Set up NNI developer environment
For debugging NNI source code, your development environment should be under Ubuntu 16.04 (or above) system with python 3 and pip 3 installed, then follow the below steps.
1. Clone the source code
Run the command
git clone
to clone the source code
2. Prepare the debug environment and install dependencies
Change directory to the source code folder, then run the command
make install-dependencies
to install the dependent tools for the environment
3. Build source code
Run the command
make build
to build the source code
4. Install NNI to development environment
Run the command
make dev-install
to install the distribution content to development environment, and create cli scripts
5. Check if the environment is ready
Now, you can try to start an experiment to check if your environment is ready. For example, run the command
nnictl create --config ~/nni/examples/trials/mnist-tfv1/config.yml
And open WebUI to check if everything is OK
6. Redeploy
After the code changes, use step 3 to rebuild your codes, then the changes will take effect immediately.
At last, wish you have a wonderful day. For more contribution guidelines on making PR's or issues to NNI source code, you can refer to our Contributing document.