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182 lines (134 loc) · 5.49 KB

Setting up CoffeeScript

With this setup you can freely mix .js and .coffee files in your app/scripts directory, and everything will just work.

We strongly suggest to scaffold your app with Babel (the default behavior), that way it's easier to add CoffeeScript support using the existing infrastructure.


1. Install dependencies the gulp-coffee plugin

Current setup includes coding in JavaScript, compiling with Babel, and linting with ESLint. We're instead going to code in CoffeeScript and lint with CoffeeLint:

$ npm install --save-dev gulp-coffee

2. Compile application code

2.1 Edit the scripts task

The task previously only compiled .js files with Babel. We need to modify it to also compile .coffee files with CoffeeScript. This can be achieved very easily using gulp-if:

 gulp.task('scripts', () => {
-  return gulp.src('app/scripts/**/*.js')
+  return gulp.src('app/scripts/**/*.{js,coffee}')
-    .pipe($.babel())
+    .pipe($.if('.js', $.babel(), $.coffee()))
     .pipe(reload({stream: true}));

2.2 Edit the serve task

We need to tell gulp to recompile .coffee files on change, like we're already doing for .js files:

gulp.task('serve', () => {
  runSequence(['clean', 'wiredep'], ['styles', 'scripts', 'fonts'], () => {
    ...'app/styles/**/*.scss', ['styles']);
-'app/scripts/**/*.js', ['scripts']);
+'app/scripts/**/*.{js,coffee}', ['scripts']);'app/fonts/**/*', ['fonts']);'bower.json', ['wiredep', 'fonts']);

3. Compile tests

3.1 Create a scripts:test task

This task compiles .coffee files located in test/spec into the .tmp/spec directory and reloads the browser.

gulp.task('scripts:test', () => {
  return gulp.src('test/spec/**/*.coffee')
    .pipe(reload({stream: true}));

3.2 Add scripts:test as a dependency of serve:test

gulp.task('serve:test', ['scripts', 'scripts:test'], () => {
  // ...

3.3 Edit the serve:test task

We should modify this task so that compiled .js files are served and that changes to .coffee files trigger recompilation of tests:

 gulp.task('serve:test', ['scripts', 'scripts:test'], () => {
     notify: false,
     port: 9000,
     ui: false,
     server: {
-      baseDir: ['test'],
+      baseDir: ['.tmp', 'test'],
       routes: {
         '/bower_components': 'bower_components'
   });'app/scripts/**/*.js', ['scripts']);
+'test/spec/**/*.coffee', ['scripts:test']);['test/spec/**/*.js', 'test/index.html']).on('change', reload);'test/spec/**/*.js', ['lint:test']);

4. Lint CoffeeScript files

ESLint only supports JavaScript. In case you'd like to lint .coffee files too, we can set that up using CoffeeLint.

4.1 Install the gulp-coffeelint plugin and lazypipe

$ npm install --save-dev gulp-coffeelint lazypipe

4.2 Define lazypipe channels

We want to lint .js files with ESLint and .coffee with CoffeeLint. This is not as trivial as compiling with Babel and CoffeeScript that we set up earlier because, based on the extension, we need to execute multiple actions, not just one.

For this task we will use lazypipe to set up channels for ESLint and CoffeeLint:

const lazypipe = require('lazypipe');

// ...

const eslintChannel = lazypipe()
  .pipe($.eslint, { fix: true })
  .pipe(reload, {stream: true, once: true})
  .pipe($.if, !, $.eslint.failAfterError());

const coffeelintChannel = lazypipe()
  .pipe($.if, !, $.coffeelint.reporter('fail'))

Note: We should not call plugins when defining lazypipe channels! We should just pass the reference and arguments as needed, like this:

  .pipe($.eslint, { fix: true })

not this:

  .pipe($.eslint({ fix: true }))

4.3 Edit lint and lint:test tasks

Now we should use those channels based on the file extension:

 function lint(files, options) {
   return gulp.src(files)
-    .pipe($.eslint({ fix: true }))
-    .pipe(reload({stream: true, once: true}))
-    .pipe($.eslint.format())
-    .pipe($.if(!, $.eslint.failAfterError()));
+    .pipe($.if('*.js', eslintChannel(), coffeelintChannel()));

 gulp.task('lint', () => {
-  return lint('app/scripts/**/*.js')
+  return lint('app/scripts/**/*.{js,coffee}')
 gulp.task('lint:test', () => {
-  return lint('test/spec/**/*.js')
+  return lint('test/spec/**/*.{js,coffee}')


  • Put your .coffee files in app/scripts and test/spec, and include them in your HTML as if they're .js files (e.g. app/scripts/ => <script src="scripts/foo.js"></script>).

  • It's fine to have a mixture of .js and .coffee files in your app/scripts directory, just make sure they don't have the same basename. If you have both foo.js and, one will overwrite the other when compiled.