Wildsea companion app
To set up a github repository:
- Log into Codacy, and connect the repo
- Configure the rule to maximum
- Create a branch restriction rule called "main":
- Enforcement: Active
- Target Branches: Include default branch
- Tick Restrict creations
- Tick Restrict deletions
- Tick Require linear history
- Tick Require a pull request before merging
- Require 0 Approvals
- Require review from code owners
- Tick Require status checks to pass
- Tick require branches to be up to date before merging
- Add "Codacy Static Code Analysis" to status checks that are required
- Block force pushes
- TODO: Require code scanning results
- Install https://github.com/apps/renovate into the repo
- Create an AWS Account for deployment
- Add an environment "main"