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Service Fabrik Broker for Cloud Foundry

This broker was inspired by the cf-containers-broker. It supports Docker and Bosh-based service deployments. More details on the implemented Cloud Foundry contract can be found here. Read the Big Picture behind Service Fabrik Broker.


Missing Above is the component diagram of Service Fabrik. Service Fabrik has been re-designed to a model which is event driven and based on decoupled components which participate and communicate via an APIServer managed by Service Fabrik.

The concept is based on Event Sourcing where the Event Store is point of coordination for different components. This facilitates easy onboarding of external components and modules into the service Fabrik eco-system.

To facilitate plugging in external components, we intend to model service Fabrik on a resource and control loop based programming model.

This allows capabilities like provisioning and operations on provisioned instances to be built independently and plugged into the Service Fabrik APIServer based on specific requirements.

Steps to Integrate new provisioners are mentioned in here


  1. Bringing in a new provisioner is easier.

  2. Bringing in new Backup and Restore approach and plugging in the existing framework is easier now.

  3. New Monitoring and Logging endpoint can be plugged in where the events generated while resource change and operations change can be watched by custom operators.

  4. State of the service instances are managed in the API Server, so Cloud Controller and BOSH dependency can be something we can get rid of for state information. Hence, BOSH and Cloud Controller overload can be reduced.

Table of Contents

  1. Local Development Setup
  2. Installing Docker
  3. Installing NVM
  4. Installing Bosh Lite
  5. Installing Cloud Foundry
  6. Installing the Broker
  7. Launch the Broker
  8. Register the Broker
  9. Launch the Operators
  10. Upload Bosh Director Based Service Releases
  11. Run a Service Lifecycle
  12. How to obtain Support
  13. Advanced Debugging

Local Development Setup (Ubuntu)

Certainly when you are a broker developer, but also if you are a service developer, you may want to work locally with the broker without packaging it into a Bosh release and deploying it. You can do so using Bosh Lite and starting and registering the broker locally:

Installing Docker

The famous Docker will be required for a local start of the broker. You can avoid this by removing any Docker service defintion from the broker settings/configuration/catalog.

If you're using a Mac, we recommend to use Docker for MAC.

Post installation of docker make modifications to manage docker as a non-root user

Installing NVM

NVM helps you manage node versions and isolated environments.

curl -o- | bash
source ~/.nvm/
nvm install node
nvm use node

Installing Bosh Lite

Boshlite on Virtual Box (recommended):

Follow this article for setting up boshlite env on virtual box.

Bosh Lite is a lightweight local development environment for BOSH using Warden/Garden containers in a Vagrant box.

Boshlite on a VM on AWS, GCP, or Azure:

You can also deploy your boshlite on a VM on AWS, GCP, or Azure

Installing Cloud Foundry

Well, you know what Cloud Foundry is, otherwise you wouldn't be interested into a service broker to begin with.

To run Cloud Foundry with bosh 2.0, instructions from this article can be followed.

After you have set up cf api, sample orgs and spaces can be created to start using it.

cf create-org dev
cf create-space -o dev broker
cf target -o dev -s broker

Installing the Broker

  • Clone this repo (assuming your working directory is ~/workspace)
cd ~/workspace
  • Clone and setup fork and git-secrets ( requires hub and git secrets to be installed)
    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    cd service-fabrik-broker
    git checkout -b my-new-feature
    # make code changes
    git push <github_username> my-new-feature
  • Install dependencies
npm install
  • Optional: To locally run all unit test To run all the unit tests:
npm run -s test

To run only unit tests for specific processes like broker, deployment_hooks

# help
npm run -s help

Uploading the cloud-config:

Then, we need to upload the cloud-config required for service-fabrik on bosh.

For bosh-lite, you can upload cloud-config in the following manner:

cd templates
bosh -e vbox update-cloud-config config/cloud-config.yml

To use along with the boshrelease of Service-Fabrik, cloud-config-boshlite.yml is provided here :

For AWS, we need to update the vars-files for the cloud-config. The vars file to be edited is cloud-config-aws-vars.yml. It can be found in the templates directory. Once the vars file is filled with proper details, the cloud-config can be uploaded:

cd templates
bosh –e bosh upload-cloud-config --vars-store=cloud-config-aws-vars.yml cloud-config-aws.yml

The required files mentioned above can be found here:

Launch the Deployment Hooks Process

This process executes action scripts provided by services in restricted environment. More information on how to configure action scripts is documented here: If you don't want any predeployment action to run please comment out actions property in service and plan from catalog.

If predeployment actions are present in service catalog then deployment hook process has to be running. Before starting deployment hooks process, SETTINGS_PATH env variable has to be set.

export SETTINGS_PATH=$(pwd)/deployment_hooks/config/settings.yml

If you need to change the settings.yml configuration you should copy the file and point the deployment_hooks to your settings file via the environment variable SETTINGS_PATH.

# env vars you may like to set to different than these default values
# export NODE_ENV=development ## For bosh2.0, use the environment boshlite2, as the passwords and BOSH IP are different.
# cp $(pwd)/deployment_hooks/config/settings.yml $(pwd)/deployment_hooks/config/my-settings.yml
# export SETTINGS_PATH=$(pwd)/deployment_hooks/config/my-settings.yml
node $(pwd)/deployment_hooks/HookServer.js

Launch the Broker

APIServer is a prerequisite for the Service Fabrik. To get more details about the APIs, this can be looked into.

Assuming that apiserver is already deployed on boshlite, to start provisioning, broker process has to be started.

If apiserver is not deployed already, please follow this guide.

Useful prerequisites: When working with the broker, install curl (sudo apt-get install curl), jq, and yaml2json.

Dependencies on other processes: broker process is dependent on deployment hooks process which has to be running for broker to run any lifecycle operation if actions are present in service catalogs.

Before starting broker process SETTINGS_PATH env variable has to be set.

export SETTINGS_PATH=$(pwd)/broker/config/settings.yml

If you need to change the settings.yml configuration you should copy the file and point the broker to your settings file via the environment variable SETTINGS_PATH.

# env vars you may like to set to different than these default values
# export NODE_ENV=development ## For bosh2.0, use the environment boshlite2, as the passwords and BOSH IP are different.
# cp $(pwd)/broker/config/settings.yml $(pwd)/broker/config/my-settings.yml
# export SETTINGS_PATH=$(pwd)/broker/config/my-settings.yml
npm run -s start

Check endpoint with curl

curl -sk -u broker:secret -H "X-Broker-Api-Version: 2.9" | jq .

Register the Broker

You have to do this only once or whenever you modify the catalog. Then of course, use update-service-broker instead of create-service-broker.

  • Registration
cf create-service-broker service-fabrik-broker broker secret # host IP reachable from within the Vagrant box
cf service-brokers # should show the above registered service broker
curl -sk -u broker:secret -H "X-Broker-Api-Version: 2.9" | jq -r ".services[].name" | xargs -L 1 -I {} cf enable-service-access {}
cf service-access # should show all services as enabled, cf marketplace should show the same

Launch the Operators

For running lifecycle operations, corresponding operator processes have to be started. Currently Service Fabrik Broker supports Bosh Director based and Docker Based services.

Assuming that all required env variables (SETTINGS_PATH, NODE_ENV) are already set. Both bosh operator and docker operator can be launched.

node operators/StartBoshOperators.js #to start bosh operator
node operators/StartDockerOperators.js #to start docker operator

Upload Bosh Director Based Service Releases

In order for the broker to provision bosh director based services, the releases used in the service manifest templates must be manually uploaded to the targetted bosh director. The catalog (config/settings.yml) only contains our own blueprint-service which we are using for internal development, testing and documentation purposes of the Service Fabrik. If you want to provision our blueprint-service as bosh director based service, follow the steps mentioned in blueprint-boshrelease repository.

Run a Service Lifecycle

You will need a Cloud Foundry application, let's call it my-app (see below). If you have no specific one, you can use our blueprint-app.

cf create-service blueprint v1.0-container my-service
cf bind-service my-app my-service
# take a look at the generated binding with cf env my-app
cf restart my-app # do this a.) to make binding information available in environment of the app and b.) to activate the security group created with the service
# verify the application sees the service; if you have deployed the above app, run curl -skH "Accept: application/json" ""
cf unbind-service my-app my-service
cf delete-service -f my-service

How to obtain support

If you need any support, have any question or have found a bug, please report it in the GitHub bug tracking system. You can also reach us out on our Slack Channel.

Advanced Debugging

Now you can start restarting your builds in Debug mode with an API request. To trigger a debug job:

  1. Get the API token using the travis CLI and send a POST request to /job/:job_id/debug replacing the TOKEN and JOB_ID values below:
curl -s -X POST \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -H "Accept: application/json" \
   -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" \
   -H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \
   -d '{ "quiet": true }' \<JOB_ID>/debug

The Job ID is displayed in the build log after expanding "Build system information".

  1. Head back to the web UI and in the log of your job. you should see the following lines to connect to the VM:
Setting up debug tools.
Preparing debug sessions.
Use the following SSH command to access the interactive debugging environment:
ssh [email protected]
  1. Connect from your computer using SSH into the interactive session, and once you're done, just type exit and your build will terminate.

Please note that when the debug build is thus initiated, the job will skip the remaining phases after debug. Also, please consider removing the build log after you've finished debugging.

Finally, once in the SSH session, these bash functions will come in handy to run the different phases in your build:


This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.