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CI on gitlab

Jean-Christophe Léchenet edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 3 revisions

Continuous Integration on

The repository at is a mirror of the main repository hosted on Its purpose is to enable the continuous integration pipeline described in the .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file.

CI Targets

Target name Body Goal
coq compiles all the Coq files, calls the extraction and puts the resulting .ml{,i} files in subdirectory CIL/ in compiler/ checks that all the .v files compile and that extraction works
ocaml compiles the Jasmin compiler based on what was done by target coq checks that we can indeed produce the executable jasminc
check calls the compiler produced by ocaml on the tests contained in directories tests/ and examples/ checks that we have no regression in Jasmin from the user point of view
cryptolib calls the compiler produced by ocaml on the programs implemented in cryptolib same purpose as check, but on larger and real programs
eclib calls EasyCrypt on the files in sub-directory eclib/ checks that we write valid EasyCrypt code in the files in eclib/
opam installs the dependencies of Jasmin using opam, compiles Jasmin in this environment and produces an artefact checks that the opam file is correct
tarball creates a tarball using make dist and pushes it as an artefact produces a nice tarball to distribute, and checks that the distribution script works
push-compiler-code pushes the OCaml code produced by tarball to another repository this allows to have a repo with OCaml-only code, no Coq, that can be helpful both to give as pointer to the users and to debug some bugs

Dependency cache on

Some of the build dependencies are distributed as source code. Some pre-built binaries are available from Other dependencies are built during the first step of the pipeline and the results are stored on an online public cache described at

A private signing key is required to write to this cache. It is stored as a protected and masked variable, restricted to the cachix environment. If needed, the cache can be emptied or destroyed. If the secret key needs to be rotated, just create a fresh cache and update the value of the variable to the new key. (Using web interface, navigate to “Settings” → “CI / CD” → “Variables”.)

The corresponding public keys are written in the .gitlab-ci.yml file.

The OCaml-only jasmin-compiler git repository

At the end of successful pipelines for protected branches, the OCaml source code (included the part extracted from Coq files) is committed to the git repository.

There is a SSH key-pair allowing the CI machine to write to that repository. The private key is held in a protected variable of the jasmin-lang/jasmin repository on; said variable is restricted to the deployment environment. The public key is set as a “deploy key” with write access for the jasmin-lang/jasmin-compiler repository.

This key-pair has no other use (so it can be easily rotated).