1.3.16 Update versions and fix properties
3333 fix config (#3345)
* update names
* 1.3.12
* fix nested forms issue
* correct menu locator
* switch to 3.0.2
* update Keyboard
* fix data table cache
* add dropdown tests
* optimize imports
* fix table no cache issues
* fix table inRow
* add new features to WindowsManager
* switch to lightsaber 3.0.6 add direction validatiosn
* optimize i,ports
* ашч шьзщкеы ащк фтпгдк
* update aspectj to 1.9.6
* update aspectj to 1.9.6
* fix ambigous sert
* fix ambigous sert
* remove kill chrome
* fix issue with version #3333
* merge with master
* update retry to testng 6.14.3
* remove groups