Contact person
Joshua Vial - [email protected]
Venture Stewards
- Ants Cabraal
- Susan Basterfield
- Kate Beecroft
- Joshua Vial
Venture Description (200 words)
Enspiral Labs helps networks, organisations and individuals work in open, participatory and collaborative ways. We do this in two ways;
Tools and Support: to help people increase engagement, responsiveness and productivity throughout their organisation.
Education and Training: to help people stay at the forefront of a dynamic and evolving field challenging traditional management theory.
We are a diverse team of technologists, designers and organisational consultants, drawing on our experience building the Enspiral Network.
Enspiral Labs is also an applied R & D lab for the commons where we build collaborative, participatory tools for business, civic society and government.
Our intention is to swarm and apply focused energy to developing products that support our mission and scale them out to their own ventures or share our learnings from the experiment and move on.
Links to website or other resources
- Coming soon
Key personnel
- Joshua Vial
- Susan Basterfield
- Kate Beecroft
- Damian Sligo-green
- Daniel Hassan
- Dan Lewis
- Mikey Williams
- Michael Smith
- more coming
Founding Date & Brief History
Originally conceived of as an iteration on Enspiral Services, we made the decision to become a separate venture instead and launched in August 2016.
Legal structure
Team in Enspiral Services. Incorporation expected in September.
Business Model
Use software products to generate leads for org consulting, use org consulting to embed tools in organisations while learning about people's needs and developing more tools for them. Charge for
- org consulting time on training and coaching
- dev time on customising and extending tools
- SAAS fees (where appropriate) for tools
- Fees for workshops and training (online and in person)
Our initial products are
- Cobudget (training, customisations, hosting)
- Loomio training and customisation
- Practical Self Management online course
As we setup profitable and sustainable product lines we will continue to add to them and build out the capacity for parallel product development streams.
Impact Strategy / Theory of Change
Transform capitalism by democratizing the world of work. Make the future of working irresistably seductive and bake in positive impact on people and the planet.
Asks to Enspiral
- Leads
- Cobudget groups and users
- Loomio customsiation and training leads
- People wanting self management coaching and support