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File metadata and controls

317 lines (252 loc) · 11.6 KB


External Xymon tests and support programs.


The items in this repisotiry are licensed under the MIT license.


This repo is patterned after the Xymon directory layout:

  • ext - Server side tests.
  • ext/client - Client side tests.
  • lib/perl5 - perl module used by some tests.


The Perl code in this repository was formatted with the Perl::Tidy module ( with the following configuration from the book Perl Best Practices by Damian Conway.

-l=78   # Max line width is 78 cols
-i=4    # Indent level is 4 cols
-ci=4   # Continuation indent is 4 cols
-st     # Output to STDOUT
-se     # Errors to STDERR
-vt=2   # Maximal vertical tightness
-cti=0  # No extra indentation for closing brackets
-pt=1   # Medium parenthesis tightness
-bt=1   # Medium brace tightness
-sbt=1  # Medium square bracket tightness
-bbt=1  # Medium block brace tightness
-nsfs   # No space before semicolons
-nolq   # Don't outdent long quoted strings
# Break before all operators
-wbb="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & >= < = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x="


Perl module containing common Xymon related code used by modules in this repository.


This is a sample test framework for creating other tests.


Monitors network socket usage that, in excess, causes the "Can't assign requested address" error that exists in OS X Mavericks 10.9.1-10.9.2. More information can be found here. This test appars to be no longer needed in OS X 10.10 and later.

Sun Feb 23 21:43:31 2014 - socket: OK

Results of "netstat -an -f inet"

     CLOSED:    0 green
 CLOSE_WAIT:    0 green
    CLOSING:    0 green
ESTABLISHED:   34 green
 FIN_WAIT_1:    2 green
 FIN_WAIT_2:    2 green
   LAST_ACK:    5 green
     LISTEN:   37 green
   SYN_RCVD:    0 green
   SYN_SENT:   15 green
  TIME_WAIT:    0 green


Monitors the running state and cache utilization by data type of the OS X Server caching server.

Example output:

                 Active: yes
             Cache Free: 67.91G
            Cache Limit: 78.5G
           Cache Status: OK
             Cache Used: 10.59G (13.5%)
      Cached Item Count: 77
                  Peers: none
                   Port: 51330 (dynamic)
    Registration Status: 1 (Registered)
         Startup Status: OK
Total Bytes From Origin: 8.78G
 Total Bytes From Peers: 0
  Total Bytes Requested: 8.78G
   Total Bytes Returned: 15.19G (42.2% efficiency)
                  state: RUNNING

           Mac Software:  9199M
           iOS Software:   622M
                  Books:     2M
                 Movies:     0M
                  Music:     0M
                  Other:   769M


Monitors an AFS file server through the use of rxdebug and 'bos status' commands.

Example output:

status .afs green Wed Mar 12 14:30:41 2014 - afs: OK

free packets: 289
calls waiting: 0 &green
threads idle: 11
server connections: 4
client connections: 14
peer structs: 8
call structs: 17
free calls: 17
packet allocation failures: 0
calls: 7464
allocs: 1223062
read data: 1160144
read ack: 35370
read dup: 277
read spurious: 0
read busy: 0
read abort: 2
read ackall: 0
read challenge: 143
read response: 102
sent data: 57356
sent resent: 208
sent ack: 583442
sent busy: 1
sent abort: 39
sent ackall: 0
sent challenge: 102
sent response: 143

Instance buserver, disabled, currently shutdown. &green
Instance ptserver, currently running normally. &green
Instance vlserver, currently running normally. &green
Instance fs, currently running normally. &green
    Auxiliary status is: file server running. &green


Monitors status of a raidframe RAID array. Tested under NetBSD.

Example ouptut:

status .raidframe green raidframe OK Wed Mar 12 15:08:53 2014

           /dev/wd0a: optimal &green
           /dev/wd1a: optimal &green
No spares.
Component label for /dev/wd0a:
   Row: 0, Column: 0, Num Rows: 1, Num Columns: 2
   Version: 2, Serial Number: 2013122701, Mod Counter: 151
   Clean: No, Status: 0
   sectPerSU: 128, SUsPerPU: 1, SUsPerRU: 1
   Queue size: 100, blocksize: 512, numBlocks: 1465148928
   RAID Level: 1
   Autoconfig: Yes
   Root partition: Yes
   Last configured as: raid1
Component label for /dev/wd1a:
   Row: 0, Column: 1, Num Rows: 1, Num Columns: 2
   Version: 2, Serial Number: 2013122701, Mod Counter: 151
   Clean: No, Status: 0
   sectPerSU: 128, SUsPerPU: 1, SUsPerRU: 1
   Queue size: 100, blocksize: 512, numBlocks: 1465148928
   RAID Level: 1
   Autoconfig: Yes
   Root partition: Yes
   Last configured as: raid1
Parity status: clean &green
Reconstruction is 100% complete. &green
Parity Re-write is 100% complete. &green
Copyback is 100% complete. &green


Report status of Time Machine backups. Warns if Time Machine volume is not mounted or if latest backups is more than 3 hours old.

Name          : Untitled
Kind          : Local
Mount Point   : /Volumes/TimeMachine
ID            : 7736DE6E-FA75-44A8-B03F-47334230C3
Oldest backup : 2015-12-11 20:53:30 (36d 1h:17m:8s ago)
Latest backup : 2016-01-16 21:29:02 (41m:36s ago)


A Daily/Weekly/Monthly report test for NetBSD designed to scan for interesting keywords in these reports and report a status accordingly. This is just a beginning framework. I'm not perfrectly happy with it, but i'm throwing it out for other to see and possibly stimulate discussion on how to make this test better. I'd also like to support Linux periodic reports in the future.


Monitors status of Dropbox service by scraping and parsing the values inside the 'status-line' and 'status-message' div tags.

Sun Feb 23 21:41:23 2014 - status: running normally.

Dropbox is running normally.


Monitors Google Apps services using JSON data retrieved from Each service is reported as a separate test. Example output from the Gmail test:

Sun Feb 23 20:35:11 2014 - Gmail: OK

Gmail: OK green

green Thu Feb  6 18:00:00 2014 [resolved]
      The problem with Gmail should be resolved. We apologize for the 
      inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support.

      Additional Info
      New messages should no longer be delayed. Messages stuck in the
      backlog will continue be delivered over the next few hours.

yellow Thu Feb  6 14:29:00 2014 [resolved]
      Gmail service has already been restored for some users, and we 
      expect a resolution for all users in the near future. Please note 
      this time frame is an estimate and may change.

yellow Thu Feb  6 14:07:00 2014 [resolved]
      Our team is continuing to investigate this issue. We will provide 
      an update by Thu Feb  6 16:00:00 2014 with more information about 
      this problem. Thank you for your patience.

      Additional Info
      Some users may be experiencing delays in sending and receiving emails.


Google_monitor has not been tested against a full service outage, so the event type is unknown to the author at this time. Unknown event types are flagged as yellow and diagnostic data will be presented on the test page. The author would be grateful for any reports of unknown type codes.


Monitors cloud services using data retrieved from Each service is reported as a separate test. Example output from the sync service test:

Sun Feb 23 21:31:22 2014 - sync: Up

sync: Up green

green Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:36PM CST
   The Sync downloads delay and notifications issue is resolved as of 
   8:36 p.m. PST. We apologize for any inconvenience.

red Thu Feb 20, 2014  6:53PM CST
   Sync downloads and realtime notifications within the web 
   interface are delayed for some users.

green Wed Feb 19, 2014  5:59PM CST
   The issue with Sync and notifications is resolved as of 3:59 p.m. 
   PST. We apologize for any inconvenience.

red Wed Feb 19, 2014  3:00PM CST
   Today starting at 1:00pm PST, Box Sync and realtime notifications 
   within the web interface are delayed.


The extended log is only available for tests that have experienced issues in the past five days. Please note that while the timestamp at the beginning of each event log entry is converted to the time zone of your choice, any time references in the body of the event are not since the formats of those are more free-form. I do plan to try and address this in a later release as well as automatically determine the local time zone so it doesn't have to be hard coded at the end of box2localtime().


Monitors Apple's numerous services using data retrieved from

Apple's status page currently includes 45 tests. Since they are no longer categorized, I recommend configuring a separate 'vpage' to display the tests as hosts (one per line) instead of columns.

The hosts.cfg file should contain the following:

vpage apple Apple Services                   # conn NAME:"Apple Services"

I recommend using real, resolvable host names for each category so the conn test works. This will keep Xymon from generating a ton of alerts in the event of transient network outages.

Example output from the iCloud host, Calendar service test:

Sun Feb 23 22:01:42 2014 - Calendar: OK

Calendar: OK green


In addition to the service tests, an additional 'Timeline' test is reported containing the detailed timeline data at the bottom of the status page. Detailed status data is also included on a per-test basis when appropriate.


This test queries WINS servers and checks for a supplied expected result.

Example output:

Lookup: windc1 => MISMATCH! expected=, received= windc1<00> &red
Lookup: windc3 => windc3<00> &green
Lookup: bogon => name_query failed to find name bogon &red


Uses the standard Nest API to query devices. Currently only tested with termostats. ** Requires API access to your nest account. **

Example output:

            Name: Living Room Thermostat (Nest)
        Presence: home
            Temp: 67
     Target Temp: 67
 Target Temp (H): 75
 Target Temp (L): 68
        Humidity: 35
       HVAC Mode: heat
           State: off
       Away Temp: 60/78
     Last Update: Sat Jan 16 21:52:46 2016
Software Version: 5.1.6rc4