After mentees submit their Expensify reports, as described in Submit Expensify Report to Receive Mentorship Stipend, you (administrators) receive an email from Expensify. Open the email, and click Approve in the email to navigate to the Expensify page to approve or decline the report.
{% hint style="info" %} Note: Ensure not to overpay or underpay stipends based on a mentee's geographical location. To know more about stipend amounts allocated to mentees based on their geographical locations, see Total Stipend Amount. {% endhint %}
You can decline a report if:
- Mentee accidentally files wrong amount. For example, if the total stipend to be paid to a mentee is $3000 which is paid in two halves, i.e. $1500 each, but the mentee files directly for $3000 in the first half.
- Mentee does not complete the tasks assigned to them.