Name | Description |
General Fund Logo | A Symbol or other design adopted by your organization identifies your General Fund. Click Browse to upload a JPG, PNG, or SVG file that should be 2 MB max. |
General Fund beneficiaries are individuals who can benefit from the funds, or people who you want to sponsor for related activities. They receive invitation from Expensify (an expense management application) to submit reimbursements for their expenses.
Note: You will be automatically added as a beneficiary when you submit a new general fund application. To add more beneficiaries, click + Add beneficiary and complete the fields that appear.
Name | Description |
Name | Name of the person who you want to designate as a beneficiary of funds. |
Email of the individual. |
Click after you enter name and email address of the person you want to add as a beneficiary.
In the Annual Funding Goal filed, provide an initial funding goal estimated for the general fund.
Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions, and Submit the application.
{% hint style="info" %} After The Linux Foundation reviews your application, you will receive an email notification with a review decision. {% endhint %}