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Selective Speculative Load Hardening

Basavesh Ammanaghatta Shivakumar edited this page Jul 2, 2023 · 4 revisions

Selective Speculative Load Hardening (DRAFT)

Jasmin's Selective Speculative Load Hardening is an optimized version of Speculative Load Hardening mitigation method to protect against Spectre v1 transient execution attack.


Spectre v1 (Bounds check Bypass) attack [brief]

Modern CPUs performs some optimizations like speculation on certain program behavior to improve the execution speed. One such speculation is branch prediction, where the CPU will speculate the branch outcome based on heuristics and starts pre-computing the instructions within that branch. When the branch condition is resolved, CPU will compare with its speculation. If the speculation is correct, it will commit the pre-computation results. Else, it will discard. Though these speculation does not violate the program semantics, it modifies the micro-architectural state. The attacker can train and influence the branch predictor and observe these information leak and obtain secret information.

Spectre v1 vulnerable pseudocode example:

if (idx < arrlen) {
    // can enter true branch speculatively
    // even when idx >= arrlen
    idx2 = arr[idx];        // speculative out of bound access
    val = arr2[idx2];       // speculative information leak

Speculative Load Hardening (SLH) [simplified]

SLH mitigates the Spectre v1 attack by masking the loads(like 0xFFFFFF) when the CPU is misspeculating with the help of branchless code check.

SLH protection for the above pseudocode example:

zeros = 0x00000000;
mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
predicate = zeros;

if (idx < arrLen) {
    // assuming that ternary operator will lower to
    // branchless CMOVxx instruction
    predicate = (idx < arrLen) ? predicate : mask;
    idx2 = arr[idx];
    idx2 = idx2 | predicate;    // mask if misspeculating
    val = arr2[idx2];           // no speculative information leak

Constant-Time Programming

A program is said to be a Constant-Time program if it follows below rules.

  1. Secrets do no influence the branch condition.
  2. Memory access's index is not influenced by secret.
  3. Secrets should not influence the execution time of Time-Variable instructions.

Selective Speculative Load Hardening (in Jasmin)

SLH v/s Selective SLH

SLH tries to protect all the loads in a given program. This is typical in an environment when the compiler doesn't know the security level of a variable. However, cryptographic primitives are written in a constant-time paradigm and the security levels of the variables are known. Here, the secrets can only leak speculatively through loading a public variable. So, we just need to protect public loads only. Hence the term Selective SLH.

With two-level security annotation and a robust typing rules, Jasmin can efficiently protect a program using Selective Speculative Load Hardening against Spectre v1 attacks.

Misspeculation flag (MSF) states

Misspeculation flag can be in the following three states.

  1. Unknown: At this state at the given program point, we have no idea about speculation status.
  2. Exact: At this state at the given program point, we know if we are misspeculating or not.
  3. Conditioned on b: At this state at the given program point, we have entered a branch where the condtion is bool b. With the help of b we can update our state to Exact. If the MSF state is not updated correctly before exiting the branch, we will transition into Unknown state.

Jasmin primitives to perform SLH

Jasmin provides three main primitives to implement SLH and an extra primitive to optimize code by moving misspeculation flag.

  1. Initializing misspeculation flag:

    init_msf calls the memory barrier to stop the exisitng (if any) speculation to resolve all the loads at this program execution point and initializes the misspeculation flag. MSF will move to "Exact" state.

    #msf reg u64 msf;
    msf = #init_msf();  // Lowered to "lfence; msf = 0"
                        // at this point msf is in Exact state
  2. Updating the misspeculation flag:

    update_msf is used to update the misspeculation flag using the branch condition and branchless CMOVxx instruction. This will move the msf from "Conditioned on b" to "Exact" state.

    reg bool b;
    #msf reg u64 msf;
    b = i < 10;
    msf = #init_msf();                  // msf in "Exact" state
    if (b) {
                                        // msf in "Conditioned on b" state
        msf = #update_msf(b, msf);      // "msf = b ? msf : -1;"
                                        // msf in "Exact" state
    } else {
                                        // msf in "Conditioned on !b" state
        msf = #update_msf(!b, msf);     // "msf = !b ? msf : -1;"
                                        // msf in "Exact" state
    // msf will be in "Exact" state if and only if
    // in both branches, corresponding msf's state were "Exact"
    // else, it will move to "Unknown" state
  3. Protecting a variable:

    protect primitive is used to mask the value using boolean OR if it is misspeculating. If not misspeculating, the msf will be 0. else, it will be -1. There are other variants like protect_8, protect_16, protect_32 etc.. to protect different sizes of register variable.

    x = #protect(x, msf);       // Lowered to "x = x | msf;"
  4. Moving misspeculation flag:

    mov_msf is used to move a msf from one register variable to another register variable. It is often used when there is a register pressure and we move it to MMX register variable. [TODO: check this properly]

    #msf regx u64 msfx;
    msfx = #mov_msf(msf);

Annotations supported to perform selective SLH

  • #public tells the Compiler that this is a public variable.
  • #transient tells the Compiler that this is a transient variable. i.e it is a public variable in normal execution and might contain secret speculatively.
  • #secret tells the Compiler that this is a secret variable.
  • #declassify tells the compiler that this variable needs to be declassified from secret. Compiler changes the type of this variable to transient. It can only be made public after protecting it.
  • #msf tells the Compiler that this is a MSF variable.
  • #inline tells the Compiler that this expression/block will be inlined. Often used in a case when the if's branch condition will be resolved statically at compile time and will not be subject to branch speculation.
  • #nomodmsf tells the compiler that this corresponding function will not modify the MSF state.

Things to consider

  • MSF variable must be in a register.
  • The arguments in the export function will be atleast transient because the jasminc compiler does not take MSF variable as an argument in export function and defensively assumes that we might already be misspeculating before executing jasmin export function.
  • In jasmin language, if, while, init_msf, update_msf and calling a system call like randombytes will modify the MSF state. Hence, cannot be used in a nomodmsf function.
  • inline expression must be resolved at compile time.
  • By default, reading data through memory access operation will return a secret type value. [TODO: check this.]
  • In Jasmin, for loop is unrolled and is not subject to branch speculation. However, if and while are subject to branch speculation.


Let us consider a small example function encrypt which takes a msg and a secret key. It encrypts it using basic XOR operations and then the final output can be declassifed and make it public.

Unprotected encrypt jasmin function example:

fn encrypt(reg u64[4] key, reg u64[4] msg) -> reg u64[4] {
    reg u64 i, temp;
    reg u64[4] res;
    reg bool b;

    while {b = i < 4;} (b) {
        temp = msg[(int)i];
        temp = temp ^ key[(int)i];
        res[(int)i] = temp;
        i = i + 1;

    return res;

Protected encrypt jasmin function example:

fn encrypt(#secret reg u64[4] key, reg u64[4] msg) -> #public reg u64[4] {
    reg u64 i, temp, msf;
    reg u64[4] res;
    reg bool b;

    msf = #init_msf();
    while {b = i < 4;} (b) {
        msf = #update_msf(b, msf);
        temp = msg[(int)i];
        #declassify temp = temp ^ key[(int)i];
        temp = #protect(temp, msf);             // made public before assigning to res
        res[(int)i] = temp;
        i = i + 1;
    msf = #update_msf(!b, msf);

    return res;

Compiler option

You can use checkSCT to check a jasmin file or checkSCTon to check a particular function in a jasmin file.

jasminc -checkSCT <filename.jazz>
jasminc -checkSCTon encrypt <filename.jazz>

Additional examples and test cases

For more examples please have a look at success compiler/tests/success/slh/x86-64 and failure compiler/tests/fail/slh/x86-64 test cases in the source code. Libjade a formally verified cryptographic library uses this framework to protect its implementations from Spectre v1 attack.