- deco3801.wisebaldone.com/jenkins
- Instance of Jenkins.io for running tests and pushing product to the deployment servers.
- deco3801.wisebaldone.com/sonar
- Instance of sonarqube code quality analysis tool.
- deco3801.wisebaldone.com/api
- Instance of the api server beta.
- deco3801.wisebaldone.com/docs
- the docs beta folder published.
- deco3801.wisebaldone.com/app
- the beta react based webapp
- deco3801.wisebaldone.com/
- the beta product website ( Informative product website ). Also react based but purely frontend.
- DECO3801-RocketPotatoes.uqcloud.net/
- Production version of the product website.
- DECO3801-RocketPotatoes.uqcloud.net/app
- Production version of the web application.
- DECO3801-RocketPotatoes.uqcloud.net/api
- Production version of the web server.
- DECO3801-RocketPotatoes.uqcloud.net/docs
- Production version of the docs website.
- Master
- Gets pushed to production if tests pass ( should pass since they passed on develop )
- Develop
- Gets pushed to beta if tests pass