Spaceport is a decentralized service registry for nodejs. There is no central server to maintain or register with. Processes communicate peer-to-peer over multicast (similar to zeroconf/mdns).
Spaceport works great when you have any processes that need to talk to one another but you don't want to predefine their locations or ports.
npm install spaceport
To create a new service and announce its presence.
// port can be specified programmically if assigned by the system
var service = spaceport.service('service name', { port: 1234 });
// the service will now announce it is available and capable of responding to requests
// create a browser to tell us when this service comes online
var browser = spaceport.browser('service name').start();
// service is available
browser.on('up', function(info) {
// hostname of the service box (obtained with os.hostname)
// port the service is listening on
// service is no longer up
browser.on('down', function() {
// to stop the service and announce it should not longer be available
see the wiki for additional details: