + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_9 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_59 . + +viso-graphic:Object-to-Space_Structure + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_60 ; + bixt:contradictsSource + viso-anno:EngelhardtOnSpatialStructuresAndInformationTypes . + +viso-graphic:Path_Map + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_61 . + +viso-graphic:Permutation_Matrix + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_6 , . + +viso-graphic:Photograph + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_62 . + +viso-graphic:Picture + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_63 . + +viso-graphic:Point_Locator + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_64 . + +viso-graphic:Polar_Coordinate + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_65 . + +viso-graphic:Primary_Graphic_Representation + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_12 . + +viso-graphic:Proportional_Division_Relation + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_66 . + +viso-graphic:Proportional_Repetition_Relation + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_67 . + +viso-graphic:Range_Slider + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Shneidermann1994_1 . + +viso-graphic:Rebus-Based_Correspondence + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_68 . + +viso-graphic:Recursive_Composition + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_16 . + +viso-graphic:Reference_Object + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_69 . + +viso-graphic:Retinal_Attribute + skos:editorialNote "after Bertins Retinal Variable. What is the literature source here exactly?"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Semantic_Zoom + bixt:followsSource ; + skos:editorialNote "add quote from Wolfgang Aigner, 2009"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Separation_by_Separator_Relation + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_113 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_71 . + +viso-graphic:Separator + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_112 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_113 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_70 . + +viso-graphic:Shared-Axis_Multipanel + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_72 . + +viso-graphic:Simultaneous_Combination + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_73 . + +viso-graphic:Size_of_Texture_Elements + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_On_Texture . + +viso-graphic:Spatial_Attribute + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_74 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_75 . + +viso-graphic:Spatial_Clustering_Relation + rdfs:seeAlso viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_114 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_76 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_77 ; + skos:editorialNote "compare to Roberts: Proximity"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Spatial_Reference_Object + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_78 . + +viso-graphic:Spatial_Structure + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2007_7 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_79 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_80 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_81 . + +viso-graphic:Spherical_Coordinate + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_82 . + +viso-graphic:Stacked_Bar + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_83 . + +viso-graphic:Statistical_Chart + rdfs:seeAlso "Plot"^^xsd:string ; + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_84 . + +viso-graphic:Statistical_Link_Diagram + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_115 . + +viso-graphic:Statistical_Map + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_85 . + +viso-graphic:Statistical_Path_Map + rdfs:seeAlso viso-graphic:Statistical_Time_Chart ; + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Engelhardt2002_on_statistical_path_map . + +viso-graphic:Statistical_Time_Chart + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_86 . + +viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_87 . + +viso-graphic:Surface_Locator + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_88 . + +viso-graphic:Symbol + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_11 . + +viso-graphic:Syntactic_Role_Class + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_89 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_90 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_91 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_92 . + +viso-graphic:Syntactic_Structure + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_95 ; + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_93 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_94 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_96 ; + skos:editorialNote "cf. Primitive Graphical Language, Perceptual Tasks, Visualisation Primitive"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Table + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_97 . + +viso-graphic:Time_Chart + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_98 . + +viso-graphic:Tree_Map + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Card99_on_tree_maps , viso-anno:Quote_Katifori2007_2 . + +viso-graphic:Triangular_Chart + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_99 . + +viso-graphic:Trilinear_Coordinate + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_100 . + +viso-graphic:View + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Baldonado2000_1 , . + +viso-graphic:View_State + rdfs:seeAlso "Image"^^xsd:string , "Rendering"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:View_Transformation + rdfs:seeAlso "Projection and Rendering (Engelhardt, 2002, p. 21)"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Visual_Attribute + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Mackinlay1986_on_Perceptual_Task , viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_13 , viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_14 ; + bixt:followsSource , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_101 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_102 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_103 , , . + +viso-graphic:Visual_Language + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_104 . + +viso-graphic:Visual_Layer + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_105 . + +viso-graphic:Visualisation_Intent + rdfs:seeAlso "Goal"^^xsd:string , "Reason"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:Volume_Locator + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_106 . + +viso-graphic:World_within_World + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Card2009_1 . + +viso-graphic:Written_Text + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_107 , viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_107_1 . + +viso-graphic:not_suitable_to_visualize + rdfs:seeAlso "acceptable / appropriate to visualize (Engelhardt 2002, p. 135)"^^xsd:string . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Plaisant2005_1 . + + + bixt:considersSource + viso-anno:Quote_Oberle2006_1 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_48 , viso-anno:Quote_Mackinlay1986_11 . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Baldonado2000_1 . + + + bixt:considersSource + . + + + bixt:followsSource viso-anno:Quote_Engelhardt2002_119 . diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/bibo-extension.owl b/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/bibo-extension.owl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab59e07 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/bibo-extension.owl @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ + + + + + BIBO extension vocabulary + 0.5 + Extension of the BIBO vocabulary, to allow for annotating ontological resources with literature references (modeled in BIBO) + + + BIBO-Erweiterungsvokabular + + + + The new definition of the concept follows the definition/statements in the referenced source. + + + + follows source + The new definition of the concept follows the definition/statements in the referenced source. + + + + + The new definition of the concept contradicts the definition/statements in the referenced source. + + + + contradicts source + The new definition of the concept contradicts the definition/statements in the referenced source. + + + + Annotates concepts with quotes that point to sources that have been considered when this terms was coined. Note that considering can mean both: The new definition of the concept can either contradict the definition/statements in the referenced source or it may follow them. + + + considers source + Annotates concepts with quotes that point to sources that have been considered when this terms was coined. Note that considering can mean both: The new definition of the concept can either contradict the definition/statements in the referenced source or it may follow them. + + + + + + + + + + + A part-of relation between document parts. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/bibo-latest.owl b/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/bibo-latest.owl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4bb9f18 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/bibo-latest.owl @@ -0,0 +1,2809 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +]> + + + + + The Bibliographic Ontology + The Bibliographic Ontology describes +bibliographic things on the semantic Web in RDF. This ontology can be +used as a citation ontology, as a document classification ontology, or +simply as a way to describe any kind of document in RDF. It has been +inspired by many existing document description metadata formats, and +can be used as a common ground for converting other bibliographic data +sources. + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/1.3/ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Used to link an agent (a person) to an event (a conference, an hearing, etc.) + + + + + + + + Used to relate an event such as a conference to the geographical place where it happens, for example Paris. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Used to link an event such as a conference to an outcome (a product) of that event, for example, an article, a proceeding, etc. + + + + + + + + Used to link big events with smaller events such as workshops that happen in the context of a conference. + + + + + + + + Used to describe the timing of an event. For example, when a conference starts and stops. + + + + + + + + Used to link a bibliographic item to one of its contributor: can be an author, an editor, a publisher, etc. + + + + + + + + <dcterms:format> + <dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent> + <rdf:value>text/html</rdf:value> + <rdfs:label>HTML</rdfs:label> + </dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent> + </dcterms:format> + Used to describe the format of a bibliographic resource. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Used to relate a reference citation to a bibliographic resource. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Used to link a bibliographic resource to the language used to express it. + + + + + + + + Used to link a bibliographic item to its publisher. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Used to describe rights related to a bibliographic resource. + + + + + + + + Used to describe the subject of a bibliographic resource. + + + + + + + + + Used to describe the title of a bibliographic resource + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A legal decision that affirms a ruling. + + + + + + + + + + + annotates + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + Critical or explanatory note for a Document. + + + + + + + + + + + list of authors + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + An ordered list of authors. Normally, this list is seen as a priority list that order authors by importance. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + cited by + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Relates a document to another document that cites the +first document. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + cites + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Relates a document to another document that is cited +by the first document as reference, comment, review, quotation or for +another purpose. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + list of contributors + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + An ordered list of contributors. Normally, this list is seen as a priority list that order contributors by importance. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + court + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + unstable + A court associated with a legal document; for example, that which issues a decision. + + + + + + + + + + status + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + The thesis degree. + We are not defining, using an enumeration, the range of the bibo:degree to the defined list of bibo:ThesisDegree. We won't do it because we want people to be able to define new degress if needed by some special usecases. Creating such an enumeration would restrict this to happen. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + director + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A Film director. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + distributor + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Distributor of a document or a collection of documents. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + editor + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A person having managerial and sometimes policy-making responsibility for the editorial part of a publishing firm or of a newspaper, magazine, or other publication. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + list of editors + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + An ordered list of editors. Normally, this list is seen as a priority list that order editors by importance. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + interviewee + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + An agent that is interviewed by another agent. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + interviewer + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + An agent that interview another agent. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + issuer + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + An entity responsible for issuing often informally published documents such as press releases, reports, etc. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + organizer + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + The organizer of an event; includes conference organizers, but also government agencies or other bodies that are responsible for conducting hearings. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + owner + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Owner of a document or a collection of documents. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + performer + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + + + + + + + + + + + presented at + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Relates a document to an event; for example, a paper to a conference. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + presented at + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Relates an event to associated documents; for example, conference to a paper. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + + producer + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Producer of a document or a collection of documents. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + recipient + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + An agent that receives a communication document. + + + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + The resource in which another resource is reproduced. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A legal decision that reverses a ruling. + + + + + + + + + + + review of + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + Relates a review document to a reviewed thing (resource, item, etc.). + + + + + + + + + + + status + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + The publication status of (typically academic) content. + We are not defining, using an enumeration, the range of the bibo:status to the defined list of bibo:DocumentStatus. We won't do it because we want people to be able to define new status if needed by some special usecases. Creating such an enumeration would restrict this to happen. + + + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A legal decision on appeal that takes action on a case (affirming it, reversing it, etc.). + + + + + + + + + + + transcript of + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + unstable + Relates a document to some transcribed original. + + + + + + + + + + + translation of + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + Relates a translated document to the original document. + + + + + + + + + + + translator + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A person who translates written document from one language to another. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Used to describe the content of a bibo:Document and othr bibliographic resouces. + +We suggest to use this property instead of the deprecated "bibo:content" one. + + + + + + + + Used to link an agent, related to bibliographic things, to a place where it is based near: can be a city, a monument, a building, etc. + + + + + + + + Used to link an agent with an image that depict it. + + + + + + + + Used to link an agent to its homepage (which is a web page accessible using a URL). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Used to describe the creation date of a bibliographic item + + + + + + + + + Use to link a bibliographic item to the date of an event. Check dcterms:created and other for proper specializations for this property + + + + + + + + + Used to describe a bibliographic resource. + + + + + + + + Used to describe the issue date of a bibliographic resource + + + + + + + + + abstract + http://purl.org/dc/terms/ + stable + A summary of the resource. + + + + + + + + + + date argued + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + The date on which a legal case is argued before a court. Date is of format xsd:date + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + chapter + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + An chapter number + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + content + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + true + This property is for a plain-text rendering of the content of a Document. While the plain-text content of an entire document could be described by this property. + bibo:content has been deprecated; we recommend to use "rdf:value" for this purpose. Here is the rational behind this choice: http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#rdfvalue + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + edition + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + The name defining a special edition of a document. Normally its a literal value composed of a version number and words. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + issue + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + An issue number + stable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + locator + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A description (often numeric) that locates an item within a containing document or collection. + + + + + + + + + + number of pages + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + The number of pages contained in a document + + + + + + + + + + number of volumes + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + The number of volumes contained in a collection of documents (usually a series, periodical, etc.). + stable + + + + + + + + + + number + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A generic item or document number. Not to be confused with issue number. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + page end + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Ending page number within a continuous page range. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + page start + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + Starting page number within a continuous page range. + + + + + + + + + + + pages + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A string of non-contiguous page spans that locate a Document within a Collection. Example: 23-25, 34, 54-56. For continuous page ranges, use the pageStart and pageEnd properties. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + prefix name + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + The prefix of a name + + + + + + + + + + section + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A section number + Di Rado, Alicia. 1995. Trekking through college: Classes explore +modern society using the world of Star trek. Los Angeles Times, March +15, sec. A, p. 3. + unstable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + short title + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + The abbreviation of a title. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + suffix name + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + The suffix of a name + stable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + uri + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Universal Resource Identifier of a document + stable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + volume + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A volume number + + + + + + + + + + + Used to name the locality of a publisher, an author, etc. + + + + + + + + This is the property we choose to use to describe the family name of a person related to a bibliographic resource. + + + + + + + + This is the property we choose to describe the given name of a Person related to a bibliographic resource. This is the first name of a person. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Used to describe bibliographic related events such as conferences, hearing, etc. + + + + + + + + + BIBO assert that a dcterms:Agent is an equivalent class to foaf:Agent. +This means that all the individuals belonging to the foaf:Agent class +also belongs to the dcterms:Agent class. This way, dcterms:contributor +can be used on foaf:Person, foaf:Organization, foaf:Agent and foaf:Group. +Even if this link is not done in neither the FOAF nor the DCTERMS ontologies this is a wide spread fact that is asserted by BIBO. + + + + + + + + Academic Article + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A scholarly academic article, typically published in a journal. + + + + + + + + Article + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A written composition in prose, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic, forming an independent part of a book or other publication, as a newspaper or magazine. + stable + + + + + + + + audio document + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + An audio document; aka record. + stable + + + + + + + + audio-visual document + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + An audio-visual document; film, video, and so forth. + + + + + + + + Bill + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Draft legislation presented for discussion to a legal body. + stable + + + + + + + + Book + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers. + + + + + + + + Book Section + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A section of a book. + unstable + + + + + + + + Brief + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A written argument submitted to a court. + unstable + + + + + + + + Chapter + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A chapter of a book. + unstable + + + + + + + + Code + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A collection of statutes. + + + + + + + + Collected Document + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A document that simultaneously contains other documents. + + + + + + + + Collection + + + + + + + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A collection of Documents or Collections + + + + + + + + Conference + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A meeting for consultation or discussion. + + + + + + + + Court Reporter + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A collection of legal cases. + + + + + + + + Document + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A document (noun) is a bounded physical representation of body of information designed with the capacity (and usually intent) to communicate. A document may manifest symbolic, diagrammatic or sensory-representational information. + + + + + + + + document part + + + + + 1 + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + a distinct part of a larger document or collected document. + unstable + + + + + + + + Document Status + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + The status of the publication of a document. + stable + + + + + + + + Edited Book + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + An edited book. + stable + + + + + + + + EMail + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A written communication addressed to a person or organization and transmitted electronically. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Excerpt + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A passage selected from a larger work. + stable + + + + + + + + Film + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + aka movie. + stable + + + + + + + + Hearing + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + An instance or a session in which testimony and arguments are presented, esp. before an official, as a judge in a lawsuit. + + + + + + + + Image + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A document that presents visual or diagrammatic information. + + + + + + + + Interview + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A formalized discussion between two or more people. + + + + + + + + Issue + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + something that is printed or published and distributed, esp. a given number of a periodical + stable + + + + + + + + Journal + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A periodical of scholarly journal Articles. + + + + + + + + Legal Case Document + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + unstable + A document accompanying a legal case. + + + + + + + + Decision + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + unstable + A document containing an authoritative determination (as a decree or judgment) made after consideration of facts or law. + + + + + + + + Legal Document + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A legal document; for example, a court decision, a brief, and so forth. + stable + + + + + + + + Legislation + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A legal document proposing or enacting a law or a group of laws. + unstable + + + + + + + + Letter + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization and usually transmitted by mail. + stable + + + + + + + + Magazine + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A periodical of magazine Articles. A magazine is a publication that is issued periodically, usually bound in a paper cover, and typically contains essays, stories, poems, etc., by many writers, and often photographs and drawings, frequently specializing in a particular subject or area, as hobbies, news, or sports. + stable + + + + + + + + Manual + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A small reference book, especially one giving instructions. + unstable + + + + + + + + Manuscript + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + An unpublished Document, which may also be submitted to a publisher for publication. + + + + + + + + Map + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + unstable + A graphical depiction of geographic features. + + + + + + + + Series + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A loose, thematic, collection of Documents, often Books. + + + + + + + + Newspaper + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A periodical of documents, usually issued daily or weekly, containing current news, editorials, feature articles, and usually advertising. + stable + + + + + + + + Note + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + Notes or annotations about a resource. + + + + + + + + Patent + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A document describing the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years. + + + + + + + + Performance + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + unstable + A public performance. + + + + + + + + Periodical + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A group of related documents issued at regular intervals. + stable + + + + + + + + Personal Communication + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A communication between an agent and one or more specific recipients. + stable + + + + + + + + Personal Communication Document + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A personal communication manifested in some document. + stable + + + + + + + + Proceedings + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + unstable + A compilation of documents published from an event, such as a conference. + + + + + + + + Quote + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + An excerpted collection of words. + + + + + + + + Reference Source + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A document that presents authoritative reference information, such as a dictionary or encylopedia . + unstable + + + + + + + + Report + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A document describing an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.. + + + + + + + + Series + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A loose, thematic, collection of Documents, often Books. + stable + + + + + + + + Slide + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A slide in a slideshow + unstable + + + + + + + + Slideshow + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A presentation of a series of slides, usually presented in front of an audience with written text and images. + stable + + + + + + + + Standard + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A document describing a standard + stable + + + + + + + + Statute + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A bill enacted into law. + + + + + + + + Thesis + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + stable + A document created to summarize research findings associated with the completion of an academic degree. + + + + + + + + Thesis degree + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + The academic degree of a Thesis + stable + + + + + + + + Webpage + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + unstable + A web page is an online document available (at least initially) on the world wide web. A web page is written first and foremost to appear on the web, as distinct from other online resources such as books, manuscripts or audio documents which use the web primarily as a distribution mechanism alongside other more traditional methods such as print. + + + + + + + + Website + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + unstable + A group of Webpages accessible on the Web. + + + + + + + + Workshop + + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + A seminar, discussion group, or the like, that emphasizes zxchange of ideas and the demonstration and application of techniques, skills, etc. + stable + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Used to describe any "agent" related to bibliographic items. Such agents can be persons, organizations or groups of any kind. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Ued to describe an organization related to bibliographic items such as a publishing company, etc. + + + + + + + + Used to describe a Person related to a bibliographic ite such as an author, an editor, etc. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + http://purl.org/net/darcusb/info#me + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Bruce D'Arcus + + + + + + + + + M.A. + masters degree in arts + stable + + + + + + + + + M.S. + stable + masters degree in science + + + + + + + + + PhD degree + PhD degree + stable + + + + + + + + + http://fgiasson.com/me/ + http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ + Frederick Giasson + + + + + + + + + accepted + Accepted for publication after peer reviewing. + stable + + + + + + + + + draft + Document drafted + stable + + + + + + + + + forthcoming + Document to be published + stable + + + + + + + + + legal + stable + Legal document + + + + + + + + + non peer reviewed + stable + A document that is not peer reviewed + + + + + + + + + peer reviewed + stable + The process by which articles are chosen to be included in a refereed journal. An editorial board consisting of experts in the same field as the author review the article and decide if it is authoritative enough for publication. + + + + + + + + + published + stable + Published document + + + + + + + + + rejected + stable + Rejected for publication after peer reviewing. + + + + + + + + + unpublished + Unpublished document + stable + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/viso-bibliography-extra.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/viso-bibliography-extra.ttl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0b89c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/viso-bibliography-extra.ttl @@ -0,0 +1,1461 @@ +@prefix : . +@prefix bibliography: . +@prefix ctag: . +@prefix owl: . +@prefix rdf: . +@prefix rdfs: . +@prefix resource: . +@prefix xsd: . +@prefix zotero: . + +bibliography:extra + rdf:type owl:Ontology ; + owl:imports , , bibliography: ; + owl:versionInfo "Created with TopBraid Composer"^^xsd:string . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b1 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "human information processing" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "display algorithms" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "multivariate visualization" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Computer Society" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + zotero:repository "Google Scholar" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Scholar" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b2 , _:b3 , _:b4 , _:b5 , _:b6 , _:b7 , _:b8 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "heuristic methods" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "management" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "multiple views" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "usability heuristics" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "design guidelines" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Quantitative decision making" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Qualitative exploration" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Attribute Explorer" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-07-25 16:56:19" ; + zotero:repository "ScienceDirect" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b4 , _:b9 ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "algorithm animation" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b4 ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "high interaction" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "dynamic graphics" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Computer Society" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-07-25 17:09:38" ; + zotero:repository "CrossRef" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b4 , _:b2 ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "automated design of graphics" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-07-28 10:23:18" ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Books" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Books" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b3 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual data exploration" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual data mining" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "classification." + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Computer Society" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b10 , _:b11 , _:b12 ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Computer Society" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b13 , _:b14 , _:b15 , _:b16 , _:b17 , _:b18 , _:b19 , _:b3 , _:b20 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual representation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "User-Computer Interface" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Models, Theoretical" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "high-dimensional data" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "user-centered perspective" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Cognition" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Information Storage and Retrieval" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Databases, Factual" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b18 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "spatial data structures" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "APT" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "knowledge-based system" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Vista" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visualization technique design" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "software tools" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "rules" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "rendering (computer graphics)" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Automatic Presentation Tool" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "interactively modify" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "heuristic programming" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "2D graphics" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visualization design" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "compositional design methodology" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "rendering algorithms" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "knowledge based systems" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "graphical perception" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data set" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "heuristic" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "design methodology" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visualization techniques" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b18 , _:b3 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "bioinformatics visualization" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "scientific visualization" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "cartographic information" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "future directions" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual display techniques" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "cartography" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "geography" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "geographic information technique" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "biology computing" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "natural sciences computing" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Computer Society" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b4 , _:b1 , _:b2 ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b5 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "intermediate symbolic representation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "knowledge representation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "virtual reality" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "low-level computer graphics representations" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "natural language" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "multi-modal interface" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "knowledge representation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "implicit parametric functions" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "hand gestures" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "teleconferencing" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "knowledge-level representation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "intermediate symbolic representation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "implicit parametric functions" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "teleconferencing" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "knowledge-level representation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "virtual space teleconferencing system" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "shape knowledge representation scheme" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "natural language" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "shape knowledge representation scheme" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "hand gestures" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "low-level computer graphics representations" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "virtual space teleconferencing system" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "human mind" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "multi-modal interface" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "3D shape ontologies" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "3D shape ontologies" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "human mind" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "virtual reality" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource bibliography:AcademicArticle1 ; + zotero:repository "Google Scholar" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Scholar" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Books" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Computer Society" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b21 , _:b22 , _:b18 , _:b23 , _:b24 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Data State Model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "operating steps" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Data State Model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data state reference model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data domains" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data state reference model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "taxonomic analysis" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information visualization techniques" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information visualization techniques" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "operating steps" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data domains" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "taxonomic analysis" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource bibliography:AcademicArticle3 ; + zotero:repository "Google Scholar" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Books" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Amazon.com" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b3 , _:b25 , _:b26 , _:b18 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Infovis systems" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Infovis interaction techniques" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Infovis community" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b15 , _:b18 , _:b20 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual programming" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information visualizations" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual programming" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "multi dimensional data" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "multi dimensional data" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information visualizations" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "advanced graphical user interface design" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data type taxonomy" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "advanced graphical user interface design" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual information seeking" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data type taxonomy" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "network data" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "network data" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual information seeking" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-07-25 16:24:11" ; + zotero:repository "CrossRef" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b3 , _:b18 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual communication" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visualization criticism" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "pragmatic visualization" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "art" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "missing link" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "computational linguistics" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "aesthetic criteria" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b10 , _:b26 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "design model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "conceptual model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "classification" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "user model" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Computer Society" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b7 , _:b5 , _:b9 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "starfield displays" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "query processing" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "dynamic queries" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "video" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information seeking" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "tight coupling" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "database query" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Books" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "graphical user interfaces; database management systems; human factors; query processing; dynamic queries; visual information seeking; databases; widgets; animated results; retrieval; display algorithms; user-interface design; visual interfaces; complex queries" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Computer Society" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b15 , _:b22 , _:b18 , _:b13 , _:b23 , _:b20 ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "reference model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "exploratory multiview visualization" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "coordination model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "dataflow model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data flow computing" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b4 , _:b11 , _:b13 , _:b20 , _:b2 , _:b15 , _:b12 ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "graph visualization" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "task taxonomy" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "experimentation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "evaluation/methodology" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource bibliography:AcademicArticle2 ; + zotero:repository "Google Scholar" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-09-03 14:54:24" ; + zotero:repository "Highwire 2.0" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Scholar" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource bibliography:Article1 ; + zotero:repository "Google Scholar" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b26 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "systems analysis" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "requirements elicitation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual modeling notation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "meta model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "distributed processing" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "simulation languages" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "formal specification" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "stakeholder roles" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "requirements analysts" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "site locations" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "modeling language" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "telecommunications" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "requirements elicitation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "telecommunications" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "simulation languages" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "stakeholder roles" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "video gaming" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "repositories" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "site locations" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "risk management" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "communication flows" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visual modeling notation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "systems analysis" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "modeling language" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "distributed processing" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "repositories" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "meta model" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "globally distributed requirements engineering projects" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "risk management" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "globally distributed requirements engineering projects" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "communication flows" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "formal specification" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "requirements analysts" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "video gaming" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b24 , _:b21 , _:b18 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visualization interface construction toolkits" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "graphics" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information acquisition" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "user interface management systems" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information communication" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "automatic presentation systems" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information analysis" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "large data sets" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "interactive visualization" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "semantics" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "complex 3D visualizations" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b10 , _:b27 , _:b28 ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-07-25 14:33:36" ; + zotero:repository "ScienceDirect" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-09-03 14:42:35" ; + zotero:repository "CrossRef" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b18 , _:b27 , _:b25 , _:b28 , _:b19 , _:b16 , _:b29 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "ontologies (artificial intelligence)" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data visualization process" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "groupware" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Humans" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Amazon.com" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b4 , _:b29 ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "device independence" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-07-25 16:23:15" ; + zotero:repository "CrossRef" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "ontology, semantic web, grid" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-07-25 14:36:08" ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Books" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource bibliography:AcademicArticle4 ; + zotero:repository "Google Scholar" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-09-03 16:06:44" ; + zotero:repository "CrossRef" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b30 , _:b31 , _:b10 , _:b14 , _:b17 ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "natural scene paradigm" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "matching process" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data representations" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "interpretation aims" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "generic framework" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data types" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b30 , _:b31 , _:b5 , _:b18 ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data set analysis" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "analytic question" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "system level taxonomy" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "visualization task" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "low level analysis task" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information visualization tool" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information visualization system" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "user analytic activity" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "intelligent virtual environments" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "ontologies" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "web graphics" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "domain knowledge" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "semantic driven visualization" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "IEEE Xplore" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:repository "Google Books" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-07-25 16:31:26" ; + zotero:repository "CrossRef" . + + + rdf:type zotero:UserItem ; + ctag:tagged _:b6 , _:b7 , _:b4 , _:b8 ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "graphic design" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "presentation tool" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "automatic generation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "graphics data structures and data types" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "expressiveness" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "user interface" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information presentation" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "effectiveness" + ] ; + ctag:tagged + [] ; + ctag:tagged + [ rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "composition algebra" + ] ; + resource:resource ; + zotero:accessDate "2011-07-25 17:06:00" ; + zotero:repository "ACM Digital Library" . + +_:b31 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data analysis" . + +_:b29 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Algorithms" . + +_:b27 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Ontology" . + +_:b28 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Semantic Web" . + +_:b26 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "taxonomy" . + +_:b25 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "human computer interaction" . + +_:b22 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data models" . + +_:b23 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data models" . + +_:b24 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "interactive systems" . + +_:b21 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "interactive systems" . + +_:b14 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "computer graphics" . + +_:b18 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "data visualisation" . + +_:b15 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "graphical user interfaces" . + +_:b20 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "graphical user interfaces" . + +_:b19 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Communication" . + +_:b16 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Vision" . + +_:b10 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "Visualization" . + +_:b12 + rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "evaluation" . + +_:b9 rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "documentation" . + +_:b4 rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "design" . + +_:b2 rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "human factors" . + +_:b3 rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "information visualization" . + +_:b7 rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "theory" . + +_:b8 rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "performance" . + +_:b5 rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "user interfaces" . + +_:b1 rdf:type ctag:AutoTag ; + ctag:label "interaction techniques" . diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/viso-bibliography.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/viso-bibliography.ttl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5186d1c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/bibliography/viso-bibliography.ttl @@ -0,0 +1,2656 @@ +@prefix address: . +@prefix bibo: . +@prefix dct: . +@prefix foaf: . +@prefix owl: . +@prefix rdf: . +@prefix rdfs: . +@prefix viso-bibliography: . +@prefix xsd: . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "Comparing task models for user interface design"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Limbourg"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Vanderdonckt"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi ""^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "135–154"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:uri "http://dx.doi.org/"^^xsd:string . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Plaisant , viso-bibliography:Schneiderman ; + dct:date "1998"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue6 ; + dct:title "Designing the user interface: strategies for effective human-computer interaction" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Schneiderman"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Plaisant"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1002/asi.21215" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Designing the user interface" ; + bibo:uri "http://kbpublisher.gu-scs.com/kb_file/MPTM642%20-%20Summer%202011%20-%20Human%20Computer%20Interaction.pdf" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Zhang ; + dct:date "1996"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "A representational analysis of relational information displays" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Zhang" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1006/ijhc.1996.0042" ; + bibo:pages "59-74" ; + bibo:uri "http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=238922" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Book ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Ambros , viso-bibliography:Bierz , viso-bibliography:Fikkert , viso-bibliography:Jankun-Kelly ; + dct:date "2007-07"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "Interacting with Visualizations"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Fikkert"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Ambros"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_3 "Bierz"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_4 "Jankun-Kelly"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1201/9781420088861.fmatt"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:isbn "978-3-540-71948-9"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:issn "0302-9743"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pageEnd "162"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pageStart "77"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:producer viso-bibliography:Springer ; + bibo:shortDescription + "In human-media interactions, visualizations occur in a large variety of forms. However, they remain but a single form of possible feedback towards a user. In this chapter it is argued that human-centered visualization is a fundamental part of human-media interaction and vice versa. To that end, the focus in this chapter lies first on the more general topic of interaction research, thus providing a solid literary ground for the rest of this chapter (Section 3.1). In Section 3.2 the focus shifts towards the question how a display technology influences the way(s) in which interaction with visualization takes place. This path is then broadened in Section 3.3 by focusing on approaches towards interacting multimodally with visualizations. To that end a chronological overview of developments in that field is given, thus providing an insight of trends and required steps in realizing multimodal interactions. Also, future work in this field is deducted from literature and those development trends. Fourthly, Section 3.4 describes the issues at hand for effectively applying visualizations in group-based collaborative and distributed environments. The aim in this chapter is to provide an overview of developments and the current state-of-the-art of approaches in which visualization supports the human-machine interaction process and vice versa. For that, this chapter is finalized with a short summary of issues to deal with while designing interaction for visualization. In addition current and future challenges in interacting with visualizations will be discussed."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:volume "4417/2007"^^xsd:string . + + + rdf:type bibo:BookSection ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Bezold ; + dct:date "2009"^^xsd:string ; + dct:publisher viso-bibliography:Houben , viso-bibliography:McCalla , viso-bibliography:Pianesi , viso-bibliography:Zancanaro ; + dct:title "Describing User Interactions in Adaptive Interactive Systems"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Bezold"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1007/978-3-642-02247-0_16"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:isbn "978-3-642-02246-3 "^^xsd:string , "978-3-642-02247-0"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pageEnd "161"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pageStart "150"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:producer viso-bibliography:Springer ; + bibo:shortDescription + "the description of the user-system interaction plays a crucial role in adaptive interactive systems, since the adaptations depend on this description. user actions in interactive systems can be described as a sequence of events, which are created by input through input devices as well as by the system as reactions to these inputs. an interactive system can observe these events and thus extract information about the users behavior. this paper presents a two-step approach for describing user behavior from sequences of basic events. first, user actions are recognized in the sequence of interaction events by means of previously trained probabilistic automata. second, a task model describes the higher-level user activity as a hierarchical composition of these actions. different kinds of adaptive support can be derived from this description of user behavior, such as recommending next interaction steps to the user."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:volume "5535"^^xsd:string . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Lodha , viso-bibliography:Pang , viso-bibliography:Wittenbrink ; + dct:date "1997"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue3 ; + dct:title "Approaches to uncertainty visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Pang" ; + rdf:_2 "Wittenbrink" ; + rdf:_3 "Lodha" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1007/s003710050111" ; + bibo:pages "370-390" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.springerlink.com/content/adm01gwambwp9g15/" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "The Attribute Explorer is a visualization tool in which the graphical and interactive presentation of data supports the human acquisition of insight into that data. The underlying concept employed is that of interactive linked histograms. The advantage of the Attribute Explorer derives from its ability to support both qualitative exploration and quantitative design decisions, as well as a smooth transition between these two activities."^^xsd:string ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Spence , viso-bibliography:Tweedie ; + dct:date "1998-12-15"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "The Attribute Explorer: information synthesis via exploration" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Spence" ; + rdf:_2 "Tweedie" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1016/S0953-5438(98)00022-8"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "137-146" ; + bibo:shortTitle "The Attribute Explorer" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0953543898000228" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "

This paper firstly reviews the related visualization taxonomies, and discusses the need for ontology for visualization. It then presents the design of the ontology for visualization, which aims to provide more semantics for the discovery of visualization services, and gives the detailed description of the ontology's components. In the end, the paper illustrates how to use the ontology in the portal for discovery visualization services, which is being developed.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Avis , viso-bibliography:Rana , viso-bibliography:Shu ; + dct:date "2008"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue14 ; + dct:title "Bringing semantics to visualization services" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Shu" ; + rdf:_2 "Avis" ; + rdf:_3 "Rana" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1016/j.advengsoft.2007.03.016"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "514-520" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965997807001019" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "

This paper firstly reviews the related visualization taxonomies, and discusses the need for ontology for visualization. It then presents the design of the ontology for visualization, which aims to provide more semantics for the discovery of visualization services, and gives the detailed description of the ontology's components. In the end, the paper illustrates how to use the ontology in the portal for discovery visualization services, which is being developed.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Sun , viso-bibliography:Wang ; + dct:date "2008"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue14 ; + dct:title "A Semantic Web Environment for Components"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Sun"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Wang"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1017/S0269888909000137"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pages "59-75"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:shortDescription + "Component-based development (CBD) has become an important emerging topic in the software engineering field. It promises long-sought-after benefits such as increased software reuse, reduced development time to market and, hence, reduced software production cost. Despite the huge potential, the lack of reasoning support and development environment of component modeling and verification may hinder its development. Methods and tools that can support component model analysis are highly appreciated by industry. Such a tool support should be fully automated as well as efficient. At the same time, the reasoning tool should scale up well as it may need to handle hundreds or even thousands of components that a modern software system may have. Furthermore, a distributed environment that can effectively manage and compose components is also desirable. In this paper, we present an approach to the modeling and verification of a newly proposed component model using Semantic Web languages and their reasoning tools. We use the Web Ontology Language and the Semantic Web Rule Language to precisely capture the inter-relationships and constraints among the entities in a component model. Semantic Web reasoning tools are deployed to perform automated analysis support of the component models. Moreover, we also proposed a service-oriented architecture (SOA)-based semantic web environment for CBD. The adoption of Semantic Web services and SOA make our component environment more reusable, scalable, dynamic and adaptive."^^xsd:string ; + bibo:uri "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965997807001019" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Pignataro ; + dct:date "2008"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue7 ; + dct:title "Information Visualization: Design for Interaction" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Pignataro" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1057/palgrave.ivs.9500181" ; + bibo:pages "170-171" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Information Visualization" ; + bibo:uri "https://secure.palgrave-journals.com/ivs/journal/v7/n2/full/9500181a.html" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "Abstract—Never before in history has data been generated at such high volumes as it is today. Exploring and analyzing the vast volumes of data is becoming increasingly difficult. Information visualization and visual data mining can help to deal with the flood of information. The advantage of visual data exploration is that the user is directly involved in the data mining process. There are a large number of information visualization techniques which have been developed over the last decade to support the exploration of large data sets. In this paper, we propose a classification of information visualization and visual data mining techniques which is based on the data type to be visualized, the visualization technique, and the interaction and distortion technique. We exemplify the classification using a few examples, most of them referring to techniques and systems presented in this special section." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Keim ; + dct:date "2002"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue8 ; + dct:title "Information Visualization and Visual Data Mining" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Keim" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/2945.981847" ; + bibo:pages "1-8" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/2945.981847" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "

Vista is a knowledge-based system that helps scientists design
visualization techniques. It generates a technique for a given data set
and lets users modify the design interactively using a compositional
design methodology. To ensure the effectiveness of its designs, Vista
uses many rules, mostly heuristic in nature, that were acquired through
literature surveys and discussions with visualization experts. In
general, Vista's design was based on research in graphical perception.
It extends the design methodology of Automatic Presentation Tool (APT)
(J.D. Mckinlay, 1986), a presentation tool for 2D graphics, to three
dimensions. While Vista's primary function is to automatically generate
an effective visualization technique design for a given data set, it
also allows users to interactively modify this design and renders the
resulting image using a variety of rendering algorithms

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Ignatius , viso-bibliography:Senay ; + dct:date "1994"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue1 ; + dct:title "A knowledge-based system for visualization design" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Senay" ; + rdf:_2 "Ignatius" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/38.329093" ; + bibo:pages "36-47" ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=329093" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "

The process of matching the type of information of interest with
the ability of the different representation properties to convey this
information is formalized in a generic framework. Visualization
approaches are discussed, and the natural scene paradigm on which the
methodology for choosing a representation is based is described. Data
types and interpretation aims are explored. The use of the paradigm, the
matching process, and implementation and display of the representation
are described. The advantages of the methodology over ad hoc display
approaches are examined

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Robertson ; + dct:date "1991"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue17 ; + dct:title "A methodology for choosing data representations" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Robertson" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/38.79454" ; + bibo:pages "56-67" ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=79454" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "

We present a coordination model for exploratory multiview visualization. We base our work on current research in exploratory visualization and other disciplines. Our model is based on sharing abstract objects such as the visualization parameters of the dataflow model to achieve coordinated exploratory tasks in multiple views. This model describes how current coordinations in exploratory visualization work and allows novel coordinations to be constructed.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Boukhelifa , viso-bibliography:Roberts , viso-bibliography:Rodgers ; + dct:date "2003"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "A coordination model for exploratory multiview visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Boukhelifa" ; + rdf:_2 "Roberts" ; + rdf:_3 "Rodgers" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/CMV.2003.1215005" ; + bibo:pages "76-85" ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:International_Conference_on_Coordinated_and_Multiple_Views_in_Exploratory_Visualization_2003 ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1215005" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "

This paper presents a visual modeling notation for use in planning globally distributed requirements engineering projects. An underlying meta-model defines the elements of the modeling language, including site locations, stakeholder roles, communication flows, critical documents, and supporting tools and repositories. The modeling notation is motivated through the findings of eight in-depth interviews with requirements analysts who had worked on requirements elicitation, analysis, and specification tasks in globally distributed projects. We illustrate the modeling notation with examples drawn from telecommunications, video gaming, retail, and consulting projects. Based on a set of recurring problems and best practices identified in our interviews, the models are then analyzed, and specific recommendations are made to mitigate the identified risks.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Cleland-Huang , viso-bibliography:Laurent , viso-bibliography:Maeder , viso-bibliography:Steele ; + dct:date "2010"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:proceedings5 ; + dct:title "A Taxonomy and Visual Notation for Modeling Globally Distributed Requirements Engineering Projects" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Laurent" ; + rdf:_2 "Mäder" ; + rdf:_3 "Cleland-Huang" ; + rdf:_4 "Steele" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/ICGSE.2010.55" ; + bibo:pages "35-44" ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:IEEE_International_Conference_on_Global_Software_Engineering_2010 . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "

Interactive techniques are powerful tools for manipulating
visualizations to analyze, communicate and acquire information. This is
especially true for large data sets or complex 3D visualizations.
Although many new types of interaction have been introduced recently,
very little work has been done on understanding what their components
are, how they are related and how they can be combined. This paper
begins to address these issues with a framework for classifying
interactive visualizations. Our goal is a framework that will enable us
to develop toolkits for assembling visualization interfaces both
interactively and automatically

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Chuah , viso-bibliography:Roth ; + dct:date "1996"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "On the semantics of interactive visualizations" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Chuah" ; + rdf:_2 "Roth" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/INFVIS.1996.559213" ; + bibo:pages "29-36" ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:IEEE_Symposium_on_Information_Visualization_1996 ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=559213" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "Information visualization encounters a wide variety of different data domains. The visualization community has developed representation methods and interactive techniques. As a community, we have realized that the requirements in each domain are often dramatically different. In order to easily apply existing methods, researchers have developed a semiology of graphic representations. We have extended this research into a framework that includes operators and interactions in visualization systems, such as a visualization spreadsheet. We discuss properties of this framework and use it to characterize operations spanning a variety of different visualization techniques. The framework developed in this paper enables a new way of exploring and evaluating the design space of visualization operators, and helps end--users in their analysis tasks." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Chi , viso-bibliography:Riedl ; + dct:date "1998"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "An Operator Interaction Framework for Visualization Systems" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Chi" ; + rdf:_2 "Riedl" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/INFVIS.1998.729560" ; + bibo:pages "63" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/INFVIS.1998.729560" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "

In previous work, researchers have attempted to construct
taxonomies of information visualization techniques by examining the data
domains that are compatible with these techniques. This is useful
because implementers can quickly identify various techniques that can be
applied to their domain of interest. However, these taxonomies do not
help the implementers understand how to apply and implement these
techniques. The author extends and proposes a new way to taxonomize
information visualization techniques by using the Data State Model (E.H.
Chi and J.T. Reidl, 1998). In fact, as the taxonomic analysis in the
paper will show, many of the techniques share similar operating steps
that can easily be reused. The paper shows that the Data State Model not
only helps researchers understand the space of design, but also helps
implementers understand how information visualization techniques can be
applied more broadly

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Chi ; + dct:date "2000"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:proceedings3 ; + dct:title "A taxonomy of visualization techniques using the data state reference model" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Chi" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/INFVIS.2000.885092" ; + bibo:pages "69-75" ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:IEEE_Symposium_on_Information_Visualization_2000 ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=885092" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "We present a novel high-level visualization taxonomy. Our taxonomy classifies visualization algorithms rather than data. Algorithms are categorized based on the assumptions they make about the data being visualized; we call this set of assumptions the design model. Because our taxonomy is based on design models, it is more flexible than existing taxonomies and considers the user's conceptual model, emphasizing the human aspect of visualization. Design models are classified according to whether they are discrete or continuous and by how much the algorithm designer chooses display attributes such as spatialization, timing, colour, and transparency. This novel approach provides an alternative view of the visualization field that helps explain how traditional divisions (e.g., information and scientific visualization) relate and overlap, and that may inspire research ideas in hybrid visualization areas." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Moeller , viso-bibliography:Tory ; + dct:date "2004"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "Rethinking Visualization: A High-Level Taxonomy" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Tory" ; + rdf:_2 "Möller" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/INFVIS.2004.59" ; + bibo:pages "151-158" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Rethinking Visualization" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/INFVIS.2004.59" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "

Existing system level taxonomies of visualization tasks are geared more towards the design of particular representations than the facilitation of user analytic activity. We present a set of ten low level analysis tasks that largely capture people's activities while employing information visualization tools for understanding data. To help develop these tasks, we collected nearly 200 sample questions from students about how they would analyze five particular data sets from different domains. The questions, while not being totally comprehensive, illustrated the sheer variety of analytic questions typically posed by users when employing information visualization systems. We hope that the presented set of tasks is useful for information visualization system designers as a kind of common substrate to discuss the relative analytic capabilities of the systems. Further, the tasks may provide a form of checklist for system designers.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Amar , viso-bibliography:Eagan , viso-bibliography:Stasko ; + dct:date "2005"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "Low-level components of analytic activity in information visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Amar" ; + rdf:_2 "Eagan" ; + rdf:_3 "Stasko" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/INFVIS.2005.1532136" ; + bibo:pages "111-117" ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:IEEE_Symposium_on_Information_Visualization_2005 ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1532136" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "

Classifications of visualization are often based on technical criteria, and leave out artistic ways of visualizing information. Understanding the differences between information visualization and other forms of visual communication provides important insights into the way the field works, though, and also shows the path to new approaches. We propose a classification of several types of information visualization based on aesthetic criteria. The notions of artistic and pragmatic visualization are introduced, and their properties discussed. Finally, the idea of visualization criticism is proposed, and its rules are laid out. Visualization criticism bridges the gap between design, art, and technical/pragmatic information visualization. It guides the view away from implementation details and single mouse clicks to the meaning of a visualization.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Kosara ; + dct:date "2007"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "Visualization Criticism - The Missing Link Between Information Visualization and Art" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Kosara" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/IV.2007.130" ; + bibo:pages "631-636" ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:International_Conference_Information_Visualization_2007 ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4272046&tag=1" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "Previous research has shown that Alphasliders are an effective tool for searching an alphabetically sorted list when only limited screen space is available for the graphical user interface. To improve user satisfaction, we propose equipping the widget with a novel text filter to dynamically limit the slider range. In this way, users are supported in locating target items and in identifying records that are missing. The results of a comparative user evaluation run on a Personal Digital Assistant showed that 8 out of 12 participants preferred the filter widget to the classic interface. We further suggest an enhanced Alphaslider design to speed up user interaction." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Buring , viso-bibliography:Gerken , viso-bibliography:Reiterer ; + dct:date "2007"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "Dynamic Text Filtering for Improving the Usability of Alphasliders on Small Screens" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Buring" ; + rdf:_2 "Gerken" ; + rdf:_3 "Reiterer" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/IV.2007.43" ; + bibo:pages "145-149" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/IV.2007.43" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "

Is it necessary to continue to define a difference between information and scientific visualization? Is the determined need for these differences creating confusion rather than helping investigators understand how to effectively apply visual display techniques to data and information? The author considers how cartographic and geographic information techniques seem to span both scientific and information visualization. She discusses the future directions in bioinformatics visualization.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Rhyne ; + dct:date "2003"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue10 ; + dct:title "Does the difference between information and scientific visualization really matter?" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Rhyne" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/MCG.2003.1198256" ; + bibo:pages "6-8" ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1198256" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "

Visualizers, like logicians, have long been concerned with meaning. Generalizing from MacEachren's overview of cartography, visualizers have to think about how people extract meaning from pictures (psychophysics), what people understand from a picture (cognition), how pictures are imbued with meaning (semiotics), and how in some cases that meaning arises within a social and/or cultural context. If we think of the communication acts carried out in the visualization process further levels of meaning are suggested. Visualization begins when someone has data that they wish to explore and interpret; the data are encoded as input to a visualization system, which may in its turn interact with other systems to produce a representation. This is communicated back to the user(s), who have to assess this against their goals and knowledge, possibly leading to further cycles of activity. Each phase of this process involves communication between two parties. For this to succeed, those parties must share a common language with an agreed meaning. We offer the following three steps, in increasing order of formality: terminology (jargon), taxonomy (vocabulary), and ontology. Our argument in this article is that it's time to begin synthesizing the fragments and views into a level 3 model, an ontology of visualization. We also address why this should happen, what is already in place, how such an ontology might be constructed, and why now.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Brodlie , viso-bibliography:Duce , viso-bibliography:Duke , viso-bibliography:Herman ; + dct:date "2005"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue9 ; + dct:title "Do you see what I mean? [Data visualization]" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Duke" ; + rdf:_2 "Brodlie" ; + rdf:_3 "Duce" ; + rdf:_4 "Herman" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/MCG.2005.55" ; + bibo:pages "6-9" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Do you see what I mean?" ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1438250" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "

The top 10 unsolved problems list described in this article is a revised and extended version of information visualization problems. These problems are not necessarily imposed by technical barriers, rather, they are problems that might hinder the growth of information visualization as a field. The first three problems highlight issues from a user-centered perspective. The fifth, sixth, and seventh problems are technical challenges in nature. The last three are the ones that need tackling at the disciplinary level. The author broadly defines information visualization as visual representations of the semantics, or meaning, of information. In contrast to scientific visualization, information visualization typically deals with nonnumeric, nonspatial, and high-dimensional data.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Chen_C ; + dct:date "2005"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue12 ; + dct:title "Top 10 unsolved information visualization problems" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Chen" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/MCG.2005.91" ; + bibo:pages "12-16" ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1463074" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "

This paper introduces recent advances in research on 3D shape
ontologies. The purpose of shape ontologies is to formalize the
characteristics of 3D geometric primitives so as to bridge the gap
between knowledge-level representation of shapes in the human mind and
their low-level computer graphics representations. In the formalizations
described in this paper, an intermediate symbolic representation in the
form of implicit, parametric functions is used for this purpose. With
this intermediate level representation of shape knowledge it becomes
possible to interactively change the “meaning” of a
primitive by transforming its parametric space according to information
extracted from natural language and/or hand gestures. Furthermore,
“meaningful” hierarchical combinations of shapes into
complex shapes also becomes possible because they can also be
parameterized and thus formalized

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Abe , viso-bibliography:Kishino , viso-bibliography:Tijerino , viso-bibliography:Yoshida ; + dct:date "1995"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:proceedings2 ; + dct:title "A shape knowledge representation scheme and its application on a multi-modal interface for a virtual space teleconferencing system" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Tijerino" ; + rdf:_2 "Yoshida" ; + rdf:_3 "Abe" ; + rdf:_4 "Kishino" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/ROMAN.1995.531969" ; + bibo:pages "259-264" ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:IEEE_International_Workshop_on_Robot_and_Human_Communication_1995 ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=531969" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "This paper describes the integration of perceptual guidelines from human vision with an AI-based mixed-initiative search strategy. The result is a visualization assistant called ViA, a system that collaborates with its users to identify perceptually salient visualizations for large, multidimensional datasets. ViA applies knowledge of low-level human vision to: (1) evaluate the effectiveness of a particular visualization for a given dataset and analysis tasks; and (2) rapidly direct its search towards new visualizations that are most likely to offer improvements over those seen to date. Context, domain expertise, and a high-level understanding of a dataset are critical to identifying effective visualizations. We apply a mixed-initiative strategy that allows ViA and its users to share their different strengths and continually improve ViA's understanding of a user's preferences. We visualize historical weather conditions to compare ViA's search strategy to exhaustive analysis, simulated annealing, and reactive tabu search, and to measure the improvement provided by mixed-initiative interaction. We also visualize intelligent agents competing in a simulated online auction to evaluate ViA's perceptual guidelines. Results from each study are positive, suggesting that ViA can construct high-quality visualizations for a range of real-world datasets." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Amant , viso-bibliography:Healey , viso-bibliography:Kocherlakota , viso-bibliography:Mehta , viso-bibliography:Rao ; + dct:date "2007"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "Visual Perception and Mixed-Initiative Interaction for Assisted Visualization Design" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Healey" ; + rdf:_2 "Kocherlakota" ; + rdf:_3 "Rao" ; + rdf:_4 "Mehta" ; + rdf:_5 "Amant" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70436" ; + bibo:pages "396-411" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "

Even though interaction is an important part of information visualization (Infovis), it has garnered a relatively low level of attention from the Infovis community. A few frameworks and taxonomies of Infovis interaction techniques exist, but they typically focus on low-level operations and do not address the variety of benefits interaction provides. After conducting an extensive review of Infovis systems and their interactive capabilities, we propose seven general categories of interaction techniques widely used in Infovis: 1) Select, 2) Explore, 3) Reconfigure, 4) Encode, 5) Abstract/Elaborate, 6) Filter, and 7) Connect. These categories are organized around a user's intent while interacting with a system rather than the low-level interaction techniques provided by a system. The categories can act as a framework to help discuss and evaluate interaction techniques and hopefully lay an initial foundation toward a deeper understanding and a science of interaction.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Jacko , viso-bibliography:Ji_Soo_Yi , viso-bibliography:Stasko , viso-bibliography:Youn_ah_Kang ; + dct:date "2007"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue11 ; + dct:title "Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Ji_Soo_Yi"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Youn_ah_Kang"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_3 "Stasko"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_4 "Jacko"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70515" ; + bibo:pages "1224-1231" ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4376144" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "Insight provenance - a historical record of the process and rationale by which an insight is derived - is an essential requirement in many visual analytics applications. While work in this area has relied on either manually recorded provenance (e.g., user notes) or automatically recorded event-based insight provenance (e.g., clicks, drags, and key-presses), both approaches have fundamental limitations. Our aim is to develop a new approach that combines the benefits of both approaches while avoiding their deficiencies. Toward this goal, we characterize userspsila visual analytic activity at multiple levels of granularity. Moreover, we identify a critical level of abstraction, Actions, that can be used to represent visual analytic activity with a set of general but semantically meaningful behavior types. In turn, the action types can be used as the semantic building blocks for insight provenance. We present a catalog of common actions identified through observations of several different visual analytic systems. In addition, we define a taxonomy to categorize actions into three major classes based on their semantic intent. The concept of actions has been integrated into our labpsilas prototype visual analytic system, HARVEST, as the basis for its insight provenance capabilities."^^xsd:string ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Gotz , viso-bibliography:Zhou ; + dct:date "2008"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "Characterizing users’ visual analytic activity for insight provenance"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Gotz"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Zhou"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/VAST.2008.4677365"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:isbn "978-1-4244-2935-6"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pageEnd "130"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pageStart "123"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:IEEE_Symposium_on_Visual_Analytics_Science_and_Technology_2008 ; + bibo:uri "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VAST.2008.4677365"^^xsd:string . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "The field of Visualization is getting mature. Many problems have been solved, and new directions are sought for. In order to make good choices, an understanding of the purpose and meaning of visualization is needed. Especially, it would be nice if we could assess what a good visualization is. In this paper an attempt is made to determine the value of visualization. A technological viewpoint is adopted, where the value of visualization is measured based on effectiveness and efficiency. An economic model of visualization is presented, and benefits and costs are established. Next, consequences for and limitations of visualization are discussed (including the use of alternative methods, high initial costs, subjectiveness, and the role of interaction), as well as examples of the use of the model for the judgement of existing classes of methods and understanding why they are or are not used in practice. Furthermore, two alternative views on visualization are presented and discussed: viewing visualization as an art or as a scientific discipline. Implications and future directions are identified." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Wijk ; + dct:date "2005"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "The Value of Visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Wijk" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/VIS.2005.102" ; + bibo:pages "11" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/VIS.2005.102" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "Recent activity within the UK National e-Science Programme has identified a need to establish an ontology for visualization. Motivation for this includes defining web and grid services for visualization (the ýsemantic gridý), supporting collaborative work, curation, and underpinning visualization research and education. At a preliminary meeting, members of the UK visualization community identified a skeleton for the ontology. We have started to build on this by identifying how existing work might be related and utilized. We believe that the greatest challenge is reaching a consensus within the visualization community itself. This poster is intended as one step in this process, setting out the perceived needs for the ontology, and sketching initial directions. It is hoped that this will lead to debate, feedback and involvement across the community." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Brodlie , viso-bibliography:Duce , viso-bibliography:Duke ; + dct:date "2004"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "Building an Ontology of Visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Duke" ; + rdf:_2 "Brodlie" ; + rdf:_3 "Duce" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/VISUAL.2004.10" ; + bibo:pages "598.7–" ; + bibo:uri "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VISUAL.2004.10" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "

A useful starting point for designing advanced graphical user
interfaces is the visual information seeking Mantra: overview first,
zoom and filter, then details on demand. But this is only a starting
point in trying to understand the rich and varied set of information
visualizations that have been proposed in recent years. The paper offers
a task by data type taxonomy with seven data types (one, two, three
dimensional data, temporal and multi dimensional data, and tree and
network data) and seven tasks (overview, zoom, filter,
details-on-demand, relate, history, and extracts)

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Schneiderman ; + dct:date "1996"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "The eyes have it: a task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Schneiderman"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/VL.1996.545307" ; + bibo:pages "336-343" ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:IEEE_Symposium_on_Visual_Languages_1996 ; + bibo:shortTitle "The eyes have it" ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=545307" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "Although recorded demonstrations (screen capture animations with narration) have become a popular form of instruction for user interfaces, little work has been done to describe guidelines for their design. Based on our experience in several projects, we offer a starting set of guidelines for the design of visually appealing and cognitively effective recorded demonstrations. Technical guidelines encourage users to keep file sizes small, strive for universal usability, and ensure user control etc. and provide tips to achieve those goals. Content guidelines include: create short demonstrations that focus on tasks, highlight each step with auditory and visual cues, synchronize narration and animation carefully, and create demonstrations with a clear beginning, middle, and end." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Plaisant , viso-bibliography:Schneiderman ; + dct:date "2005"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "Show Me! Guidelines for Producing Recorded Demonstrations" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Plaisant"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Schneiderman"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/VLHCC.2005.57" ; + bibo:pages "171-178" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/VLHCC.2005.57" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "

A great challenge in information visualization today is to provide models and software that effectively integrate the graphics content of scenes with domain-specific knowledge so that the users can effectively query, interpret, personalize and manipulate the visualized information [1]. Moreover, it is important that the intelligent visualization applications are interoperable in the semantic web environment and thus, require that the models and software supporting them integrate state-of-the-art international standards for knowledge representation, graphics and multimedia. In this paper, we present a model, a methodology and a software framework for the semantic web (Intelligent 3D Visualization Platform - I3DVP) for the development of interoperable intelligent visualization applications that support the coupling of graphics and virtual reality scenes with domain knowledge of different domains. The graphics content and the semantics of the scenes are married into a consistent and cohesive ontological model while at the same time knowledge- based techniques for the querying, manipulation, and semantic personalization of the scenes are introduced. We also provide methods for knowledge driven information visualization and visualization- aided decision making based on inference by reasoning.

" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Christodoulakis , viso-bibliography:Kalogerakis , viso-bibliography:Moumoutzis ; + dct:date "2006"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "Coupling Ontologies with Graphics Content for Knowledge Driven Visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Kalogerakis" ; + rdf:_2 "Christodoulakis" ; + rdf:_3 "Moumoutzis" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1109/VR.2006.41" ; + bibo:pages "43-50" ; + bibo:presentedAt viso-bibliography:Virtual_Reality_Conference_2006 ; + bibo:uri "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1667625" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Chen_M , viso-bibliography:Gilson , viso-bibliography:Grant , viso-bibliography:Silva ; + dct:date "2008"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue2 ; + dct:title "From Web Data to Visualization via Ontology Mapping" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Gilson" ; + rdf:_2 "Silva" ; + rdf:_3 "Grant" ; + rdf:_4 "Chen" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1111/j.1467-8659.2008.01230.x" ; + bibo:pages "959-966" ; + bibo:uri "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2008.01230.x/full" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Stevens ; + dct:date "1946"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "On the Theory of Scales of Measurement" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Stevens" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1126/science.103.2684.677" ; + bibo:pages "677 -680" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.sciencemag.org/content/103/2684/677.short" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "Our goal is to define a list of tasks for graph visualization that has enough detail and specificity to be useful to: 1) designers who want to improve their system and 2) to evaluators who want to compare graph visualization systems. In this paper, we suggest a list of tasks we believe are commonly encountered while analyzing graph data. We define graph specific objects and demonstrate how all complex tasks could be seen as a series of low-level tasks performed on those objects. We believe that our taxonomy, associated with benchmark datasets and specific tasks, would help evaluators generalize results collected through a series of controlled experiments." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Fekete , viso-bibliography:Henry , viso-bibliography:Lee , viso-bibliography:Parr , viso-bibliography:Plaisant ; + dct:date "2006"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:source "Venice, Italy" ; + dct:title "Task taxonomy for graph visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Lee" ; + rdf:_2 "Plaisant" ; + rdf:_3 "Parr" ; + rdf:_4 "Fekete" ; + rdf:_5 "Henry" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/1168149.1168168" ; + bibo:pages "1–5" ; + bibo:uri "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1168168" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "VisIOn (Interactive Visualization Ontology) is a web application designed to categorize and store information about Software Visualization (SV) systems, in a way that can be easily searched and used for comparison. VisIOn will allow users and developers to quickly find systems related to their needs or interests. Also, this site will serve as a collection point for information about SV tools through which developers can disseminate their work and make it available to their target community in a timely manner. VisIOn incorporates attributes identified in earlier taxonomies but emphasizes the notion of effectiveness. In the context of Software Visualization, we define effectiveness as how well a system can be used by an SV designer to communicate information to the SV viewer. In developing an SV ontology, we seek to clarify the meaning of effectiveness in the SV domain and to reconcile the terminology introduced in various SV taxonomy papers. In related work, we are conducting studies that we hope will help reduce some of the subjectivity and difficulty involved in rating the effectiveness of SV systems and of visualizations created using these systems." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Kraemer , viso-bibliography:Reed , viso-bibliography:Rhodes ; + dct:date "2006"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:source "Melbourne, Florida" ; + dct:title "VisIOn: an interactive visualization ontology" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Rhodes" ; + rdf:_2 "Kraemer" ; + rdf:_3 "Reed" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/1185448.1185538" ; + bibo:pages "405–410" ; + bibo:shortTitle "VisIOn" ; + bibo:uri "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1185538" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Giannopoulou , viso-bibliography:Halatsis , viso-bibliography:Katifori , viso-bibliography:Lepouras , viso-bibliography:Vassilakis ; + dct:date "2007"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue15 ; + dct:title "Ontology visualization methods---a survey" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Katifori" ; + rdf:_2 "Halatsis" ; + rdf:_3 "Lepouras" ; + rdf:_4 "Vassilakis" ; + rdf:_5 "Giannopoulou" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/1287620.1287621" ; + bibo:pages "10-es" ; + bibo:uri "http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1287621" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract """Christopher Ahlberg + + + + No contact information provided yet. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bibliometrics: publication history + + + + Publication years1992-2001 + + + + Publication count17 + + + + Citation Count524 + + + + Available for download12 + + + + + Downloads (6 Weeks)70 + + + + Downloads (12 Months)744 + + + + + + + + + + + + View colleagues of Christopher Ahlberg + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Ben Shneiderman + + homepage + + bencs.umd.edu + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bibliometrics: publication history + + + + Publication years1971-2011 + + + + Publication count334 + + + + Citation Count5,178 + + + + Available for download181 + + + + + Downloads (6 Weeks)1,610 + + + + Downloads (12 Months)14,744 + + + + + + + + + + + + View colleagues of Ben Shneiderman""" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Ahlberg , viso-bibliography:Schneiderman ; + dct:date "1994 "^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:source "Boston, Massachusetts, United States" ; + dct:title "Visual information seeking: tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Ahlberg"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Schneiderman"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/191666.191775" ; + bibo:pages "313–317" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Visual information seeking" ; + bibo:uri "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=191775" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "Computer sliders are a generic user input mechanism for specifying a numeric value from a range. For data visualization, the effectiveness of sliders may be increased by using the space inside the slider as• an interactive color scale,• a barplot for discrete data, and• a density plot for continuous data.The idea is to show the selected values in relation to the data and its distribution. Furthermore, the selection mechanism may be generalized using a painting metaphor to specify arbitrary, disconnected intervals while maintaining an intuitive user-interface." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Eick ; + dct:date "1994"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:source "Marina del Rey, California, United States" ; + dct:title "Data visualization sliders" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Eick" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/192426.192472" ; + bibo:pages "119–120" ; + bibo:uri "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=192472" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:abstract "The goal of the research described in this paper is to develop an application-independent presentation tool that automatically designs effective graphical presentations (such as bar charts, scatter plots, and connected graphs) of relational information. Two problems are raised by this goal: The codification of graphic design criteria in a form that can be used by the presentation tool, and the generation of a wide variety of designs so that the presentation tool can accommodate a wide variety of information. The approach described in this paper is based on the view that graphical presentations are sentences of graphical languages. The graphic design issues are codified as expressiveness and effectiveness criteria for graphical languages. Expressiveness criteria determine whether a graphical language can express the desired information. Effectiveness criteria determine whether a graphical language exploits the capabilities of the output medium and the human visual system. A wide variety of designs can be systematically generated by using a composition algebra that composes a small set of primitive graphical languages. Artificial intelligence techniques are used to implement a prototype presentation tool called APT (A Presentation Tool), which is based on the composition algebra and the graphic design criteria." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Mackinlay ; + dct:date "April 1986"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue5 ; + dct:title "Automating the design of graphical presentations of relational information" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Mackinlay" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/22949.22950" ; + bibo:pages "110–141" ; + bibo:uri "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=22950" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract """Lisa Tweedie + + + + No contact information provided yet. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bibliometrics: publication history + + + + Publication years1994-1999 + + + + Publication count11 + + + + Citation Count110 + + + + Available for download7 + + + + + Downloads (6 Weeks)22 + + + + Downloads (12 Months)338 + + + + + + + + + + + + View colleagues of Lisa Tweedie""" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Tweedie ; + dct:date "1997"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:source "Atlanta, Georgia, United States" ; + dct:title "Characterizing interactive externalizations" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Tweedie" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/258549.258803" ; + bibo:pages "375–382" ; + bibo:uri "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=258803" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract """Michelle X. Zhou + + + + No contact information provided yet. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bibliometrics: publication history + + + + Publication years1995-2011 + + + + Publication count46 + + + + Citation Count221 + + + + Available for download30 + + + + + Downloads (6 Weeks)312 + + + + Downloads (12 Months)2,296 + + + + + + + + + + + + View colleagues of Michelle X. Zhou + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  Steven K. Feiner + + + + No contact information provided yet. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bibliometrics: publication history + + + + Publication years1981-2011 + + + + Publication count158 + + + + Citation Count2,601 + + + + Available for download85 + + + + + Downloads (6 Weeks)578 + + + + Downloads (12 Months)5,065 + + + + + + + + + + + + View colleagues of Steven K. Feiner""" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Feiner , viso-bibliography:Zhou ; + dct:date "1998"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:source "Los Angeles, California, United States" ; + dct:title "Visual task characterization for automated visual discourse synthesis" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Zhou" ; + rdf:_2 "Feiner" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/274644.274698" ; + bibo:pages "392–399" ; + bibo:uri "http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/274644.274698" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "A multiple view system uses two or more distinct views to support the investigation of a single conceptual entity. Many such systems exist, ranging from computer-aided design (CAD) systems for chip design that display both the logical structure and the actual geometry of the integrated circuit to overview-plus-detail systems that show both an overview for context and a zoomed-in-view for detail. Designers of these systems must make a variety of design decisions, ranging from determining layout to constructing sophisticated coordination mechanisms. Surprisingly, little work has been done to characterize these systems or to express guidelines for their design. Based on a workshop discussion of multiple views, and based on our own design and implementation experience with these systems, we present eight guidelines for the design of multiple view systems." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Baldonado , viso-bibliography:Kuchinsky , viso-bibliography:Woodruff ; + dct:date "2000"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:source "Palermo, Italy" ; + dct:title "Guidelines for using multiple views in information visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Wang Baldonado" ; + rdf:_2 "Woodruff" ; + rdf:_3 "Kuchinsky" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/345513.345271" ; + bibo:pages "110–119" ; + bibo:uri "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=345271" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Bade , viso-bibliography:Miksch , viso-bibliography:Schlechtweg ; + dct:date "2004"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:proceedings4 ; + dct:title "Connecting time-oriented data and information to a coherent interactive visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Bade" ; + rdf:_2 "Schlechtweg" ; + rdf:_3 "Miksch" + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1145/985692.985706" ; + bibo:pages "105–112" ; + bibo:uri "http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Book ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Jacko , viso-bibliography:Sears ; + dct:date "2009-03-03"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "Human-Computer Interaction Design Issues, Solutions, and Applications"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Sears"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Jacko"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:doi "10.1201/9781420088861.fmatt"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:isbn10 "1420088858"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:isbn13 "978-1420088854"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:numPages "382"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:shortTitle "Human-Computer Interaction"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography: + rdf:type owl:Ontology ; + rdfs:label "Bibliographie-Modul der Visualisierungsontologie (VISO)"@de , "Bibliography module of the Visualisation Ontology (VISO)"@en ; + dct:creator , , ; + dct:description "The bibliographic module of VISO stores documents and authors related to the field of visualisation that have been referenced within the quotes we stored in the annotation module in order to document the literature the ontology terms we defined are based on."^^xsd:string ; + #owl:imports ; + owl:imports ; + owl:versionInfo "0.5"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:ACM + rdf:type foaf:Organization ; + address:localityName + "New York, NY, USA" ; + foaf:name "ACM" . + +viso-bibliography:ACM_Addison-Wesley_Publishing_Co + rdf:type foaf:Organization ; + address:localityName + "New York, NY, USA" ; + foaf:name "ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co." . + +viso-bibliography:Abe + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Abe" ; + foaf:givenname "S." . + +viso-bibliography:AcademicArticle1 + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Haber , viso-bibliography:McNabb ; + dct:date "1990"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue16 ; + dct:title "Visualization idioms: A conceptual model for scientific visualization systems" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Haber" ; + rdf:_2 "McNabb" + ] ; + bibo:pages "93" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Visualization idioms" . + +viso-bibliography:AcademicArticle2 + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Alfieri ; + dct:date "2001"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "Task Models in Interactive Software Systems" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Alfieri" + ] . + +viso-bibliography:AcademicArticle3 + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Polowinski ; + dct:date "2007-08-25"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "Semi-Automatic Mapping of Structured Data to Visual Variables" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Polowinski" + ] ; + bibo:uri "http://st.inf.tu-dresden.de/semvis/papers/diploma_thesis_polowinski.pdf" . + +viso-bibliography:AcademicArticle4 + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Brodlie , viso-bibliography:Noor ; + dct:date "2007"^^xsd:string ; + dct:title "Visualization notations, models and taxonomies" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Brodlie" ; + rdf:_2 "Noor" + ] ; + bibo:pages "207–212" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/kwb/publication_repository/2007/kwnf1234.pdf" . + +viso-bibliography:AcademicArticle5 + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Haber , viso-bibliography:McNabb ; + dct:date "1990"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue16 ; + dct:title "Visualization idioms: A conceptual model for scientific visualization systems" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Haber" ; + rdf:_2 "McNabb" + ] ; + bibo:pages "93" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Visualization idioms" . + +viso-bibliography:Agent_1 + rdf:type dct:Agent . + +viso-bibliography:Ahlberg + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Ahlberg" ; + foaf:givenname "Christopher" . + +viso-bibliography:Alfieri + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Alfieri" ; + foaf:givenname "V. V" . + +viso-bibliography:Amant + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Amant" ; + foaf:givenname "Robert St." . + +viso-bibliography:Amar + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Amar" ; + foaf:givenname "R." . + +viso-bibliography:Ambros + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Ambros"^^xsd:string ; + foaf:givenname "Marco D'"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Andrienko + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Andrienko" ; + foaf:givenname "Gennady" , "Natalia" . + +viso-bibliography:Article1 + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Keim ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:proceedings1 ; + dct:title "Scaling visual analytics to very large data sets" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Keim" + ] ; + bibo:uri "http://infovis.uni-konstanz.de/events/VisAnalyticsWs05/pdf/03DanielKeim.pdf" . + +viso-bibliography:Article2 + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + rdfs:comment """{{Achtung:} {PDF} ist {2007-Ausgabe,} wurde aber nahezu unverändert, bis auf Seitenzahlen +p. 526: Filtering Widgets as Visualizations (controls consume space that is valuable) +{Keine} rechte Unterscheidung zwischen {n-Variable} Data and Vis.. Es bleibt unklar, ob mi {1-Variable} Univariate Daten gemeint sind. Er schreibt aber \"by the time we get to three dat variables\" (p. 526) Es wird auf jeden Fall keine Unterscheidung gemacht in independent/dependent variables. objects werden als input variables (also independent) angenommen, aber es wird nciht erläutert, ob diese auch mehrere Dimensionen haben können. -\\> Egal, ob independent Variable oder dependent - jede Variable kann eine Dimension des Diagramms in Anspruch nehmen. Wenn also geographische Breite und Länge variiert werden (independent) nehmen sie unter Umständen trotzdem zwei Dimensionen der Grafik in Anspruch. + }"""^^xsd:string ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Card ; + dct:date "1997"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf ; + dct:title "Information visualization"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Card"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:lccn "2092"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:numPages "181"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:pageStart "85"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Article3 + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Gangemi , viso-bibliography:Grimm , viso-bibliography:Lamparter , viso-bibliography:Oberle , viso-bibliography:Staab , viso-bibliography:Vrandecic ; + dct:date "2006"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue18 ; + dct:title "Towards ontologies for formalizing modularization and communication in large software systems"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Oberle"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_2 "Lamparter"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_3 "Grimm"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_4 "Vrandecic"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_5 "Staab"^^xsd:string ; + rdf:_6 "Gangemi"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:pages "163-202"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:uri "http://researchr.org/publication/OberleLGVSG06"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Article4 + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Paterno ; + dct:date "2006"^^xsd:string ; + dct:description "sdasd"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue18 ; + dct:title "Task Models in Interactive Software Systems"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Paterno"^^xsd:string + ] ; + bibo:uri "http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi="^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Avis + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Avis" ; + foaf:givenname "Nick J." . + +viso-bibliography:Bade + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Bade" ; + foaf:givenname "R." . + +viso-bibliography:Baldonado + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Baldonado" ; + foaf:givenname "Michelle Q Wang"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Bertin + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Bertin" ; + foaf:givenname "Jacques" . + +viso-bibliography:Bezold + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Bezold"^^xsd:string ; + foaf:givenname "Matthias"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Bierz + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Bierz"^^xsd:string ; + foaf:givenname "Torsten"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Birkhaeuser + rdf:type foaf:Organization ; + foaf:name "Birkhäuser" . + +viso-bibliography:Blandford + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Blandford" ; + foaf:givenname "Ann" . + +viso-bibliography:Boehlen + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Böhlen" ; + foaf:givenname "Michael H." . + +viso-bibliography:Boukhelifa + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Boukhelifa" ; + foaf:givenname "N." . + +viso-bibliography:Brodlie + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Brodlie" ; + foaf:givenname "K. W" . + +viso-bibliography:Buring + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Buring" ; + foaf:givenname "Thorsten" . + +viso-bibliography:Card + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Card" ; + foaf:givenname "Stuart K" . + +viso-bibliography:Chen_C + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Chen" ; + foaf:givenname "C." . + +viso-bibliography:Chen_M + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Chen" ; + foaf:givenname "M." . + +viso-bibliography:Chi + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Chi" ; + foaf:givenname "Ed H." . + +viso-bibliography:Christodoulakis + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Christodoulakis" ; + foaf:givenname "S." . + +viso-bibliography:Chuah + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Chuah" ; + foaf:givenname "M.C." . + +viso-bibliography:Cleland-Huang + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Cleland-Huang" ; + foaf:givenname "J." . + +viso-bibliography:Computation + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Computation" ; + foaf:givenname "Universiteit van Amsterdam. Institute for Logic, Language and" . + +viso-bibliography:Doherty + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Doherty" ; + foaf:givenname "Gavin" . + +viso-bibliography:Duce + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Duce" ; + foaf:givenname "D.A." . + +viso-bibliography:Duke + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Duke" ; + foaf:givenname "D. J" . + +viso-bibliography:Eagan + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Eagan" ; + foaf:givenname "J." . + +viso-bibliography:Ebert + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Ebert"^^xsd:string ; + foaf:givenname "Achim"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Eick + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Eick" ; + foaf:givenname "Stephen G" . + +viso-bibliography:Engelhardt + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Engelhardt"^^xsd:string ; + foaf:givenname "Jörg von"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Feiner + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Feiner" ; + foaf:givenname "Steven K" . + +viso-bibliography:Fekete + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Fekete" ; + foaf:givenname "Jean-Daniel" . + +viso-bibliography:Fikkert + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Fikkert"^^xsd:string ; + foaf:givenname "Wim"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Gangemi + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Gangemi"^^xsd:string ; + foaf:givenname "Aldo"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Gerken + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Gerken" ; + foaf:givenname "Jens" . + +viso-bibliography:Giannopoulou + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Giannopoulou" ; + foaf:givenname "Eugenia" . + +viso-bibliography:Gilson + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Gilson" ; + foaf:givenname "O." . + +viso-bibliography:Gotz + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Gerken" ; + foaf:givenname "David"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Grant + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Grant" ; + foaf:givenname "P.W." . + +viso-bibliography:Grimm + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Grimm"^^xsd:string ; + foaf:givenname "S."^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:Guilford_Press + rdf:type foaf:Organization ; + foaf:name "Guilford Press" . + +viso-bibliography:Haber + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Haber" ; + foaf:givenname "R. B" . + +viso-bibliography:Halatsis + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Halatsis" ; + foaf:givenname "Constantin" . + +viso-bibliography:Healey + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Healey" ; + foaf:givenname "Christopher" . + +viso-bibliography:Henry + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Henry" ; + foaf:givenname "Nathalie" . + +viso-bibliography:Herman + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Herman" ; + foaf:givenname "I." . + +viso-bibliography:Houben + rdf:type foaf:Person ; + foaf:family_name "Herman" ; + foaf:givenname "Geert-Jan"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:IEEE_Computer_Society + rdf:type foaf:Organization ; + address:localityName + "Los Alamitos, CA, USA" , "Washington, DC, USA" ; + foaf:name "IEEE Computer Society" . + +viso-bibliography:IEEE_International_Conference_on_Global_Software_Engineering_2010 + rdf:type bibo:Conference ; + dct:title "Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), 2010 5th IEEE International Conference on" . + +viso-bibliography:IEEE_International_Workshop_on_Robot_and_Human_Communication_1995 + rdf:type bibo:Conference ; + dct:title "Robot and Human Communication, 1995. 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+ rdf:_1 "Böhlen" + ] ; + bibo:isbn13 "9783540250166" ; + bibo:numPages "322" ; + bibo:shortTitle "E-government" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Book ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Andrienko ; + dct:date "2006" ; + dct:publisher viso-bibliography:Birkhaeuser ; + dct:title "Exploratory analysis of spatial and temporal data: a systematic approach" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Andrienko" ; + rdf:_2 "Andrienko" + ] ; + bibo:isbn13 "9783540259947" ; + bibo:numPages "728" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Exploratory analysis of spatial and temporal data" ; + bibo:uri "http://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=t5MGtFEl_ScC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=Exploratory+Analysis+of+Spatial+and+Temporal+Data:+A+Systematic+Approach&ots=w1ZxucoWOT&sig=q2MYXRGVzCgKCcubBOWUqcYyVZ8#v=onepage&q&f=false" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Book ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Mueller , viso-bibliography:Schumann ; + dct:date "1999-12-27" ; + dct:publisher viso-bibliography:Springer ; + dct:title "Visualisierung: Grundlagen und allgemeine Methoden" ; 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+ dct:title "Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems" ; + bibo:isbn13 "0-201-30987-4" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Proceedings ; + dct:date "2003" ; + dct:title "Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization, 2003. 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IV '07. 11th International Conference" ; + bibo:isbn13 "1550-6037" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "Computer Graphics Forum" ; + bibo:issn "01677055" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "The Visual Computer" ; + bibo:issn "01782789" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE" ; + bibo:issn "0272-1716" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "ACM Computing Surveys" ; + bibo:issn "03600300" ; + bibo:shortTitle "ACM Comput. Surv." . + + + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)" ; + bibo:issn "0730-0301" ; + bibo:shortTitle "ACM Trans. Graph." . + + + rdf:type bibo:Article ; + dct:abstract "Considers how dynamic queries allow users to \"fly through\" databases by adjusting widgets and viewing the animated results. In studies, users reacted to this approach with an enthusiasm more commonly associated with video games. Adoption requires research into retrieval and display algorithms and user-interface design. The author discusses how experts may benefit from visual interfaces because they will be able to formulate more complex queries and interpret intricate results." ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Schneiderman ; + dct:date "1994"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue13 ; + dct:title "Dynamic Queries for Visual Information Seeking" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Schneiderman" + ] ; + bibo:pages "70-77" ; + bibo:uri "http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/52.329404" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "Advances in Engineering Software" ; + bibo:issn "0965-9978" . + + + rdf:type bibo:AcademicArticle , bibo:Journal ; + dct:abstract """J. Bertin + + + + No contact information provided yet. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bibliometrics: publication history + + + + Publication years1999-1999 + + + + Publication count1 + + + + Citation Count3 + + + + Available for download0 + + + + + Downloads (6 Weeks)0 + + + + Downloads (12 Months)0 + + + + + + + + + + + + View colleagues of J. Bertin""" ; + dct:creator viso-bibliography:Bertin ; + dct:date "1999"^^xsd:string ; + dct:isPartOf viso-bibliography:Issue4 ; + dct:title "Readings in information visualization" ; + bibo:authorList + [ rdf:type rdf:Seq ; + rdf:_1 "Bertin" + ] ; + bibo:issn "1-55860-533-9" ; + bibo:pages "62–65" ; + bibo:uri "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=300679.300683" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics" , "Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on" ; + bibo:issn "1077-2626" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "Information Visualization" ; + bibo:issn "1473-8716" ; + bibo:shortTitle "Inf Vis" . + + + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "Applied Ontology"^^xsd:string ; + bibo:issn "1570-5838"^^xsd:string . + +viso-bibliography:journal1 + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "Reading, MA" . + +viso-bibliography:journal2 + rdf:type bibo:Journal ; + dct:title "Visualization in scientific computing" . + +viso-bibliography:proceedings1 + rdf:type bibo:Proceedings ; + dct:date "2005" ; + dct:title "Workshop on Visual Analytics" . + +viso-bibliography:proceedings2 + rdf:type bibo:Proceedings ; + dct:date "1995" ; + dct:title "Robot and Human Communication, 1995. RO-MAN'95 TOKYO, Proceedings., 4th IEEE International Workshop on" . + +viso-bibliography:proceedings3 + rdf:type bibo:Proceedings ; + dct:date "2000" ; + dct:title "Information Visualization, 2000. InfoVis 2000. IEEE Symposium on" . + +viso-bibliography:proceedings4 + rdf:type bibo:Proceedings ; + dct:date "2004" ; + dct:title "Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems" . + +viso-bibliography:proceedings5 + rdf:type bibo:Proceedings ; + dct:date "2010" ; + dct:title "Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), 2010 5th IEEE International Conference on" . diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/data/viso-data.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/data/viso-data.ttl index 3e0225c..7dd8e70 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/modules/data/viso-data.ttl +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/data/viso-data.ttl @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ @prefix dct: . @prefix owl: . -@prefix owl2xml: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix swstatus: . +@prefix viso-anno: . +@prefix viso-bibliography: . @prefix viso-data: . @prefix viso-graphic: . @prefix xsd: . @@ -14,7 +15,9 @@ viso-data: rdfs:label "Data module of the Visualisation Ontology (VISO)"@en , "Datenmodul der Visualisierungsontologie (VISO)"@de ; dct:creator , ; dct:description "The data module of VISO describes characteristics of data, as far as needed for visualization purposes."@en ; - owl:versionInfo "1.0"^^xsd:string . + owl:versionInfo "1.0"^^xsd:string ; + owl:imports viso-anno: , viso-bibliography: ; + . viso-data:Characteristic rdf:type owl:Class ; @@ -44,27 +47,23 @@ viso-data:Data viso-data:Data_Object rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Data Object" ; - rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ; . viso-data:Data_Schema rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Data Schema" ; - rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ; dct:description "Prescribes a data structure. Data schema is similar to data structure, however a data structure may exist without a schema that prescribes it."^^xsd:string . viso-data:Data_Structure rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Data Structure" ; rdfs:seeAlso "Data Model"^^xsd:string ; - rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-data:Data_Variable rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Data Variable" ; - rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ; dct:description "In contrast to a relation that may exist also without measuring something, a data variable stands for a variable in a measurement."^^xsd:string . viso-data:Dependent_Variable @@ -91,7 +90,6 @@ viso-data:Discrete_Variable viso-data:Domain rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Domain" ; - rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ; dct:description "A topic area of real life."^^xsd:string . viso-data:Geographical_Data @@ -151,6 +149,13 @@ viso-data:Multivariate_Data rdfs:label "Multivariate Data" ; rdfs:subClassOf viso-data:Structured_Data . +viso-data:Nominal_Data + rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Nominal Data" ; + rdfs:subClassOf viso-data:Data ; + swstatus:term_status + "stable"^^xsd:string . + viso-data:Nominal_Scale_of_Measurement rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Nominal Scale of Measurement" ; @@ -164,6 +169,13 @@ viso-data:One-Dimensional_Data rdfs:subClassOf viso-data:Data ; . +viso-data:Ordinal_Data + rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Ordinal Data" ; + rdfs:subClassOf viso-data:Data ; + swstatus:term_status + "stable"^^xsd:string . + viso-data:Ordinal_Scale_of_Measurement rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Ordinal Scale of Measurement" ; @@ -175,7 +187,7 @@ viso-data:Physical_Data rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Physical Data" ; rdfs:subClassOf viso-data:Data ; - owl:disjointWith viso-data:Semantic_Data ; + #owl:disjointWith viso-data:Semantic_Data ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . @@ -184,6 +196,13 @@ viso-data:Polyarchy rdfs:label "Polyarchy" ; rdfs:subClassOf viso-data:Graph . +viso-data:Quantitative_Data + rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Quantitative Data" ; + rdfs:subClassOf viso-data:Data ; + swstatus:term_status + "stable"^^xsd:string . + viso-data:Quantitative_Scale_of_Measurement rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Quantitative Scale of Measurement" ; @@ -211,8 +230,13 @@ viso-data:Reference viso-data:Relation rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Relation" ; - rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ; . + +viso-data:Scale_of_Measurement + rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Scale of Measurement" ; + swstatus:term_status + "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-data:Spatial_Data rdf:type owl:Class ; @@ -225,11 +249,6 @@ viso-data:Structured_Data rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Structured Data" ; rdfs:subClassOf viso-data:Data ; - rdfs:subClassOf - [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; - owl:onProperty viso-graphic:has ; - owl:someValuesFrom viso-data:Data_Structure - ] ; owl:disjointWith viso-data:Unstructured_Data . viso-data:Tabular_Data_Structure @@ -269,8 +288,7 @@ viso-data:Unstructured_Data viso-data:Value_Role rdf:type owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Value Role" ; - rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing . + rdfs:label "Value Role" . viso-data:Variable_Role rdf:type owl:Class ; @@ -279,6 +297,7 @@ viso-data:Variable_Role viso-data:has_fractional_value rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "has fractional value"^^xsd:string ; dct:description "Assigns a ratio value between 0 and 1." ; rdfs:seeAlso viso-data:has_ordinal_value ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_ratio_value ; @@ -333,23 +352,27 @@ viso-data:has_ratio_value viso-data:heterogeneous rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "heterogeneous"^^xsd:string ; dct:description "Heterogeneous means that various data structures and distributed sources may exist. The opposite is homegeneous."^^xsd:string ; rdfs:domain viso-data:Data ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean . viso-data:is_weighted rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "weighted"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:domain viso-data:Relation ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean . viso-data:planar rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ; + rdfs:label "planar"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-data:sparse rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "sparse"^^xsd:string ; dct:description "A data set is sparse with respect to a type of relation if only a few items take part in relationships of that type. A data set could be called sparse in general when this is true for many of its relation types."^^xsd:string ; rdfs:domain viso-data:Data , viso-data:Relation ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/facts/viso-facts-empiric.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/facts/viso-facts-empiric.ttl index 2486545..e4b524b 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/modules/facts/viso-facts-empiric.ttl +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/facts/viso-facts-empiric.ttl @@ -11,13 +11,16 @@ : rdf:type owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Empirical facts module of the Visualisation Ontology (VISO)"@en , "Empirische-Fakten-Modul der Visualisierungsontologie (VISO)"@de ; dct:creator , ; - dct:description """This extension to VISO/facts contains statements based on empirically found facts from experiments from the work of Mackinlay, MacEachren, Cleveland and McGill. Since, at the moment, not every statement is assigned to a publication (what could be done by reification), here a list that shows which statement is from which publication: + dct:description """This extension to VISO/facts contains statements based on empirically found facts from experiments from the work of Mackinlay, MacEachren, Cleveland and McGill. The statements contained in this module are not shown by the LODE ontology documentation software - watch the ontology source instead! + + Since, at the moment, not every statement is assigned to a publication (what could be done by reification), here a list that shows which statement is from which publication: Expressiveness: cf. property \"expresses\" Effectiveness: cf. property \"has_effectiveness_ranking_value\" -Appropriateness: cf. property \"appropriate_to_visualize\""""^^xsd:string ; +Appropriateness: cf. property \"appropriate_to_visualize\" +"""^^xsd:string ; owl:imports viso-facts: ; - owl:versionInfo "0.5"^^xsd:string . + owl:versionInfo "1.0"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:area viso-facts:has_effectiveness_ranking_for_nominal_data diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/facts/viso-facts.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/facts/viso-facts.ttl index 4b6ee75..13bcaa5 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/modules/facts/viso-facts.ttl +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/facts/viso-facts.ttl @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ @prefix swstatus: . @prefix viso-data: . @prefix viso-graphic: . +@prefix viso-anno: . @prefix xsd: . @@ -20,32 +21,33 @@ viso-facts: rdfs:label "Facts module of the Visualisation Ontology (VISO)"@en , "Fakten-Modul der Visualiserungsontologie (VISO)"@de ; dct:creator , ; dct:description "The facts module of VISO defines vocabulary for stating facts from (empiric) visualisation research. "^^xsd:string ; - owl:imports , , viso-graphic: ; + owl:imports viso-anno: , viso-graphic: ; owl:versionInfo "0.5"^^xsd:string ; skos:changeNote "Deleted \"offers_visual_value_set\", since this is does not fit the other terms and is not needed at the moment"^^xsd:string . viso-facts:Appropriateness - rdf:type viso-facts:Graphic_Design_Criteria , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdf:type viso-facts:Graphic_Design_Criterion , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; dct:description "A criteria to judge visualizations. Tradeoff between efforts required for creating a visualization and the benefits. It is used in the visualisation model of Van Wijk and calculates the total costs and overall profit of a visualisation."^^xsd:string ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string ; skos:related viso-facts:appropriate_to_visualize . viso-facts:Effectiveness - rdf:type viso-facts:Graphic_Design_Criteria , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdf:type viso-facts:Graphic_Design_Criterion , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string ; skos:related viso-facts:has_effectiveness_ranking_value . viso-facts:Expressiveness - rdf:type viso-facts:Graphic_Design_Criteria , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; + rdf:type viso-facts:Graphic_Design_Criterion , owl:NamedIndividual , owl:Thing ; dct:description "Expressiveness criteria identify graphical languages that express the desired information."^^xsd:string ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string ; skos:related viso-facts:expresses . -viso-facts:Graphic_Design_Criteria +viso-facts:Graphic_Design_Criterion rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Graphic Design Criterion"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Graphic_Thing ; dct:description "Rankings can be done for graphic design criteria such as effectiveness and expressiveness."^^xsd:string ; swstatus:term_status diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/graphic-for-rvl-codegen/viso-graphic-extra-for-codegen.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/graphic-for-rvl-codegen/viso-graphic-extra-for-codegen.ttl index b970e46..17baa76 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/modules/graphic-for-rvl-codegen/viso-graphic-extra-for-codegen.ttl +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/graphic-for-rvl-codegen/viso-graphic-extra-for-codegen.ttl @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ @prefix dct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . -@prefix owl2xml: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/graphic-for-rvl-codegen/viso-graphic-tmp-off-for-codegen.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/graphic-for-rvl-codegen/viso-graphic-tmp-off-for-codegen.ttl index 5541e45..76bcf3a 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/modules/graphic-for-rvl-codegen/viso-graphic-tmp-off-for-codegen.ttl +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/graphic-for-rvl-codegen/viso-graphic-tmp-off-for-codegen.ttl @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ @prefix dct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . -@prefix owl2xml: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/graphic/viso-graphic.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/graphic/viso-graphic.ttl index 556a83b..02445a9 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/modules/graphic/viso-graphic.ttl +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/graphic/viso-graphic.ttl @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ @prefix dct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . -@prefix owl2xml: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @@ -14,15 +13,21 @@ @prefix viso-data: . @prefix viso-facts: . @prefix viso-graphic: . +@prefix viso-anno: . +@prefix viso-bibliography: . @prefix xsd: . viso-graphic: rdf:type owl:Ontology ; - rdfs:comment "This ontology does not define preference and facts. This instance data is stored in the facts module. Stable vocabulary terms are marked with the string \"stable\" using the property term_status from the SemWeb Vocab Status ontology (http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status#term_status)."^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:comment """This ontology does not define facts. This instance data is stored in the facts/empiric module. Stable vocabulary terms are marked with the string stable using the property term_status from the SemWeb Vocab Status ontology. + + Note that individuals may currently not be represented in the docu due to a bug in the documentation software. + """^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "Grafik-Modul der Visualisierungsontologie (VISO)"@de , "Graphic module of the Visualisation Ontology (VISO)"@en ; dct:creator , ; dct:description "The graphic module of VISO defines concepts and relations from the field of graphics and visualisation."^^xsd:string ; owl:versionInfo "1.0"^^xsd:string ; + owl:imports viso-data: , viso-anno: , viso-bibliography: ; . viso-graphic:Bar_Chart @@ -33,7 +38,7 @@ viso-graphic:Bar_Chart viso-graphic:Chronological_Link_Diagram rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Chronological Link Diagram" ; - rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Link_Diagram , viso-graphic:Time_Chart ; + rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Hybrid_Graphic_Representation , viso-graphic:Link_Diagram , viso-graphic:Time_Chart ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . @@ -42,6 +47,8 @@ viso-graphic:Color rdfs:label "Color" ; rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Color_Attribute . +viso-graphic:Color_Attribute + rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Named_Visual_Attribute . viso-graphic:Containment_Relation rdf:type owl:Class ; @@ -108,20 +115,14 @@ viso-graphic:GraphicRelation dct:description "A relation between two graphic objects or an attribute that can be used to express something graphically. "^^xsd:string . -viso-graphic:Graphic_Multiple - rdf:type owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Graphic Multiple" ; - rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Multi_Panel_Display . +#viso-graphic:Graphic_Multiple +# rdf:type owl:Class ; +# rdfs:label "Graphic Multiple" ; +# rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Multi_Panel_Display . viso-graphic:Graphic_Object rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Graphic Object" ; - rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Graphic_Thing ; - rdfs:subClassOf - [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; - owl:allValuesFrom viso-graphic:Visual_Layer ; - owl:onProperty viso-graphic:belongs_to_visual_layer - ] ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . @@ -162,9 +163,9 @@ viso-graphic:Information_Landscape rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Graphic_Representation . - viso-graphic:Intended_List +viso-graphic:Indented_List rdf:type owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Intended List" ; + rdfs:label "Indented List" ; rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Primary_Graphic_Representation ; dct:description "Tree visualization like in file browser"^^xsd:string ; swstatus:term_status @@ -233,10 +234,18 @@ viso-graphic:Linking_Undirected_Relation swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . +viso-graphic:Map + rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Map"@en ; + rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Graphic_Representation ; + dct:description ; + swstatus:term_status + "stable"^^xsd:string . + viso-graphic:Path_Map rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Path Map" ; - rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Link_Diagram , viso-graphic:Map ; + rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Hybrid_Graphic_Representation , viso-graphic:Link_Diagram , viso-graphic:Map ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . @@ -270,9 +279,9 @@ viso-graphic:Primary_Graphic_Representation viso-graphic:Pure_Link_Diagram rdf:type owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Link Diagram" ; + rdfs:label "Link Diagram (pure)" ; rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Link_Diagram , viso-graphic:Primary_Graphic_Representation ; - dct:description "A link diagram is a graphic representation in which the syntactic structure consists of linking. Syntactic structures that consist of linking can be divided into linear chains, circular chains, trees, and networks."^^xsd:string ; + dct:description "A link diagram, which is not combined with other graphic representation types, i.e., that is a primary graphic representation, not a hybrid one."^^xsd:string ; swstatus:term_status "unstable"^^xsd:string . @@ -300,36 +309,56 @@ viso-graphic:Shape rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Spatial_Attribute ; . +viso-graphic:Spatial_Attribute + rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Named_Visual_Attribute . + +viso-graphic:Spatial_Reference_Object + rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Reference_Object . + +viso-graphic:Static_Graphic_Representation + rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Graphic_Representation . + viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Superimposition"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Object-to-Object_Relation ; - rdfs:subClassOf - [ rdf:type owl:Class ; - owl:intersectionOf ([ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; - owl:onProperty viso-graphic:superimposition_superimposee ; - owl:someValuesFrom viso-graphic:Graphic_Object - ] [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; - owl:allValuesFrom viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - owl:onProperty viso-graphic:superimposition_superimposee - ]) - ] ; - rdfs:subClassOf - [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; - owl:allValuesFrom xsd:float ; - owl:onProperty viso-graphic:superimposition_byPercent - ] ; - rdfs:subClassOf - [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; - owl:onProperty viso-graphic:uses ; - owl:someValuesFrom viso-graphic:Visual_Layer - ] ; dct:description ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "Trial to allow n-ary relations at the example of superimposition. X superimposes Y by Z percent."^^xsd:string . - +viso-graphic:Time_Chart + rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Time Chart"@en ; + rdfs:subClassOf viso-graphic:Graphic_Representation ; + . + +viso-graphic:Named_Visual_Attribute + rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Named Visual Attribute" ; + dct:description "Discrete named values a visual attribute may take."^^xsd:string ; + swstatus:term_status + "stable"^^xsd:string ; + skos:example "Instances: Red, Green, Blue, Big, Small, Dark, Round, ..."^^xsd:string , "Sub-classes: Color, Shape, Texture, ..."^^xsd:string ; + skos:historyNote "Values are now modeled as instances of subclasses of Named_Visual_Attribute. (E.g., \"big\" instance of \"Size\"). There is no superclass \"visual means\" anymore, since that would imply \"Red\" is a Visual Means as well which was conterintuitive. We actually only want Color to be a visual means. It was decided to create only the class \"Visual Attribute\", but no class \"Visual Attribute Value\", since its individual members are these values! Additionally there are values of continuous versions of these attributes (e.g. size = 13.45 vs. size = Big), stored as literals with the appropriate datatype. The visual attributes and relations that are used to map onto in a visual encoding mapping, are modelled as rdf:Properties. Cf. skos:related resources."^^xsd:string ; + skos:related viso-graphic:GraphicAttribute . + +viso-graphic:Visual_Value_List + rdfs:label "Visual Value List"@en ; + a rdfs:Class ; +# a owl:Class ; + swstatus:term_status + "stable"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:subClassOf rdf:List . + + +viso-graphic:Visualisation_Technique + rdf:type rdfs:Class ; + rdfs:label "Visualisation Technique"@en ; + swstatus:term_status + "stable"^^xsd:string . + + #################### #### PROPERTIES #### #################### @@ -339,19 +368,20 @@ viso-graphic:area rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; rdfs:label "area"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value , viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:color_brightness_named rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeDiscrete ; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - rdfs:label "Color brightness named"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "color brightness named"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Brightness ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_ordinal_value , viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_ordinal_value . viso-graphic:color_hsl_hue rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeContinuous , owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "color HSL hue"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute ; swstatus:term_status @@ -359,32 +389,34 @@ viso-graphic:color_hsl_hue viso-graphic:color_hsl_lightness rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeContinuous , owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "color HSL lightness"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:domain [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf (viso-graphic:Brightness viso-graphic:Color viso-graphic:Graphic_Object) ] ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value , viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:color_hsl_saturation rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeContinuous , owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "color HSL saturation"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:domain [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf (viso-graphic:Saturation viso-graphic:Color viso-graphic:Graphic_Object) ] ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value , viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:color_named rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeDiscrete ; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - rdfs:label "Color named"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "color named"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Color ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_nominal_value , viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_nominal_value . viso-graphic:color_rgb rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeContinuous , owl:DatatypeProperty ; @@ -393,26 +425,25 @@ viso-graphic:color_rgb owl:unionOf (viso-graphic:Color viso-graphic:Graphic_Object) ] ; rdfs:label "color RGB"^^xsd:string ; - rdfs:range xsd:string ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + rdfs:range xsd:string . viso-graphic:color_rgb_b rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; - rdfs:label "Color RGB Blue"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "color RGB Blue"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value ; skos:related viso-graphic:color_rgb . viso-graphic:color_rgb_g rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; - rdfs:label "Color RGB Green"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "color RGB Green"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value ; skos:related viso-graphic:color_rgb . viso-graphic:color_rgb_r rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; - rdfs:label "Color RGB Red"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "color RGB Red"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value ; skos:related viso-graphic:color_rgb . @@ -420,29 +451,44 @@ viso-graphic:color_rgb_r viso-graphic:color_saturation_named rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeDiscrete ; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - rdfs:label "Color saturation named"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "color saturation named"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Saturation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_ordinal_value , viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_ordinal_value . - viso-graphic:contained_by - rdf:type viso-graphic:BinaryGraphicO2ORelation , viso-graphic:GraphicObjectToObjectRelation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_binary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicObjectToObjectRelation , viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; + rdfs:label "contained by"@en; + rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Containment_Relation ; + rdfs:range viso-graphic:Graphic_Object . + +#viso-graphic:contained_by_binary +# rdf:type viso-graphic:BinaryGraphicO2ORelation , viso-graphic:GraphicObjectToObjectRelation ; +# rdfs:label "contained by (binary)"@en; +# rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; +# rdfs:range viso-graphic:Graphic_Object . viso-graphic:containment_containee rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + rdfs:label "containment containee"@en . viso-graphic:containment_container rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + rdfs:label "containment container"@en . viso-graphic:contains - rdf:type viso-graphic:BinaryGraphicO2ORelation , viso-graphic:GraphicObjectToObjectRelation ; + rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicObjectToObjectRelation , viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; + rdfs:label "contains"@en; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - rdfs:range viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_binary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to ; - dct:description . + rdfs:range viso-graphic:Containment_Relation ; + dct:description + . + +#viso-graphic:contains_binary +# rdf:type viso-graphic:BinaryGraphicO2ORelation ; +# rdfs:label "contains (binary)"@en; +# rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; +# rdfs:range viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; +# dct:description . viso-graphic:has_graphic_attribute rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty ; @@ -451,53 +497,51 @@ viso-graphic:has_graphic_attribute viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty ; - rdfs:label "has non-spatial graphic attribute"^^xsd:string ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_graphic_attribute . + rdfs:label "has non-spatial graphic attribute"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:labeled_with rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicObjectToObjectRelation , viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; rdfs:label "labeled with"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Labeling_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to ; viso-graphic:default_neutral_value viso-graphic:Not_Set . viso-graphic:labeling_attachedBy rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "labeling attached by"@en; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Labeling_Relation ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:GraphicObjectToObjectRelation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties ; dct:description "The graphic relation used to attach the label. (E.g. containment, linking, clustering)"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:labeling_base rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "labeling base"@en; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Labeling_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles ; dct:description "The labeled object."^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:labeling_label rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "labeling label"@en; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Labeling_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles ; dct:description "The object used as a label."^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:labeling_position rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "labeling position"@en; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Labeling_Relation ; rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties ; - dct:description "The position used to attach the label. Can be one of vg:TopRight, vg:CenterCenter, vg:BottomLeft ..."^^xsd:string . + dct:description "The position used to attach the label. Can be one of viso-graphic:TopRight, viso-graphic:CenterCenter, viso-graphic:BottomLeft ..."^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:labels rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicObjectToObjectRelation , viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; rdfs:label "labels"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Labeling_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to ; viso-graphic:default_neutral_value viso-graphic:Not_Set . viso-graphic:x_position rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeContinuous , owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "x-position"@en; rdfs:range xsd:float ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:position ; swstatus:term_status @@ -505,6 +549,7 @@ viso-graphic:labels viso-graphic:y_position rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeContinuous , owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "y-position"@en; rdfs:range xsd:float ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:position ; swstatus:term_status @@ -513,15 +558,16 @@ viso-graphic:y_position viso-graphic:linked_from rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; + # rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "linked from"@en; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Linking_Directed_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:linked_to rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; + rdfs:label "linked to"@en; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Linking_Directed_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to ; dct:description "Links one graphic object to another using a directed connector. (An n-ary relation pattern is used to model this)."^^xsd:string ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . @@ -530,7 +576,6 @@ viso-graphic:linked_with rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; rdfs:label "linked with"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Linking_Undirected_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to ; dct:description "Links two graphic objects using an undirected connector. (An n-ary relation pattern is used to model this)."^^xsd:string ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string , "unstable"^^xsd:string . @@ -539,7 +584,7 @@ viso-graphic:linkingDirected_endNode rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Linking_Directed_Relation ; rdfs:label "end node"^^xsd:string ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:linking_node , viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:linking_node ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . @@ -547,30 +592,30 @@ viso-graphic:linkingDirected_startNode rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Linking_Directed_Relation ; rdfs:label "start node"^^xsd:string ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:linking_node , viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:linking_node ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:linking_connector rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "linking connector"@en; rdfs:comment "Eventually, an extra role should be used for a directed connector to be used with Linking_Directed_Relation. However, the kind of connector can also be derived from context (e.g. existence of startNode, endNode or type of n-ary Relation)"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string ; skos:editorialNote "TMPOFF: domain should be the union of undirected or directed linking. Until supported by the code generator, the domain is completely removed here and put to the extras for codegen."^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:linking_node rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "linking node"@en; # rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Linking_Undirected_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:relatively_distant_object rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "relatively distant object"@en; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Relative_Distance_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . @@ -578,16 +623,15 @@ viso-graphic:relative_distance_to rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; rdfs:label "relative distance to"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Relative_Distance_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to ; dct:description "States the relative distance between two graphic objects in comparison to the default distance (1). (An n-ary relation pattern is used to model this)."^^xsd:string ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string , "unstable"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:relativeDistance_value rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "relative distance value"@en; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Relative_Distance_Relation ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string ; . @@ -595,56 +639,61 @@ viso-graphic:relativeDistance_value viso-graphic:shape_named rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeDiscrete ; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - rdfs:label "Shape named"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "shape named"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Shape ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_nominal_value , viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute . + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_nominal_value . viso-graphic:size_named rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeDiscrete ; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - rdfs:label "Size named"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "size named"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range viso-graphic:Size ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_ordinal_value , viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute . + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_ordinal_value . viso-graphic:superimposed_by rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; - rdfs:range viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + rdfs:label "superimposed by"@en; + rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; + rdfs:range viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation . viso-graphic:superimposes rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryGraphicO2ORelation ; - rdfs:range viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + rdfs:label "superimposes"@en; + rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; + rdfs:range viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation . viso-graphic:superimposition_byPercent rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , rdf:Property , owl:FunctionalProperty ; - rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties . + rdfs:label "superimposition by percent"@en; + rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation . viso-graphic:superimposition_overlappingPart rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , owl:FunctionalProperty ; + rdfs:label "superimposition overlapping part"@en ; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + rdfs:range viso-graphic:Graphic_Object . viso-graphic:superimposition_superimposee rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , rdf:Property , owl:FunctionalProperty ; + rdfs:label "superimposition superimposee"@en; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + rdfs:range viso-graphic:Graphic_Object . viso-graphic:superimposition_superimposer rdf:type viso-graphic:N-AryRelationHelperProperty , viso-graphic:SyntacticRole , rdf:Property , owl:FunctionalProperty ; + rdfs:label "superimposition superimposer"@en; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Superimposition_Relation ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + rdfs:range viso-graphic:Graphic_Object . viso-graphic:text_value rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeDiscrete , owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "This should have a relation to shape, since text is also graphic shapes."^^xsd:string ; rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; - rdfs:label "Text value"^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "text value"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_nominal_value , viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_nominal_value ; skos:editorialNote "subproperty relation to shape named could make sense, but was deleted for now (when a text value is given, the shape of the graphic object will be (roughly) the shape of the text value)"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:width @@ -652,12 +701,13 @@ viso-graphic:width rdfs:domain viso-graphic:Graphic_Object ; rdfs:label "width"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value , viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-data:has_quantitative_value ; swstatus:term_status "stable"^^xsd:string . viso-graphic:x_position rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeContinuous , owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "x-position"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:position ; swstatus:term_status @@ -665,6 +715,7 @@ viso-graphic:x_position viso-graphic:y_position rdf:type viso-graphic:GraphicAttributeContinuous , owl:DatatypeProperty ; + rdfs:label "y-position"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:position ; swstatus:term_status @@ -780,4 +831,3 @@ viso-graphic:White "100"^^xsd:float ; viso-graphic:color_rgb "#FFFFFF"^^xsd:string . - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/main/static-docu/viso-main.html b/src/main/resources/modules/main/static-docu/viso-main.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..702e80c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/main/static-docu/viso-main.html @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ + + + + + Visualisation Ontology (VISO) + + + + + + + + + +
+ +



The Visualisation Ontology (VISO) defines concepts and relations from the field of + graphics and visualisation. The ontology is split into seven main modules, each being + concerned with a specific field of visualisation. These modules include the graphic + module, the data module and the facts module and other modules such as activities + and system context modules*. +

+ + More on VISO can be found in the + Wiki and our + Blog. +

+ +

*) The context module VISO/user and the module VISO/domain are partly implemented and not published for now.


VISO Use cases


VISO has been developed as a base for the RDFS/OWL Visualisation Language (RVL) and VizBoard - a generic InfoVis workbench for semantic data. However, VISO could also be employed for other purposes in future:

  • Classifying visualization components, languages, tools ..
  • +
  • Classifying visualization literature
  • +
  • Offering formal, sharable concepts and knowledge for (semi-)automatic + visualization systems (that's how we use it). Since VISO is based on Semantic Web + standards, by using VISO, interoperability with other + systems is improved. For example, other systems may reuse the knowledge formalised in VISO.
  • +
  • Consolidating terms used in the field of visualisation by clarifying synonyms, + homonyms and term overlap.
  • +
+ +

Downloading and Using VISO


Pointing your web browser to VISO (modules) should show you a documentation like this. Tools such as Protégé and TopBraid Composer will instead + download the actual ontology files from the same URI, so it should usually be sufficient to point these tools to the VISO main module + (http://purl.org/viso/) or one of the other modules listed above. Unfortunately, right-clicking the links and choosing + "save as ..." does not seem to work in all browsers, but you should be able to display the ontology's source code by clicking on "Ontology source code" in the page header. + If you want to use VISO, + download it from our GitHub repository and contact us directly (jan.polowinski at tu-dresden.de) if you experience any trouble. +

+ + +

Annotating VISO Concepts with Quotations and Literature References


Allmost every term in VISO is explicitly related to the existing visualisation + literature via a reference to a document, sometimes also quoting the + exact phrase where it is mentioned. In order to make these + annotations and the + bibliography searchable via + SPARQL, they are stored in RDF as well, based + on the BIBO vocabulary and a small extension vocabulary, + BIBO-Extension that we + created for annotating ontology concepts with BIBO quotations. + In summary these ontologies are:

+ + +

Namespace Declarations


+ Work on this project received financial support from the European Union and the + Free State of Saxony.
Logo of the sponsors


This HTML document was obtained by processing the OWL + ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni. +

+ + diff --git a/src/main/resources/modules/main/viso-main.ttl b/src/main/resources/modules/main/viso-main.ttl index b9805b8..bff3ea1 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/modules/main/viso-main.ttl +++ b/src/main/resources/modules/main/viso-main.ttl @@ -3,8 +3,12 @@ @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix viso: . +@prefix viso-anno: . +@prefix viso-activity: . +@prefix viso-bibliography: . @prefix viso-data: . @prefix viso-facts: . +@prefix viso-facts-empiric: . @prefix viso-graphic: . @prefix viso-system: . @prefix xsd: . @@ -16,8 +20,8 @@ viso: dct:description """The Visualisation Ontology (VISO) defines concepts and relations from the field of graphics and visualisation. The ontology is split into several modules, each being concerned with a specific field of visualisation. These modules include the graphic module, the data module and the facts module and other modules such as activities and system context modules. """^^xsd:string ; - owl:imports viso-data: , viso-facts: , viso-graphic: ; - owl:versionInfo "0.6"^^xsd:string . + owl:imports viso-activity:, viso-data: , viso-facts: , viso-facts-empiric:, viso-graphic: , viso-anno: , viso-bibliography: ; + owl:versionInfo "1.0"^^xsd:string . viso:FabianPrager rdf:type dct:Agent ; diff --git a/src/main/resources/prefixes.txt b/src/main/resources/prefixes.txt index 05b01cb..d9366d1 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/prefixes.txt +++ b/src/main/resources/prefixes.txt @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ @prefix dct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . -@prefix owl2xml: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . diff --git a/src/main/resources/viso-helper.ttl b/src/main/resources/viso-helper.ttl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..175271c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/viso-helper.ttl @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +# Saved by TopBraid on Tue Oct 13 20:33:12 CEST 2015 +# baseURI: http://purl.org/viso/helper/ + +@prefix : . +@prefix bibo: . +@prefix bixt: . +@prefix cc-schema: . +@prefix dc: . +@prefix dct: . +@prefix foaf: . +@prefix owl: . +@prefix rdf: . +@prefix rdfs: . +@prefix skos: . +@prefix swstatus: . +@prefix viso-activity: . +@prefix viso-anno: . +@prefix viso-bibliography: . +@prefix viso-data: . +@prefix viso-facts: . +@prefix viso-graphic: . +@prefix xsd: . + +: rdf:type owl:Ontology ; + rdfs:comment """This file is not a VISO module. It's only purpose is to store some statements that make it easier to work with properties in ontology editors like TopBraid Composer. + Storing them within the ontology modules destroys the semantics and may lead to reasoning problems."""^^xsd:string ; + rdfs:label "VISO helper statements for ontology editors"@en ; + dct:creator ; + owl:versionInfo "0.1"^^xsd:string . + +viso-graphic:area + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:color_brightness_named + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:color_hsl_hue + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:color_hsl_lightness + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:color_hsl_saturation + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:color_named + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:color_rgb + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:color_saturation_named + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:contained_by + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_nary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:containment_containee + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:containment_container + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:contains + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:has_graphic_attribute + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:graphic_relations . + +viso-graphic:has_non-spatial_graphic_attribute + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:labeled_with + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:labeling_attachedBy + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties . + +viso-graphic:labeling_base + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:labeling_label + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:labeling_position + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties . + +viso-graphic:labels + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:linked_from + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:linked_to + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:linked_with + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:linkingDirected_endNode + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties . + +viso-graphic:linkingDirected_startNode + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties . + +viso-graphic:linking_connector + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:linking_node + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:relativeDistance_value + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:relative_distance_to + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:relatively_distant_object + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:shape_named + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:size_named + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:superimposed_by + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:superimposes + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_n-ary_graphic_o_2_o_relation_to . + +viso-graphic:superimposition_byPercent + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties . + +viso-graphic:superimposition_overlappingPart + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:superimposition_superimposee + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:superimposition_superimposer + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:n-ary_relation_helper_properties , viso-graphic:syntactic_roles . + +viso-graphic:text_value + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute . + +viso-graphic:width + rdfs:subPropertyOf viso-graphic:has_spatial_graphic_attribute .