In this section, responder is assumed to have strength sufficient for a strong jump shift. However, a SJS is not always the best move. The 1♣-1♦ and 1♦-2♣ responses and Splinter come to help when SJS ill describes the hand.
Slams are games after all, so the seeking process is definitely major > notrump > minor. Always bid a SJS when a 4-card major is present although the SJS itself can be a minor.
SJS is a frequent slam bidding utility. SJS in Wbridge5 shows 17+ points and 4+ cards. There are few other requirements, even fewer than Soloway jump shifts. This practically confines 1-over-1 responses to 6~16 points, except that 1♦ catches strong hands unsuitable for SJS.
SJS is forcing and opener rebids below the major game. Most of the time, responder has 17~19 points, so opener shall be eager to describe distribution instead of strength. Opener is the captain unless a notrump is bid. Notrump shows strength as well as balancedness because there are 2NT and 3NT to choose from.
- 2NT
- Balanced minimum, 11~14 HCP.
- Own suit
- 6+ cards.
- Raise or new suit
- 4+ cards.
- 3NT
- Balanced maximum, 18~21 HCP.
- Jump to own suit
- Fit-showing, 6+ cards, 4+ support.
- Jump to new suit
- Splinter, 15+ points, 0~1 card, 4+ support.
Slam bidding becomes tricky when there is no side suit to jump. Moreover, 4-card support is not a fit. Therefore, there must be some continuations to show notrump to handle 3=3=3=4 at least. Notrump continuations exist anyway then, they take precedence over a pure 2♦ for 3-2=4=4 because notrump games are considered before minor games.
RKCB is unlisted because only unusual hands deserve that 4NT. RKCB in later rounds is better most of the time.
- Any SJS with a 4-card major
- Quantitative invitation
- SJS 2♦
- Splinter
- Catchall 1♦
It is too risky to delay Splinter after 1♦ because opener is likely to bid a major.
Because minor games are cheaper and at least 5-level, be weary of them and manage to find a major game. The 3♥ and 3♠ rebids are reserved for 5-card majors skipped in opening due to a longer minor, which is clubs here. Other rebids have the same meanings as rebids to major SJS, but a major rebid is considered first.
Opener still rebids below 4♦ because it wastes too much space to bid a Spliner from 4♥ on. The 3♦ rebid catches unbalanced diamond fits with no biddable major.
With 1718 HCP and 23♠ 23♥ 24♦ 4+♣, invite to 6NT quantitatively. Fake a
catchall 1♦ first because direct 4NT is reserved for RKCB. If the auction is
interfered, cuebid or redouble to show a generic slam try. The following show
reactions to opener's rebids in a constructive auction.
- Opener rebids 1♥ or 1♠
- Bid 4NT. Opener shall recognize this special auction as quantitative invitation.
- Opener rebids 1NT
- Ask strength with Roudy.
- Opener rebids 2♣ or 2♦
- Opener has distribution, better to seek a minor slam instead.
- Opener rebids 2♥ or above
- Seek a grand slam, e.g. bid 5NT to invite to both 7NT and 7♣.
Direct 5NT is quantitative invitation to 7NT. Bidding a grand slam requires about 2/3 probability, so stricter rules apply. Quantitatively invite to 7NT with 20~22 HCP and 3=3=3=4. Bid a SJS for any side suit. Bid 1♦ or 4NT for a club fit. This 5NT rebid is discouraged because it is too aggressive for a grand slam.
Opener signs off because responder has precisely described the hand.
There are fewer exceptions than 1♣. There is no need for a notrump strain because responder can raise with mere 4 diamonds. The 1♦-2♣; *-3♦ is a natural SJS in diamonds, the assumed meaning of a delayed raise after 2/1.
The only possible responses of a responder with 17+ points are as follows.
- 2♣
- 2/1, 12+ points, 4+ cards but may be short if 17+ points.
- 2♥, 2♠
- Strong jump shift, 17+ points, 4+ cards.
- 3♣
- Strong jump shift, 18+ points, 6+ clubs or 4+ clubs with 6+ diamonds.
- Bid 3♣ if clubs is longer than each major
- Choose among 2♠, 2♥, 2♣ as if they were 1♠, 1♥, 2♣ respectively.
- Bid 2♣ since only diamonds is biddable.