Complete & included with Haystack.
- Full SearchQuerySet support
- Automatic query building
- "More Like This" functionality
- Term Boosting
- Faceting
- Stored (non-indexed) fields
- Highlighting
- Spatial search
- Requires: pysolr (2.0.13+) & Solr 3.5+
Complete & included with Haystack.
- Full SearchQuerySet support
- Automatic query building
- "More Like This" functionality
- Term Boosting
- Faceting (up to 100 facets)
- Stored (non-indexed) fields
- Highlighting
- Spatial search
- Requires: pyelasticsearch 0.4+ & Elasticsearch 0.17.7+
Complete & included with Haystack.
- Full SearchQuerySet support
- Automatic query building
- "More Like This" functionality
- Term Boosting
- Stored (non-indexed) fields
- Highlighting
- Requires: whoosh (2.0.0+)
Complete & available as a third-party download.
- Full SearchQuerySet support
- Automatic query building
- "More Like This" functionality
- Term Boosting
- Faceting
- Stored (non-indexed) fields
- Highlighting
- Requires: Xapian 1.0.5+ & python-xapian 1.0.5+
- Backend can be downloaded here: xapian-haystack
Backend | SearchQuerySet Support | Auto Query Building | More Like This | Term Boost | Faceting | Stored Fields | Highlighting | Spatial |
Solr | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Elasticsearch | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Whoosh | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Xapian | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes (plugin) | No |
The following are search backends that would be nice to have in Haystack but are licensed in a way that prevents them from being officially bundled. If the community expresses interest in any of these, there may be future development.
This backend is unlikely to be built. Sphinx is pretty gimpy & doesn't do blended search results across all models the way the other engines can. Very limited featureset as well.
- Full SearchQuerySet support
- Automatic query building
- Term Boosting
- Stored (non-indexed) fields
- Highlighting
- Requires: (Comes with Sphinx)