How much stipend amount will I receive?
Stipend amounts are calculated based on your location.
How is my location determined?
Your location is determined by where you currently reside, that is country of current residence. If you are enrolled at an online institution or are a recent graduate, your stipend is determined by the location of your permanent residence.
How are the stipend amounts determined?
We are using a Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) based calculation to determine the stipend. We start with a base amount of 6000 USD and then adjust it based on each country's PPP value. There is a minimum (3000 USD) and maximum (6600 USD) stipend amount. The base amount takes into consideration the fact that many universities are in urban centers which can be more expensive than other parts of the country.
What is Purchasing Power Parity? (PPP)
Purchasing Power Parity is a way to estimate the exchange rate between two currencies to determine equivalent purchasing power. For details, refer following links: