Defensive signals are deliberate playing of cards when being a defender.
The high-low carding is deliberate, while the low-high is usual. Therefore, the high-low signal always tells the truth becuase a low-high may be a tentative carding.
In the first 7 tricks, Wbridge5 always plays the count signal. A high-low carding shows an even number of cards in that suit. There is no signals since the 8th trick. To make an unambiguous signal, when making a high-low signal, Wbridge5 chooses the highest card below 8 as the high card. If a honor was played, this honor card does not count in the number of cards.
Lead the highest card in consecutive cards but follow the lowest. The only exception is AK doubleton, where the king should be played first. This is to differentiate AK from AKx.
The Vinje signals shows pattern with trump cardings. A high-low carding shows an even pattern, which is dealt with 3 even-numbered suits.
The opening lead against a suit contract is identical to the defensive carding.
The opening lead against a notrump is more complicated. If leading to a partner's suit, it is also the same as the defensive carding. However, different rules apply when leading from our own suit.
- Leading an honor shows 3+ honors in that suit, and the card played is the
highest in a series of consecutive honors.
- The 9 is deemed as a consecutive honor of 10. As a result, leading a 10 implies a higher honor and the 9.
- There is no more leading from AK doubleton, so the king-then-ace carding shall denote something else. The king is lead from AKQ or AKJ10 to signal the thrid defensive trick.
- A spot card is the 4th highest card of the suit.
- The 2 shows exactly 4 cards.
- If preferred suit has no more than 3 cards, lead the highest spot card, e.g. Q43 or 965.