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added ability to process new collection 1 sr imagery
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jdbcode committed Jun 13, 2017
1 parent 868a4f3 commit 039055e
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Showing 2 changed files with 138 additions and 57 deletions.
72 changes: 54 additions & 18 deletions R/oliunpackr.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,21 +21,61 @@ oliunpackr = function(file, proj="default", overwrite=F){
#set new directories
randomstring = paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), 6, replace=TRUE),collapse="")
tempdir = file.path(dirname(file),randomstring) #temp
year = substr(basename(file),10,13)

pieces = unlist(strsplit(dirname(file), "/")) #break up the directory and unlist so the pieces can be called by index
len = length(pieces)-1 #get the ending index for "scene"
newpieces = paste(pieces[1:len], collapse = "/") #subset the directory pieces so the last piece is the scene
outdir = file.path(newpieces, "images", year)
dir.create(tempdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
dir.create(outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
targzbname = basename(file)

if(nchar(targzbname) == 46){
year = substr(targzbname,11,14)

pieces = unlist(strsplit(dirname(file), "/")) #break up the directory and unlist so the pieces can be called by index
len = length(pieces)-1 #get the ending index for "scene"
newpieces = paste(pieces[1:len], collapse = "/") #subset the directory pieces so the last piece is the scene
outdir = file.path(newpieces, "images", year)
dir.create(tempdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
dir.create(outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)

#decompress the image and get/set files names
untar(file, exdir=tempdir, tar="internal") #decompress the file
files = list.files(tempdir, full.names=T)
bands = sort(grep("sr_band", files, value=T))

# create the mask
pixelqafile = grep("pixel_qa.tif", files, value=T)
pixelqar = getValues(raster(pixelqafile))
mask = as.numeric(pixelqar == 322 | pixelqar == 386 | pixelqar == 324 | pixelqar == 388 | pixelqar == 836 | pixelqar == 900)
pixelqar = 0 #clear memory

# make the basename for final output files
mtlfile = grep("MTL.txt", files, value=T)
tbl = unlist(read.delim(mtlfile, header=F, skipNul=T))
string = as.character(grep("LANDSAT_SCENE_ID = ", tbl, value=T))
pieces = unlist(strsplit(string, " "))
sceneid = pieces[length(pieces)]
outbase = substr(sceneid,1,16)

} else{
outbase = substr(targzbname,1,16)
year = substr(targzbname,10,13)

pieces = unlist(strsplit(dirname(file), "/")) #break up the directory and unlist so the pieces can be called by index
len = length(pieces)-1 #get the ending index for "scene"
newpieces = paste(pieces[1:len], collapse = "/") #subset the directory pieces so the last piece is the scene
outdir = file.path(newpieces, "images", year)
dir.create(tempdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
dir.create(outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)

# decompress the image and get/set files names
untar(file, exdir=tempdir, tar="internal") #decompress the file
files = list.files(tempdir, full.names=T)
bands = sort(grep("band", files, value=T))

# create the mask
fmask = grep("cfmask.tif", files, value=T) # <= 1 okay background 255
mask = as.matrix(raster(fmask))
mask = mask <= 1
mask = mask*1 #convert from logial to numeric

#decompress the image and get/set files names
untar(file, exdir=tempdir, tar="internal") #decompress the file
files = list.files(tempdir, full.names=T)
bands = grep("band", files, value=T)
fmask = grep("cfmask.tif", files, value=T) # <= 1 okay background 255
outbase = substr(basename(file),1,16)
tempstack = file.path(tempdir,paste(outbase,"_tempstack.tif",sep=""))
tempvrt = sub("tempstack.tif", "tempstack.vrt", tempstack)
tempmask = sub("tempstack", "tempmask", tempstack)
Expand All @@ -52,14 +92,10 @@ oliunpackr = function(file, proj="default", overwrite=F){
gdalbuildvrt(gdalfile=bands, output.vrt = tempvrt, separate=T) #, tr=c(reso,reso)
gdal_translate(src_dataset=tempvrt, dst_dataset=tempstack, of = "GTiff", co="INTERLEAVE=BAND")

#create the mask
mask = as.matrix(raster(fmask))
mask = mask <= 1
mask = mask*1 #convert from logial to numeric
mask = setValues(ref,mask)
mask = as(mask, "SpatialGridDataFrame") #convert the raster to SGHF so it can be written using GDAL (faster than writing it with the raster package)
writeGDAL(mask, tempmask, drivername = "GTiff", type = "Byte", mvFlag = 255)

mask = 0 # clear memory

#reproject the image #need to add in writing proj file for default
if(proj == "default"){proj = origproj}
Expand Down
123 changes: 84 additions & 39 deletions R/tmunpackr.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,24 +19,85 @@ tmunpackr = function(file, proj="default", overwrite=F){
#set new directories
randomstring = paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), 6, replace=TRUE),collapse="")
tempdir = file.path(dirname(file),randomstring) #temp
year = substr(basename(file),10,13)

pieces = unlist(strsplit(dirname(file), "/")) #break up the directory and unlist so the pieces can be called by index
len = length(pieces)-1 #get the ending index for "scene"
newpieces = paste(pieces[1:len], collapse = "/") #subset the directory pieces so the last piece is the scene
outdir = file.path(newpieces, "images", year)
dir.create(tempdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
dir.create(outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)

#decompress the image and get/set files names
untar(file, exdir=tempdir, tar="internal") #decompress the file
files = list.files(tempdir, full.names=T)
bands = grep("band", files, value=T)
shadow = grep("cloud_shadow_qa.tif", files, value=T) #0 okay, 255 bad
cloud = grep("sr_cloud_qa.tif", files, value=T) #0 okay, 255 bad
snow = grep("sr_snow_qa.tif", files, value=T) #0 okay, 255 bad
fmask = grep("cfmask.tif", files, value=T) # <= 1 okay background 255
outbase = substr(basename(file),1,16)

targzbname = basename(file)

if(nchar(targzbname) == 46){
year = substr(targzbname,11,14)

pieces = unlist(strsplit(dirname(file), "/")) #break up the directory and unlist so the pieces can be called by index
len = length(pieces)-1 #get the ending index for "scene"
newpieces = paste(pieces[1:len], collapse = "/") #subset the directory pieces so the last piece is the scene
outdir = file.path(newpieces, "images", year)
dir.create(tempdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
dir.create(outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)

#decompress the image and get/set files names
untar(file, exdir=tempdir, tar="internal") #decompress the file
files = list.files(tempdir, full.names=T)
bands = sort(grep("sr_band", files, value=T))

pixelqafile = grep("pixel_qa.tif", files, value=T)
pixelqar = getValues(raster(pixelqafile))
pixelqar = pixelqar == 66 | pixelqar == 130 | pixelqar == 68 | pixelqar == 132

srcloudqafile = grep("sr_cloud_qa.tif", files, value=T)
srcloudqar = getValues(raster(srcloudqafile))
srcloudqar = srcloudqar == 0 | srcloudqar == 1 | srcloudqar == 32

mask = pixelqar*srcloudqar
pixelqar = srcloudqar = 0 #clear memory

# make the basename for final output files
mtlfile = grep("MTL.txt", files, value=T)
tbl = unlist(read.delim(mtlfile, header=F, skipNul=T))
string = as.character(grep("LANDSAT_SCENE_ID = ", tbl, value=T))
pieces = unlist(strsplit(string, " "))
sceneid = pieces[length(pieces)]
outbase = substr(sceneid,1,16)

} else{
outbase = substr(targzbname,1,16)
year = substr(targzbname,10,13)

pieces = unlist(strsplit(dirname(file), "/")) #break up the directory and unlist so the pieces can be called by index
len = length(pieces)-1 #get the ending index for "scene"
newpieces = paste(pieces[1:len], collapse = "/") #subset the directory pieces so the last piece is the scene
outdir = file.path(newpieces, "images", year)
dir.create(tempdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
dir.create(outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)

#decompress the image and get/set files names
untar(file, exdir=tempdir, tar="internal") #decompress the file
files = list.files(tempdir, full.names=T)
bands = sort(grep("band", files, value=T))
shadow = grep("cloud_shadow_qa.tif", files, value=T) #0 okay, 255 bad
cloud = grep("sr_cloud_qa.tif", files, value=T) #0 okay, 255 bad
snow = grep("sr_snow_qa.tif", files, value=T) #0 okay, 255 bad
fmask = grep("cfmask.tif", files, value=T) # <= 1 okay background 255

#make a composite cloudmask
s = as.matrix(raster(shadow))
c = as.matrix(raster(cloud))
sn = as.matrix(raster(snow))
f = as.matrix(raster(fmask))

check = s[1,1] # if == T new else old
if( == T){s =} else {s = !}
check = c[1,1] # if == T new else old
if( == T){c =} else {c = !}
check = sn[1,1] # if == T new else old
if( == T){sn =} else {sn = !}
f = f <= 1
mask = s*c*f*sn

#mask = setValues(ref,mask)
#writeRaster(mask, "D:/work/proj/llr_dev/collection1/tm/wrs2/032033/test.tif")

# create outfile paths
tempstack = file.path(tempdir,paste(outbase,"_tempstack.tif",sep=""))
tempvrt = sub("tempstack.tif", "tempstack.vrt", tempstack)
tempmask = sub("tempstack", "tempmask", tempstack)
Expand All @@ -48,32 +109,20 @@ tmunpackr = function(file, proj="default", overwrite=F){
tcafile = file.path(outdir,paste(outbase,"_tca.tif", sep=""))
outprojfile = file.path(outdir,paste(outbase,"_proj.txt", sep=""))

ref = raster(bands[1]) #set a reference raster for setting values and getting projection
# set a reference raster for setting values and getting projection
ref = raster(bands[1])
origproj = projection(ref)

#stack the image bands and write out
gdalbuildvrt(gdalfile=bands, output.vrt = tempvrt, separate=T) #, tr=c(reso,reso)
gdal_translate(src_dataset=tempvrt, dst_dataset=tempstack, of = "GTiff", co="INTERLEAVE=BAND")

#make a composite cloudmask
s = as.matrix(raster(shadow))
c = as.matrix(raster(cloud))
sn = as.matrix(raster(snow))
f = as.matrix(raster(fmask))

check = s[1,1] # if == T new else old
if( == T){s =} else {s = !}
check = c[1,1] # if == T new else old
if( == T){c =} else {c = !}
check = sn[1,1] # if == T new else old
if( == T){sn =} else {sn = !}
f = f <= 1
mask = s*c*f*sn
# write the mask out
mask = setValues(ref,mask)
mask = as(mask, "SpatialGridDataFrame") #convert the raster to SGHF so it can be written using GDAL (faster than writing it with the raster package)
writeGDAL(mask, tempmask, drivername = "GTiff", type = "Byte", mvFlag = 255, options="INTERLEAVE=BAND")
s=c=sn=f=mask=0 #clear the memory

mask=0 #clear the memory

#reproject the image #need to add in writing proj file for default
if(proj == "default"){proj = origproj}
Expand All @@ -89,13 +138,10 @@ tmunpackr = function(file, proj="default", overwrite=F){
r="mode", srcnodata=255, dstnodata=255, multi=T,
tr=c(30,30), co="INTERLEAVE=BAND")

#trim the na rows and cols
trim_na_rowcol(projstack, finalstack, projmask, finalmask)

#tasseled cap
ref = raster(finalstack, 1)
b1 = as.matrix(raster(finalstack, 1))
b2 = as.matrix(raster(finalstack, 2))
b3 = as.matrix(raster(finalstack, 3))
Expand All @@ -107,7 +153,6 @@ tmunpackr = function(file, proj="default", overwrite=F){
gcoef = c(-0.1603, -0.2819, -0.4934, 0.7940, -0.0002, -0.1446)
wcoef = c(0.0315, 0.2021, 0.3102, 0.1594,-0.6806, -0.6109)

bright = (b1*bcoef[1])+(b2*bcoef[2])+(b3*bcoef[3])+(b4*bcoef[4])+(b5*bcoef[5])+(b6*bcoef[6])
green = (b1*gcoef[1])+(b2*gcoef[2])+(b3*gcoef[3])+(b4*gcoef[4])+(b5*gcoef[5])+(b6*gcoef[6])
wet = (b1*wcoef[1])+(b2*wcoef[2])+(b3*wcoef[3])+(b4*wcoef[4])+(b5*wcoef[5])+(b6*wcoef[6])
Expand Down

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