All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, formatted via this recommendation.
- Added
filter, see #75 - Allow unique styling for each instance, see #78
- Added
filter, see #80
- Update handling of Pinterest API response, see #64
- Strip tags from title before using in URL, see #71
- Simplified the image attribute, see #74
- Ensure icon styling only targets icons, see #70
- Removed nonce from email modal, see #69
- Properly receive HTTP requests to prevent errors, see #68
- Fix slim styling display, see #66
- Issue with Facebook comment count parsing, see #63
- Composer support
- Now receive counts directly from social services (no more SharedCount), see #57
- Updates now automatically pull from GitHub tags, see #53
- Filter for adding additional styles (ea_share_count_admin_services), see #58
- Filter for adding additional share count services (ea_share_count_query_services), see #57
- Admin notice regarding changing share count source
- Version number is now saved to database for future updates
- PHP Notice if you were getting share counts for a custom URL rather than post ID
- Used correct hooks for Theme Hook Alliance, see #55
- Checkbox in metabox to hide share buttons on this specific post, see #51
- When opening email modal, focus on first input
- Replaced PHP short tags with proper tags, see #50
- Issue with automated theme location placement not working on in all cases. See #44
- Issue with 'after_content' theme location not working on some themes. See #43
- 'ea_share_count_update_queue' filter
- Use quotes in JS partial selector, fixing JS issue in WordPress 4.5
- Added support for custom post types
- Added commas to the share counts in metabox
- Added readme file with documentation
- Expired share counts now update after page has loaded, rather during page load
- Default style is now 'fancy' rather than 'bubble'
- Moved the theme location code to a later hook (template_redirect) so filterable in theme.
- Display before/after content now supports all themes. First looks for Genesis and Theme Hook Alliance hooks, then falls back to 'the_content' filter (see #36)
- Icons are now included in CSS. Icon classes have changed from font awesome to our custom icons. Ex: fa-facebook is now easc-facebook (see #35)
- Reduced size of print button when using GSS style
- Renamed Genesis Simple Share style to Slim
- Rearranged fields on settings page
- Special characters now work in emails (see #34)
- Links to author names on plugin page
- Renamed main plugin file to match plugin name
- Version bump to test plugin updater
- Email sharing feature
- Plugin updater
- Print included service option
- Total Counts included service option
- Settings to toggle count number visibility
- Refactored Included Service setting so that the service order is saved
- Seperate the regisration and enqueuing of assets
- Enqueue assets earlier
- Metabox to supported post types for viewing/updating share counts
- Filter for theme locations
- Settings link to plugin page
- Refactored plugin structure
- Non-post URLs are now stored in a single option
- Pinterest js library bug
- Select2 v4 issue, reverted to v3.5.x
- Setting for post types supported
- Setting for hiding empty counts
- Uninstall functionality
- Setting format for included services
- Setting theme location to support before AND after
- Share bar display markup and CSS
- Reorganized file structure
- Assets enqueue earlier if possible
- Settings page for managing API Details and Theme Display
- A prime_the_pump() function for ensuring there is share data for a certain number of posts
- 'ea_share_count_total' filter for modifying the total count. Useful when wanting to query based on specific metric (eg: facebook likes)
- Default Facebook like opens share dialog box
- Single post image filter bug
- "GSS" style option to mimic the Genesis Simple Share plugin
- Incorrect target="_blank" assignment
- Filter for single post images
- Javascript event for share clicks
- Fancy button styles
- Use correct variable name for Pinterest image
- Support for arbitrary URLs as ID
- Update share button js to correctly look for target="_blank"
- Total count parameter, accessible in count() method
- Total count is also stored in 'ea_share_count_total' key for query sorting
- Parameter for specifying the link style
- Styles for bubble count Facebook and Twitter
- Removed unnecessary $post_date argument on 'ea_share_count_update_increments' filter, see #6
- Inline documentation
- Initial Commit